Close the current workbook

Sub CloseWorkbook()
    End Sub
Copy the code

Save and close the workbook

    Sub ClostAndSaveWorkbook()
    ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=True
    End Sub
Copy the code

Create a new worksheet

Copy the code

Gets the name of the worksheet

Copy the code

Activate the second worksheet

Copy the code

Delete worksheet

Copy the code

Declare a variable

Dim s As String 
Copy the code

Open the file for output

  Open fullName For Output As #1 
Copy the code

Type Hello in the file above

Print # 1, "hello"Copy the code

Obtain elements

Cells(1, c1)
Copy the code

Pop-up prompts

MsgBox ("ok!" )Copy the code

Then in fact, vBA is mostly VB code, although there is a little bit different, but most are the same, such as for statement and if statement are the same, can be directly used.

We probably use it a lot when we’re dealing with data. Just practice and give it a try.

You are welcome to discuss procedural questions with me and answer any questions you may have. Follow the public number: poetic code, make a friend.