Read this article on the Internet, there is a title party suspect, although the author said a little extreme, but most of the time into learning those basic, invariable knowledge, this point of view I also agree, translate it for everyone to see.

As programmers, we need to keep up with the latest technology, learning new programming languages, frameworks, libraries every day, and the more we learn about the latest tools, the better.

It’s fun to keep up with the latest Angular, React, Vue, Riot, Ember, Knockout.

But we’re wasting time!

Time is our most precious resource. Time is finite, non-renewable, and you can’t buy more of it.

Technology, like fashion, changes at the speed of light, and we have to run fast to keep up. There are no winners in this race, because there is no end.

© The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) by Martin Scorsese

My tutor once “taught me a lesson” :

Tutor: “Edward, what are you doing?”

Me (proud) : I’m reading a book about building modern Java applications using GWT.

Tutor: “For what?”

Me: “As a Java Developer, I need to keep up with the latest trends, and GWT is one such thing.”

Instructor: “What other books did you read before GWT?”

Me: “A 500-page book on Apache Tapestry. TapeStry was the thing.”

Tutor: “Is Tapestry still popular now?”

Me: “GWT is even better now.”

Tutor: “Can you reuse Tapestry skills to solve your current problem?”

Me: “No, no one uses it now.”

Tutor: “Can Tapestry give you a better understanding of GWT?”

Me: “No, I can’t, but I see some recurring patterns.”

Mentor: “Those are design patterns. Do they help you solve your current problem?”

Me: “Yes.”

Mentor: “New technologies come and go, but there are a lot of ideas that are common. Set your priorities right, and spend 80% of your time learning the basics, and 20% on frameworks, libraries, and tools.”

Me: “HMM… Only 20 percent?”

Tutor: “Yes, you can learn those details in the field.”

Me: “Thank you.”

Tutor: “You’ll thank me later.”

This advice changed my life. I got rid of all the books on frames from my bookshelf, and my guilt dropped from 50 to zero, which was a huge relief.

(Note: this guy really reads too many frame books!)

I bought a series of “forever young” books that took up 80% of my study time:

The Way of Programmer Training

The Code Clean Way

Programmer Professionalism

Domain-driven Design

Test-driven Object-oriented Software Development

Continuous Delivery

(Note: there are not enough basic books listed here, for example the famous CSAPP is not included)

I also bought books on current hot technologies, and the Lindy effect suggests that the Spring Framework should be a good investment:

The future life expectancy of technology is proportional to its current age. Each additional period of survival means more remaining life. The longer the technology is in the market, the safer the investment.

Don’t rush to learn a new technique – it’s likely to die.

Time will tell which technology is worth the investment. Time is your best advisor. Learn to wait.

Ten years have passed since then. I helped with 50 different software projects.

Thanks to my mentor’s advice, everything I learned can be transferred between companies, teams and fields. My knowledge is still useful today, and I didn’t waste my time.

All projects look different, unless you can see below the surface:

The programming languages are different, but the design ideas are similar.

The frames are different, but the same design patterns shine through.

Developers are different, but the rules for dealing with people are the same.

Remember, frameworks, libraries and tools come and go. Time is precious.

© In Time (2011) by Andrew Niccol

Invest your prime time in basic, timeless, and portable skills that will always be valuable.

Microservices frameworks Evolutionary Architecture

New programming language Clean Code, Design Patterns, DDD

LeSS, SAFe Lean manufacturing principles

Hystrix Fault Tolerance Patterns

Docker Continuous Delivery

Angular Web, HTTP and REST

From: Coderising (微信 : coderising)

By Eduards Sizovs