Server security problem, has been the majority of webmaster very concerned but do not know how to solve completely. Or you’re completely unguarded and you’re taking chances

Unified centralized management tools

For most Internet companies, the number of servers is relatively large, and many stand-alone tools are not suitable. In this case, you can use a centralized management tool to effectively simplify the system management of multiple servers.

Minimum access control policy

Like network access control,

Patches and anti-viruses

It’s a trusted solution, but patches don’t work

Monitoring system

With the previous Settings, the security of the server has been relatively high, but it is not unbreakable. If it gets hacked, you need a plan to monitor it. For example, it can be used at the host level

Basic safety tool

If the server has been hacked or is suspected to have been hacked, log in to the server to check. Check processes, ports, boot options, hide files,

Information security warning

Only by obtaining the latest security information, such as the timely update of vulnerabilities and patches, and the latest popular attack technologies and methods, can the above security deployment be effective.