I recently tested marketing and video applications, and this list will be updated as a record of my tests. You are welcome to add.

The premise

All functional branches have been completed.


1. Startup entry: Desktop starts normally, recently started, all programs are started in the list, lock screen quick start.

2. Other entry: Open the application from other programs, and open the application as a file (if any) from outside.

3. Return: Return to the application under test when you return from other applications. The application under test opens other applications and then starts from the desktop icon

The above need to cross the combination of tests.

4. Abnormal startup: The system is started after a crash, after the process is forcibly killed when a file is written, after the process is forcibly killed when a network request is not received, or when the network times out (a timeout mechanism is required for startup).

Function introduction, guide chart, flow prompt, etc. :

1. When the new installation program is started for the first time, there will be some initialization or a pop-up message. When the external startup, such as third-party startup (generally not counted as the first startup), start the program again and check whether all the required actions are performed.


1. If certain permissions are prohibited by the security software or system, you need to pay attention to the following permissions: microphone, camera, location, and short message permissions –_luguo.

2. When doing compatibility tests, special attention should be paid to Rom with strict permission management. For example, meizu’s permission on camera is closed by default.

3. Check whether the application under test is affected when a third-party security software dialog box is displayed asking for permission to disable.

File error

1. Use an incorrect file type (but with the correct file name extension) to replace the file used by the application under test.

Adb push files uploaded from PC to device with Chinese names will generate an error file. The application under test needs to adapt to this error.

Screen rotation:

1. Determine which screens need to allow or disable landscape views.

2. Lock the screen in portrait or landscape mode and switch to several screens to check whether the screen works properly.

3. Whether landscape screen adaptation is performed when landscape screen adaptation is performed.


1. Check whether the traffic is as expected when the application is started for the first time.

2. When there are many pictures on the main screen, whether the picture file size has been balanced with the display effect.

3. When large network traffic needs to be used (loading large pictures, video playback buffer, downloading update package), the current network speed or progress can be displayed, which is more friendly to users.

Cache (/ sdcard/data/com. Your. Package/cache /) :

1. After uninstallation, the cache will be deleted to check whether there are files (download files, user data) that should not be deleted.

2. Cache is easy to be cleaned by 360 mobile Phone Guard, Leopard Cleaning Master, etc., so it is necessary to check whether the folder contains appropriate files.

Normal interruption:

1. Lock the screen on all screens, unlock the screen, and check whether the screen works properly.

2. Lock the screen for a time on all screens and check whether the screen works properly.

3. Press the home button on all interfaces and all processes to cut back the background and check whether it works properly.

4. Press back during all loading.

5. Press the home button during all loading.

6. Try pressing the back key several times while switching animations.

7. Normal click action, try to press twice quickly.

8. The rear camera and front camera cannot be started at the same time. The rear camera also includes turning on the flash (compatible with flashlight applications).

9. Check the timing of keyboard expansion and retraction, combined with home, back, lock screen test.

10. After booting from the third party, the home button will return to the desktop, and then open the application under test from the desktop to check whether the display is correct (it should be determined whether to display the third-party startup interface or the normal startup interface of the program, such as wechat and QQ).

Abnormal interrupt:

1. Restart after the power is powered off.

2. If the interface crashes unexpectedly, check whether the interface can be restarted and restored to the original state.

3. After the call ends, return to the application page.

4. In some special cases, the mobile network will be cut off after an incoming call.

User experience:

1. Using your app’s main features in the most critical and rude way possible.

2. Is there feedback for every action?

3. Every button has a pressed state.

4. When the interface has a back button, back performs the same operation.

5. When a picture needs to be pulled from the network or no picture is available, whether to replace the default picture.

6. Turn on the developer option, check display layout boundaries, and check whether the clickable range of each button is reasonable.

Multiple languages:

1. Language habits of other languages (such as traditional Chinese)

2. Pay attention to plural in English

3. In multiple languages, it is necessary to specially check the copy displayed in the form of pictures (if the function is guided, start the guide picture)

4. Consistency. (On the one hand, the consistency of the reference, on the other hand, if there is a series of applications with common functions of the copywriting should also be consistent)

5. If you download a file or create a shortcut or make a purchase in Simplified Chinese, switch languages and do the same again.

6. Check whether the break and line break are correct in English

7. Whether the UI interface works properly when the text length is inconsistent –by Chenhengjie123


1. Check whether there is a complete upgrade policy (mandatory upgrade, grayscale release).

2. Check whether you can cancel the upgrade package download.

3. Check whether the upgrade package can be uploaded.

4. Whether the upgrade process can be interrupted (cancel button, back button).

5. If the Android system installs non-official market applications for the first time, it needs to manually cancel the restrictions. Will this process affect the installation of APK package (the pre-installed applications are being tested)?

6. When there is no update or network, users need to be provided with correct information expression.

7. If the current version is ignored in the upgrade, whether the system prompts you to upgrade when a new version is available?

8. After receiving the upgrade prompt, the APK is downloaded but not installed. Replace the APK with the same name and check whether the upgrade is normal after receiving the upgrade prompt.

External application upgrade:

1. If the application is to download the installation package from the web page, add the version number or identifier to the file name to prevent the browser from caching and failing to install the latest version –_luguo.

2. Submit the upgrade package to the system and upgrade the system twice.


1. The length of the text in the list exceeds the limit

2. State change of the list item after clicking the list item (especially when there are multiple progress bars, you need to pay attention to the state)

3. Is it acceptable to slide up and down (frame rate)

Dual-card dual-standby mode:

1. When a mobile phone is dual-sim card and dual-standby mode, the following functions are affected: Functions that require obtaining mobile phone numbers, such as payment. Automatically reads short messages


1. Whether to display data in a good experience on the interface for recovering data caused by network problems.

2. Whether each operation that requires network request is timed out and its timeout duration is tested.

3. Check every action that requires a network request in case of network delay, server error, interface response.

Monkey test:

Do monkey runs. Don’t just run once. Don’t run until the end of the test.

2. Change different interfaces and different parameters to run the monkey.

3. Keep all logs, and a tool for filtering logs is even better.

Performance test:

1. Data such as CPU usage, memory, traffic, and time consumption must have standard and reference values (they can be the performance of similar operations of similar applications in the market, or tests of different versions of the same application). 2. Stress test of specific operation (generally main phone function), generally perform an action or combination in large quantities for a long time, especially if the action is implemented through JNI or using other third-party SDK. Write scripts or record scripts.

Virus detection: 1. Apk files are detected on the PC (http://virscan.org/). 2. Phone antivirus software testing (http://www.3533.com/news/14/201403/99325/ which is suitable for static scan Avast dex contrast characteristic value, easy to manslaughter).