One, foreword
These days, lumbar spine problems, left leg walking is also very uncomfortable, really can not help but ask for half a day’s leave to rest, spare a little time to write a blog, strive to update by day oh!
These days to see [code farmer xiao Pangge] an article, introduced EasyExcel, JSR303 import data verification, I also followed to try to record the specific implementation process, first of all, we need to understand some basic knowledge, such as JSR303 is what? How should I check it? And so on to analyze, specific to see the following content!
Second, basic principles
1. What is JSR303?
JSR303 is a Validation standard called Bean Validation. Hibernate Validator is an implementation of Bean Validation. It is used for backend Validation.
** Assume: ** Xiaoming registers a user on a website and enters an email address, user name, and password. Xiaoming uses the debug to delete the front-end verification method, bypassing the front-end verification and using some illegal characters in the user name
If there is no validation on the back end, the save is successful
If the back-end authentication is added, the front-end will be bypassed in time, but the back-end will also perform verification to ensure the validity of the data
Before I touched Hibernate Validator, the back end used a lot of if-else validations, causing rules to change and all validations to be invalid
After using this backend validation, I need to change the validation rules on the entity, and the other interfaces that use the validation rules will also change
2. Basic concept of EasyExcel
EasyExcel is a solution for Alibaba to solve the problems existing in Excel parsing tools on the market at present. There is a serious problem that all the parsing tools on the market consume very much memory, so this tool was born.
For details, see:…
Here, we mainly use EasyExcel ReadListener interface, we can first understand, its main method:
public interface ReadListener<T> extends Listener {
/** * this method will be called if an exception is encountered@param var1
* @param var2
* @throws Exception
void onException(Exception var1, AnalysisContext var2) throws Exception;
/** * read the table header *@param var1
* @param var2
void invokeHead(Map<Integer, CellData> var1, AnalysisContext var2);
/** * Reads each line of information *@param var1
* @param var2
void invoke(T var1, AnalysisContext var2);
/** * Reads extra information for cells *@param var1
* @param var2
void extra(CellExtra var1, AnalysisContext var2);
/** * after reading all the sheets, the method * is called@param var1
void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext var1);
/** * configures whether to read the next line *@param var1
* @return* /
boolean hasNext(AnalysisContext var1);
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In this case, we mainly override the AnalysisEventListener abstract method, which implements the ReadListener interface, which is the one above
Here’s the idea:
1. Use Invoke to read all cell data and use List to store it
2. When all data is parsed, call doAfterAllAnalysed to validate the data and throw an exception
3. If all data verification passes, then we simulate storing the data in the database
Third, Coding
1. Import dependencies
Hibernate Validator
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2. Grouping verification
We need to define an entity and define an interface for grouping verification
package com.yangzinan.easyexceljsr303.entity;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
public class User {
@notnull (groups = Excel. Class,message = "username cannot be empty ")
@size (groups = Excel. Class, Max = 12,min = 6,message = "username length between 6 and 12 ")
private String username;
@notnull (groups = Excel. Class,message = "name cannot be empty ")
private String name;
@notnull (groups = Excel. Class,message = "Phone number cannot be empty ")
private String number;
/** * used for grouping verification */
public interface Excel{}}Copy the code
3. Verify processor
At the end of the above process, we need to put in a validation handler, mainly to verify that the parameters follow the rules in the entity
If an error is encountered, an exception will be thrown. We only need to handle the exception. However, we cannot use the annotation method for file upload because it receives a MultipartFile, so we need to verify the imported data
/** * Validates processor *@param <T>
public class ExcelValidator<T> {
private final Validator validator;
private final Integer beginIndex;
/** * set check *TODO:The idea is to convert the set check to the check of a single data *@param datas
* @return* /
public List<String> validator(Collection<T> datas){
Integer index = beginIndex + 1;
List<String> message = new ArrayList<>();
for(T data : datas){
String msg = this.doValidator(data,index);
// If there is an error message, put it in the array
return message;
/** * The actual verification processing method *@param data
* @param index
* @return* /
public String doValidator(T data,Integer index){
/** * user.excel. Class this is the interface of User, used for group verification using */
Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> validate = validator.validate(data, User.Excel.class);
// If there is an error message, an error message is returned
if(validate.size() > 0) {return "The first"+index+"Ok, trigger constraint:"","));
return ""; }}Copy the code
4. Parse Excel data
As we mentioned at the beginning, we are using the AnalysisEventListener abstract method here, and we need to override some of the methods inside
public class JdbcEventListener<T> extends AnalysisEventListener<T> {
// Maximum data threshold
private final static Integer MAX_VALUE = 1000;
/ / validator
private final ExcelValidator<T> excelValidator;
private final Consumer<Collection<T>> batchConsumer;
// Temporary data processing
private final List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
public JdbcEventListener(ExcelValidator<T> excelValidator, Consumer<Collection<T>> batchConsumer) {
this.excelValidator = excelValidator;
this.batchConsumer = batchConsumer;
/** * Exception handling *@param exception
* @param context
* @throws Exception
public void onException(Exception exception, AnalysisContext context) throws Exception {
throw exception;
/** * parse data *@param data
* @param analysisContext
public void invoke(T data, AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
if(list.size() >= MAX_VALUE){
throw new RuntimeException("The amount of data uploaded at a time cannot exceed :"+MAX_VALUE);
/** * after parsing the data, call this method to process *@param analysisContext
public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
if(! CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.list)){
List<String> validator = this.excelValidator.validator(this.list);
//1. If no error message is displayed, the database can be stored directly.
//2. If there is an error, return an error message
throw newRuntimeException(validator.toString()); }}}}Copy the code
5. Tool classes
This is the end of the above verification method. We need to encapsulate the method of reading the file stream in EasyExcel to obtain the relevant information of the file
public class ExcelReader {
private final Validator validator;
/** * Read excel data *@param meta
* @param <T>
public <T> void read(Meta<T> meta){
ExcelValidator<T> excelValidator = new ExcelValidator<>(validator,meta.headRowNumber);
JdbcEventListener<T> jdbcEventListener = new JdbcEventListener<>(excelValidator,meta.consumer);,meta.domain,jdbcEventListener)
/** * Anonymous inner class * parsing metadata needed for ß */
public static class Meta<T>{
private InputStream excelStream;
private Integer headRowNumber;
private Class<T> domain;
privateConsumer<Collection<T>> consumer; }}Copy the code
According to the official documentation, the JdbcEventListener we implemented cannot be managed by IOC, so we need to use a utility class and give it to IOC to manage
* ExcelReader注入IOC当中
public class ExcelReaderConfig {
public ExcelReader excelReader(Validator validator){
return newExcelReader(validator); }}Copy the code
6, write simulation storage database method
public class UserService<T>{
public <T> void saveBatch(T data){
System.out.println("Save data :"+data); }}Copy the code
7, interfaces,
/** * Upload file *@param file
* @return* /
public Map<String,String> upload(@RequestPart MultipartFile file) throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream = file.getInputStream();
ExcelReader.Meta<User> userMeta = new ExcelReader.Meta<>();
Map<String,String> info = new HashMap<>();
info.put("message"."Data uploaded successfully");
return info;
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Fourth, the Test
Our whole case has been built, so we need to test the relevant data to see whether the verification can be completed
We first test a set of data that conforms to the rule
username | name | number |
123456 | yangMic | 12345678900 |
456778 | 24 | 12345678900 |
456778 | Mic | 12345678900 |
"code": "200"."message": "Data uploaded successfully"
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Save data :[User(username=123456, name=yangMic, number=12345678900), User(username=456778, name=24, number=13150702172), User(username=456778, name=Mic, number=12345678900)]
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We test a set of data that doesn’t meet the criteria
username | name | number |
123 | yangMic | 12345678900 |
456 | 24 | 13150702172 |
234 | Mic | 12345678900 |
[the first2Line, triggering constraints: The length of the username is6- 12Between the first3Line, triggering constraints: The length of the username is6- 12Between the first4Line, triggering constraints: The length of the username is6- 12Between]Copy the code
That’s the end of our case, and I’ll try to write about Activiti in my next post
Come on, lumbar pain, I will continue to insist
Good night