Computer storage is divided into RAM and ROM(hard disk). The computer retrives data from memory because it is faster, while the data from memory is retrievable from external memory. Memory is divided into two areas, one is the stack, one is the heap.

The data types in JS are divided into two types according to the structure: 1. 2. Complex types. Simple data types reside directly on the stack.

The numerical

var a = 1
var b = a
var c = 1
a === b
a === c
b = 2
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Var a = 1 creates a space on the stack to store the value of type 1, which is the name used to call the value.

Var b = a creates another space on the stack b to store the value type 1.

Var c = 1 creates another space on the stack, c, to store numeric type 1.

A === b && a === c returns true because the stack is comparing the values of a, B, and c.

B is equal to 2 and changing the value of b doesn’t affect A.


var s = 'abc'
var str = s
str = 'def'
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Var s = ‘ABC’ creates a space on the stack to store the character type ‘ABC’. S is the name used to call this value.

Var STR = s creates another space on the stack to store the character type ‘ABC’.

STR = ‘def’ differs from a numeric type in that instead of changing the character values in space STR, a new space is created to store def. The STR variable name points to the new space. The browser will delete the original space because there is no corresponding variable name to call.


var obj = {
    name: 'yhq'.age: 18
var obj2 = obj
obj2.age = 20
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Var obj = {name: ‘yhq’, age: 18} obj = {name: ‘yhq’, age: 18}

Var obj2 = obj creates a new space on the stack obj2 stores the value address1.

Obj2. age = 20 Get the address of the object in the stack address1, use the address to find the object in the heap and change its age property. The access to obj. Age also becomes 20.

When an object is no longer referenced, it is collected as garbage

Arrays and functions

Arrays and functions are stored the same way as objects, and arrays and functions correspond to a complex object