String tool
The sample
s := zstr.String("1")
s.Val() / / for val
s.GetBool() / / get a bool
s.GetInt() / / get the int
var a float64
_ = s.Scan(&a) // Scan to a
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Quick function
var a float64
zstr.Scan("1", &a)
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Other methods
The GetXXX method doesn’t just support string; it can pass in any type
GetInt GetInt8 GetInt16 GetInt32 GetInt64
GetUint GetUint8 GetUint16 GetUint32 GetUint64
GetFloat32 GetFloat64
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Boolean support
1, t, t, true, true, y, y, yes, yes, yes, on, on, OK, OK, ok, ok FALSE, False, n, N, no, NO, No, off, OFF, OffCopy the code
Template rendering
The sample
Render("s@a e".map[string]string{"a": "va"})
Render("s{@a}e".map[string]string{"a": "va"})
Render("s@a @a e"."va0"."va1")
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The variable name
Template variables start with @, and variable names support upper and lower case letters. Digital; The underline. The decimal point. Template variables can be wrapped in curly braces' {} 'to precisely define the beginning and end of template variables. Note that there are no Spaces in curly braces. Example: @a@a_b@a.c {@a.... c} {@9} @0... ACopy the code
Template Rendering instructions
func Render(format string, values ...interface{}) string
// format indicates the text to be rendered
// values indicates the variable value
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Variable name matching
The variable name is subscript, and the subscript starts from 0. For example, A [0] represents the first occurrence of A, and a[5] represents the sixth occurrence of A. Equal to the variable name, for example: a; a_b; A.c; a.... c; 9. 0... A The asterisk * can match any variable name, but it must be used with A subscript that starts at 0. For example, *[0] indicates one variable, and *[5] indicates the sixth variable.Copy the code
Variable names match priorities
- Variable names with subscripts
- The variable name
- Asterisks with subscripts
Reference MakeMapOfValues
Any type of map is supported, for example, map[string]interface{}; The map (int) int, map [string] int, etc. Preach and support order value, such as Render (" to Render the text ", value of 0, 1, 2) value, it will be converted to the following description map [string] interface {} {" * [0] ": the value of 0," * [1], "value of 1," * [2] ", value 2}Copy the code
Apply colours to a drawing
Template rendering iterates to find all template variables and then replaces them with matching variable values. If the template variable is not assigned a value, it is not replaced, but if the template variable is wrapped in curly braces' {} ', it is replaced with an empty string.Copy the code
Dynamic SQL
If you have the pain of concatenating different SQL statements according to different conditions, use ZSTR dynamic SQL once and for all
The sample
zstr.SqlRender("select * from table where &a (&b |c)".map[string]interface{} {"a": 1."b": 2."c": 3,})Copy the code
Template syntax Description
Syntax format is as follows: (operator) (variable name) {(operator) (variable name)} {(operator) (variable name) (tag)} {(operator) (variable name) (marking) (option)} {(operator) (variable name) (option)} example: &a {&a} {&a like} {&a like d} {&a d}Copy the code
The operator
The & is converted to and to mark the value
| to the or variable name tag values
# to value
Built-in Attention optionCopy the code
@ is converted to a value, usually used to write a statement
The attention option has no direct option and does not enclose the string in quotesCopy the code
The variable name
Template variables start with an operator. Variable names are supported: underscore; Upper and lower case letters; Digital; The decimal point template variable can be wrapped in curly braces' {} 'to accurately define the beginning and end of the template variable. Curly braces are allowed within the space example: & a | a_b # A.c {& a... c} {@9} @0... ACopy the code
The default flag is =
!= <>
not_in notin
like_start likestart
like_end likeend
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- Attention, the syntax A, does not ignore zero values of that type
- Direct, syntax D, writes values directly to SQL statements
- Must, the syntax m, must pass
Template Rendering instructions
func SqlRender(sql_template string, values ...interface{}) string
// sql_template represents the SQL to render
// values indicates the variable value
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Variable name matching
The variable name is subscript, and the subscript starts from 0. For example, A [0] represents the first occurrence of A, and a[5] represents the sixth occurrence of A. Equal to the variable name, for example: a; a_b; A.c; a.... c; 9. 0... A The asterisk * can match any variable name, but it must be used with A subscript that starts at 0. For example, *[0] indicates one variable, and *[5] indicates the sixth variable.Copy the code
Variable names match priorities
- Variable names with subscripts
- The variable name
- Asterisks with subscripts
Reference MakeMapOfValues
Any type of map is supported, for example, map[string]interface{}; The map (int) int, map [string] int, etc. Preach and support order value, such as Render (" to Render the text ", value of 0, 1, 2) value, it will be converted to the following description map [string] interface {} {" * [0] ": the value of 0," * [1], "value of 1," * [2] ", value 2}Copy the code
Apply colours to a drawing
All Spaces of the text are indented before rendering the text, so the text to be rendered is generally a pure SQL statement. Instead of writing values in the text, use the concept of passing parameters, which is a standard posture for using SQL
Template rendering iterates through all of the template syntax and then replaces it with different values. In general, if the variable has no arguments or a zero value of that type, it is replaced with an empty string. If the value of the variable is nil, different flags are converted into different statements.Copy the code
Template rendering and dynamic SQL performance description
We've written a special function to replace the regular lookup rule. Benchmark tests show that the speed of the regular lookup variable is 230%. For specific performance, clone the code and run the following command go test-v-bench.Copy the code