Stop @official! Cloud development teaches you to easily make personality head small program, fun pendant, personality icon… You can add whatever you want! After each festival, do not beg the official only oneself! Come and get it!

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the motherland (1949-2019)

In the upcoming National Day circle of friends and the rise of a wave of “@wechat official” wind!

Official “@”
Large national trevi fountain!

However, through the ages countless historical facts tell us that it is better to seek others than seek yourself!

This is not, cloud development to teach you to use code to easily pull out personality avatar! Fancy individual character pendant wants to add add do not beg! Let’s see the effect first!

The following is the elite code!{
      name:'image'.data: {avatar: e.detail.userInfo.avatarUrl, // Avatar is obtained from userInfo
        style: // style can range from 1 to 4}})Copy the code

After complete code configuration, you can add any favorite material for your avatar!

How’s that? Isn’t it very hardcore!

Seek others than seek yourself, life also need to work hard! Come on, everybody! (Xiaobian has made the head picture of the Santa hat in advance.

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About Cloud Development

CloudBase is a product solution of cloud integration. It adopts serverless architecture, eliminates operation and maintenance transactions such as environment construction, supports one cloud and multiple terminals, and helps to quickly build small programs, Web applications and mobile applications.

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