API: Mail/send

The original link

An overview of

Mail /send is the mail API for SUBMAIL. The Mail/Send API not only provides powerful mail sending functions, but also integrates address book sending functions into the API. You can set some parameters to determine which mode the API will be sent in.

The Mail/Send API can use variables to dynamically control the content of each message. Learn how to use text variables and hyperlink variables.


< the > https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send
< for > https://api.submail.cn/mail/send

Supported formats

format URL
json https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send.json(the default)
xml https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send.xml

HTTP Request Mode

Request way Set the content-type
http post multipart/form-data,x-www-form-urlencoded,application/json

Whether authorization is required

Refer to theAPI authorization and authentication mechanisms

Request parameters

parameter type Required/optional The default describe
appid string necessary There is no The mail application ID created in the SUBMAIL application integration
to string optional There is no Recipient address (Separate multiple contacts with commas (,) : "Leo < Leo >, <retro>, service@submail.cn", the number of mailboxes submitted in a single request is limited to 100, SUBMAIL supports full RFC 822 recipient standard, please ensure that your email address is valid. See WikipediaEMAIL ADDRESS RFC822 document)
from e-mail necessary There is no Sender address, standard Sender address.leo@submail.cn
from_name string optional There is no Submail (50 characters or less)
reply e-mail optional There is no The return address(Standard reply email address: leo@submail.cn)
cc string optional There is no Cc address(Please use ", "to distinguish multiple cc addresses, and limit the number of cc contacts to 5.).
bcc string optional There is no Close to send the address(For more than one BCC address, please use ", "_ half Angle with __ _ or distinguish, please limit the number of BCC contacts to less than 5).
subject string necessary There is no Message title (200 characters or less)
text string optional There is no Plain text message body (5000 characters or less)
html string optional There is no HTML Message body (less than 60 KB)
vars json string optional There is no Using text variables to dynamically control text in a message, seeKnow how to create and use text variables
links json string optional There is no Using hyperlink variables to dynamically control hyperlinks in messages, seeKnow how to create and use hyperlink variables
attachments file optional There is no Attachment (the number of files is not more than 10, the total size of the file should be less than 5 MB, this parameter is not involved in encryption calculation)
atta json array optional There is no Attachment base64 format file attachments, eg: atta = [{” name “:” test. Zip “, “data” : “base64″}, {” name “:” 2 “, “data” : “base64 file”},… (Atta parameter can be used for attachment transmission in Base64 format, which is in Jason array format. Each group of data should contain name and data parameters. Name is the file name and data is the base64 data of the attachment. The number of files is not more than 10, and the total file size should be less than 5 MB. This parameter is not used in encryption calculation.)
headers json string optional There is no Headers is a standard JSON string. The headers parameter allows developers to insert a custom directive (up to 500 characters long) into the header of an EMAIL. Such as: {"X-Accept-Language": "zh-cn", "X-Priority":"3","X-Mailer": "My Application"}
asynchronous string optional false Asynchronous option, enable asynchronous sending mode when this value is set to true
tag string optional There is no Custom tag functionality that can be used for SUBHOOK tracing (up to 32 characters)
timestamp A UNIX timestamp optional There is no Refer to theAPI authorization and authentication mechanism > TimestampA UNIX timestamp
sign_type string optional normal API Authorization Mode (md5 or sha1 or normal

Refer to theAPI authorization and authentication mechanism> Authorization and authentication modes
sign_version string optional There is no Signature encryption calculation method (Text, HTML, Vars, links, attachments parameters do not participate in the encryption calculation when sign_version is transmitted 2)
signature string necessary There is no Apply key _ or _ digital signature

Submail Retain the X-submail-SMTP-API directive. Do not use this directive in the EMAIL headers directive. The user-defined EMAIL headers directive usually starts with the letter X-. Apply this specification to your directives vars, links and headers parameters that require strict JSON format, JSON strings must be enclosed in double quotation marks. JSON strings must be UTF8 encoded and cannot contain extra commas, for example: [1,2,] json strings must start and end with braces {}. PS: most languages have their own json parsers (ENCODING and DECODEING methods). $var[' key ']=value; $var[' key ']=value;Copy the code

Code sample

Send a test email

Copy the code

appid=your_app_id &amp; to=leo <leo> &amp; subject=testing_Subject &amp; text=testing_text_body &amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn &amp; signature=your_app_keyCopy the code

   "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

Send a test email to multiple recipients

Copy the code

appid=your_app_id &amp; to=leo <leo>,retro@submail.cn &amp; subject=testing_Subject &amp; text=testing_text_body &amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn &amp; signature=your_app_keyCopy the code

    "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

Send a test email using the address book

Copy the code

appid=your_app_id &amp; addressbook=subscribe &amp; subject=testing_Subject &amp; text=testing_text_body &amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn &amp; signature=your_app_keyCopy the code

    "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

Send a test email with an attachment

Copy the code

appid=your_app_id &amp; to=leo <leo>,retro@submail.cn &amp; subject=testing_Subject &amp; text=testing_text_body &amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn &amp; attachments[]=/path/to/file1.txt &amp; signature=your_app_keyCopy the code

    "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

useCURLSend a test email

Send the CURL
curl -d 'appid=your_app_id&amp; to=leo<leo> &amp; subject=testing Subject&amp; text=testing text body&amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn&amp; signature=your_app_key' https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send.jsonCopy the code

    "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

useCURLSend a test email to multiple recipients

Send the CURL
curl -d 'appid=your_app_id&amp; to=leo<leo> ,retro@submail.cn&amp; subject=testing Subject&amp; text=testing text body&amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn&amp; signature=your_app_key' https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send.jsonCopy the code

      "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

useCURLSend a test email using the addressbook recipients

Send the CURL
curl -d 'appid=your_app_id&amp; addressbook=subscribe&amp; subject=testing Subject&amp; text=testing text body&amp; from=no-reply@submail.cn&amp; signature=your_app_key' https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send.jsonCopy the code

      "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

useCURLSend a test email with an attachment

Send the CURL
curl https://api.mysubmail.com/mail/send.json \ -F appid=your_app_id \ -F to=leo\<leo> \ -F subject="testing subject" \ -F text="testing text body" \ --form-string html="<strong>testing html body</strong>" \ -F from=no-reply@submail.cn \ -F  from_name=SUBMAIL \ -F attachments[]=@/path/to/file1.txt \ -F attachments[]=@/path/to/file2.txt \ -F signature=your_app_key \Copy the code

      "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

The return value

The request is successful
      "return": [
         "send_id": "HstDN4",
         "to": "eg@eg.com"
Copy the code

The request failed
      "msg":"error message"
Copy the code

The error code

Refer to theAPI error code