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If we were to write our own code to parse and extract elements from the URL, it would be painful and cumbersome. The endless repetition of the wheel by programmers, one of the laziest members of society, must be intolerable, so most browsers already have URL objects built into the standard library.
So now, with this, can we pass the URL string as an argument to the URL constructor and create an instance of it to parse the URL content? The answer is, “Yes!” .
To create a URL object using the URL constructor, we use new in the following code:
new URL(‘’);
In the code above, we create an instance of a URL object with an absolute address. But at the same time, we can also pass in a relative address as the first argument and create a URL object with the base URL of the relative address as the second argument. It may be a mouthful, but here’s an example:
new URL(‘/developer’, ‘’);
Looking at the code above, the second base URL argument must be a valid absolute address, not a relative address fragment, and must start with http:// or https://. We can also use it in the following code in a similar way to the chained definition:
const gcUrl = ‘’;
const gcDevUrl = new URL(“/developer”, gcUrl);
const gcUrl2 = new URL(gcUrl);
const gcSlnUrl = new URL(‘/solutions’, gcUrl2);
const Url = new URL(‘aboutus’, gcSlnUrl);
If toString() was used for each argument, the result would look like this:
The second argument is optional and should only be passed if the first argument is a relative address. The string or URL object we pass in is converted to a USVString object that corresponds to a set of possible sequences of Unicode scalar values. In our code, we can treat them as regular strings. If both arguments are relative addresses, or if both the underlying URL and the relative address are invalid, a TypeError exception is raised. We can pass the URL object directly to the second argument, because the URL object’s toString method will convert the URL object to the full URL string before operating in the constructor.
URL objects can have the following properties:
Hash, host, the hostname, href, origin, the username/password, the pathname, port, protocol, search and other properties, next, let’s look at them!
Hash properties
The hash property retrieves the portion of the URL after the # sign. Since the string is not percent-decoded, the special symbols shown below are still encoded. They are encoded using the following mapping. During encoding, characters on the left are converted to characters on the right:
'? '
The '#'
—% 23
'] '
—% 40
'! '
—% 21
—% 24
—% 27
—% 28
—% 29
', '
'; '
—% 25
' '
–% 20
For example, we have such a URL string,… , then we can directly fetch the Hash property value as follows:
Const exampleUrl = new URL (‘… ‘); console.log(exampleUrl.hash);
In the run result, we get ‘#price’ in the console.log statement. This property is a USVString, which is converted to a string when we get it as above. Since it is not a read-only property, we can also assign it directly as in the following code:
exampleUrl.hash = ‘#newHash’;
Such as:
Const exampleUrl = new URL (‘… ‘); exampleUrl.hash =’#newPrice’; Console. log (exampleurl.hash);
We can get the updated through the href attribute URL…
The Host properties
The host property of the URL object is a USVString containing the host name. If the port is included after:, we also get the port number for the host. For example, if we have:
const exampleUrl = new URL(‘’); console.log(;
We can get Like the other USVString properties, it is converted to a string when we retrieve it. Also, it is not a read-only property, so we can assign it as a hash property:
Const exampleUrl = new URL (‘ http:// function demo); = ‘’; console.log(exampleUrl);
So we can get the new URL as well.
The Hostname attribute
Using the hostname attribute, you can get the hostname outside the port from the URL:
Const exampleUrl = new URL (‘ http:// function demo); console.log(exampleUrl.hostname)
You can also modify the hostname property as you would any other property, for example:
ExampleUrl. The hostname = “”;
The Href attribute
The href attribute of the URL object contains the entire address string passed to the URL object, for example:
Const exampleUrl = new URL (‘… ‘); console.log(exampleUrl.href);
The output is what we pass to the URL constructor, and the href attribute, like all other attributes, is not read-only.
Origin attribute
Unlike the other attributes, Origin is a read-only attribute that will return you a Unicode serialized USVString with the URL source. The structure of Origin is determined by the type of URL that is passed in. For HTTP or HTTPS links, the resulting Origin will be the protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) + (://) + domain name + (: port). Generally, the default port will be ignored. For BLOB links, Origin returns BLOB: after BLOB. Such as:
const url1 = new URL(“”) const url2 = new URL(“”) console.log(url1.origin); console.log(url2.origin)
You will get
UserName & Password attributes
The UserName and Password attributes are also writable, which can extract the contents of the UserName and Password before the domain name, for example:
const url = new URL(‘’); console.log(url.username); console.log(url.password); Url. The username = “with username1 is”; Url. The password = “password1”; console.log(url.username); console.log(url.password);
The Pathname property
This property refers to anything other than the argument that follows the first slash (/) of the passed URL, for example:
Const url = new url (”…” ) console.log(url.pathname);
The Port attribute
The Port attribute, which refers to the Port value from which the incoming Url address can be obtained, is also writable.
Const url = new url (‘ function demo); console.log(url.port);
Protocol attribute
You can get the name of the protocol used to pass in the Url address parameter, generally referring to protocols such as HTTP:, HTTPS:, FTP:, file:, etc.
const url = new URL(‘’); console.log(url.protocol);
The Search attribute
Can you get an incoming Url address parameter? But this property can only get the entire query string. If you need to know the values of individual parameters, you can use the searchParams property.
const url = new URL(‘’); console.log(;
SearchParams properties
The search property only retrieves the entire parameter string. If you parse the string into key-value pairs, this is where the searchParams property comes in. This property returns an URLSearchParams object with the ability to list the key-value pairs of the query string. We can use it like this.
Const url = new url (‘… ‘); Console. log (url.searchparams.get (‘key1’)); Console. log (url.searchparams.get (‘key2’));
Get Value1 from the first console.log statement and value2 from the second console.log statement. The URLSearchParams object has a get method that retrieves the value of a given query string key by its key name.
A static method
The URL constructor has two static methods: createObjectURL() and revokeObjectURL().
The url.createObjecturl () static method creates a DOMString with a URL representing the object given in the argument. The lifecycle of this URL and the Document binding in the window that created it. This new URL object represents the specified File object or Blob object.
RevokeObjectURL () frees an object URL created with url.createObjecturl (). This method is called when you have already used the object URL and want the browser to know that the URL no longer points to the corresponding file.
Finally, I bring you a table that I hope can better help you navigate
With URL objects, manipulating and extracting parts from urls is no longer a pain because we don’t have to write all the code ourselves to do it. Most browsers have URL objects built into the standard library. We can now pass the URL as a string to the URL constructor and create an instance of the URL. We can then use handy value properties and methods to manipulate and get the part of the URL we want.
Finally, if you have any questions, please leave a message directly.