Have to admire SpringBoot ecology is so strong, today I recommend you a few Gitee excellent background management system, friends no longer need to start from the beginning to the end of a project.


We open source a set of beautiful code and a set of clean code specifications, so that everyone in this impetuous code world feel a good code to write a clean flow! At the same time, developers save a lot of time, reduce overtime, happy work, love life. SmartAdmin lets you forget from the recognition, is absolutely what you want most!

Project address: gitee.com/lab1024/sma…


Another small shopping mall system, Spring Boot back end + Vue administrator front end + wechat small program user front end + Vue user mobile end.

Project address: gitee.com/linlinjava/…


TIMO background management system is a background management system developed based on SpringBoot2.0 + Spring Data Jpa + Thymeleaf + Shiro. It adopts a modular approach to facilitate development and maintenance and supports the deployment of front and back modules respectively. Currently, it supports the following functions: Authority management, department management, dictionary management, log recording, file upload, code generation, for rapid development of background system scaffolding!

Technology selection

  • Back-end technology: SpringBoot + Spring Data Jpa + Thymeleaf + Shiro + Jwt + EhCache
  • Front-end technology: Layui + Jquery + zTree + FONT-awesome

Project address: gitee.com/aun/Timo


A lightweight store based on Spring Boot, Spring OAuth2.0, Mybatis, Redis, front and back end separation, XSS attack prevention, with distributed lock, fully prepared for the production environment multi-instance, database for B2B2C design, with a complete SKU and order process completely open source mall.

The project is committed to creating a complete and easy to maintain open source e-commerce system for small and medium-sized enterprises, using the current popular technology to achieve. Background management system includes commodity management, order management, freight template, specification management, member management, operation management, content management, statistical reports, authority management, setting and other modules.

Project address: gitee.com/gz-yami/mal…


Based on Spring Boot+Vue background management system, authority management, dictionary, configuration, scheduled tasks, SMS, mail, according to excel template export, CMS content management, mobile terminal H5, IDEA code generation plug-in.

Project address: gitee.com/enilu/web-f…


A background management system based on SpringBoot, JPA, Shiro, single architecture, less dependence, easy to get started, back-end development benefits. Most importantly, it also comes with free applets and microservice versions that you can choose from.

The built-in function

  • Organization: Organization management, user management, role management, administrative region.
  • System monitoring: system logs and online users will be added and improved gradually in the later period.
  • Application management: task scheduling, email management, picture management, article management, punching task, data query, artificial intelligence, each module only needs you to modify a little can be made into a project.
  • System management: agile development, system menu, global configuration, online code editor, partners only need to design a good table structure, three seconds can be out of a add, delete, check and change module.

Project address: gitee.com/52itstyle/S…