Brief introduction:In this “call” has used Ali cloud lightweight application server, development and other technical practice of students, quickly collate and share your experience and text. For high quality content, we will give a voucher of up to 800 yuan.

Essay calling is coming ~

In order to help new students better understand Aliyun lightweight application server, and easily and quickly start the journey of cloud development, Aliyun elastic computing team specially launched the “lightweight application server” essay calling activity.

In this “call” has used Ali cloud lightweight application server, development and other technical practice of students, quickly collate and share your experience and text. For high quality content, we will give a voucher of up to 800 yuan.

  • Voucher prizes support only lightweight application servers; Publicizing and distributing channels include but are not limited to this public account, Ali Cloud developer community, nail group, etc.

Pay special attention!

  1. The content should be original by the author. If the author is found to be unoriginal, plagiarizing or rewriting, he/she will be disqualified for the prize.
  2. Personal contact information (telephone/email/WeChat ID) must be attached at the end of the submission, so as to contact the evaluation results and award distribution in the later stage.
  3. The author enjoys the copyright and Aliyun has the right to use the contents of the essay calling activities.

Submitted entry:\_eyzNIWo

Copyright Notice:The content of this article is contributed by Aliyun real-name registered users, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Aliyun developer community does not own the copyright and does not bear the corresponding legal liability. For specific rules, please refer to User Service Agreement of Alibaba Cloud Developer Community and Guidance on Intellectual Property Protection of Alibaba Cloud Developer Community. If you find any suspected plagiarism in the community, fill in the infringement complaint form to report, once verified, the community will immediately delete the suspected infringing content.