1, performance,

Is the website fast?

Optimizing website performance means include:

1) Optimize the browser side, browser cache, page compression, reasonable page layout, and reduce COOKIE transfer

2) CDN, reverse proxy

3) cache

4) Asynchronous operation, message queue

5) cluster

6) Multi-threading, improve memory management

7) Database optimization


2. Usability

Whether the website is down. Any website will go down, depending on how long it takes. Minus downtime, this is the total time available on the site. Well-known large websites can achieve 99.99% of the total available time.

High availability is measured by whether a website is still available when one or more servers go down.

The main means of website high availability is redundancy: multiple servers, backup. And ensuring software quality.


3. Scalability

Large sites require multiple servers. Scalability is whether a new server can be added and whether the service will be affected once it is added.


4. Scalability

This refers to the extension of functionality. Whether the new business added to the website will affect the original function.

The main means of web site scalability architecture are event-driven architecture and distributed services.


5. Security