“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

This is the first time to participate in the Nuggets activities, hope to participate in more next year. If you like my article 📚, you can help me gather psychic power by clicking like ⭐️.

Hello everyone, I am Aehyok 🎋, a Buddhist coder living in the slums of Shenzhen, 🧚🏻♀️. In the recent month, I can say that I have seen others’ year-end summaries every day, so I decided to write one myself.

The introduction

  • 1. The goal set last year: it is relatively easy now and has been calmly completed, but there are still some difficulties for myself when I set the goal last year, indicating that I will grow up in 2021.

  • 2, I am 88 years old, in fact, my heart is trembling, will step into the devil age 35, but so what, continue to learn, learn to live.

  • 3. 2021 will soon be a thing of the past, so it’s more important to plan for 2022.

Job summary

  • 1. Led the front team to steadily promote the company’s business

  • 2. Upgraded and reconstructed THE PC side project from VUe2 to VUe3, and introduced qiankun micro-front-end framework to effectively promote the process of front-end modularization

  • 3. Encapsulate dynamic form forms and dynamic table lists, and achieve 95% page support in PC projects, and another 5% of complex pages for handwritten code

  • 4. Develop front-end project research and development specifications: from variable naming rules to Git submission specifications, etc

  • 5, the front-end code package scripting, a command line directly done, save trouble and effort semi-automation. (Corporate collaboration requires no need to build fully automated processes)

  • 5. Share technology and review work with team members

  • 6. Found problems in cooperation with testing, products and back-end in work, and actively explored better solutions

Personal summary

  • 1. It was not until the beginning of last year that I really got in touch with the Nuggets. The number of “like” points in my collection of articles in one year was equivalent to intensive reading, and many of them were “like” and marked in order to solve my problems at hand

  • 2. The second thing I’m very proud of is github submissions. Commit whenever you have time, even if it’s a comment or a tag

  • 3. Used spare time to get familiar with and learn VUE3, set up demo project, and carried out feasibility landing test (then landing in the company’s project)

  • 4. Use spare time to learn the micro front end and build demo (which will be implemented in the company’s project and used together with VUE3)

  • 5. Encapsulate dynamic forms, dynamic tables, and other common components in your spare time (and then implement them in your company’s projects)

  • 6, other scattered, not one list, the work includes PC, APP (H5), public number and small program, ECharts large screen and Leaflet map, but for cesium just understand it

2022 plan

  • 1. Build a small back-end API project: use NodeJS + KOa + mongodb

    • Warehouse address github.com/aehyok/node…
  • 2. React Family bucket learning: Vite + React + ANTD project construction and learning

    • Warehouse address github.com/aehyok/vue-…
  • 3, make a NetEase cloud music H5 play (API have, slowly optimize UI)

    • Reference address github.com/Binaryify/N…
    • Reference address neteasecloudmusicapi. Vercel. # / app /
  • 4, wechat small programs taro + vue3 + Nutui continue to update and optimize

    • Warehouse address github.com/aehyok/taro…
  • 5. Build Java back-end API small project: SSM + MySql

    • Warehouse address github.com/aehyok/java…
  • 6. Build your own scaffolding

    • Warehouse address github.com/aehyok/ak-v…
  • 7. Unit test Jest Utils method is feasible, and unit test of components is to be studied

  • 8. Build the visual editor of form

    • Warehouse address github.com/aehyok/vue-…
  • 9. Learn how browsers work and practice (Geek time)

  • 10. Learn Vue3 family bucket (geek time)

  • 11. Understanding of the meta-universe and blockchain (get)

  • 12. Thinking about some commonly used optimization projects

  • 13. Learn common design patterns and algorithms

  • 14, leetcode-cn.com buckle algorithm topic

  • Jekins automates deployment of Docker Nginx

  • 16. Read the source code repository (VUe3, VUE-Router, Vuex, Vueuse, etc.)

    • Github.com/vueuse/vueu…
    • Github.com/anncwb/vue-…
    • Github.com/cuixiaorui/…
  • 17, Lodash.js and Vueuse learning and using summary

    • www.lodashjs.com
  • 18. Explore unified invocation of business interfaces, carry out back-end configuration and front-end coordination, develop architecture quickly, and draw together low code

  • 19. Strive for an average output of one article per month in 2022, totaling about 12 articles

  • 20. You may consider changing your job

  • Keep moving and exercising

  • Reading and financial management is not listed, step by step slowly

2022 afterword.

  • I made a list of 22 items, and next year is 2022. I hope I can make progress on each of these 22 items, and I believe I can do it

  • Tencent cloud server is about to expire, ready to make a Ali cloud, who is cheap to make who

  • 3, The ladder is also due in January, remember to renew

  • 4. I changed the daily recording tool again, from Evernote to Wordfinch, to wolai.com now. I feel it is very easy to use, and I will open a member if there is any demand in the future

  • 5. I was thinking about a small project on Github to get 50 stars at the end of the year. Recently, I was hovering around 40, thinking that I could not get 50 stars, but I finally achieved it. Take away github.com/aehyok/vue-…

  • 6, The nuggets strive to reach level 2 by the end of 2022, the requirements are not high, also have to work hard.

  • There is no negative energy, thinking is how to do things in 2022