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I. Introduction of plug-ins

Exploder is an Unity3D plugin that explodes any gameobject with a grid. Set tag to “Exploder” on your game object and watch it explode!

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How do plug-ins work

This plugin includes a powerful grid cutter that can find grids in your gameobjects.

It then recursively cuts the grid into smaller pieces, assigning rigid-body and velocity to each piece, and creates an explosion.

For best performance, shards are pre-allocated in a pool.

The cutting algorithm is very fast, and the calculation time is up to one frame, so it does not have a big impact on FPS and memory, but also can see very powerful explosion effect.

Three, fast start

It’s easy to use: 1. Add an Exploder prefab to your hierarchy

2. Set component parameters

Add a script that calls ExplodeObject

using UnityEngine;
using Exploder.Utils;

public class ExplodeTest : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject TagerObject;
    void Start(){ ExploderSingleton.Instance.ExplodeObject(TagerObject); }}Copy the code

Fourth, Demo introduction

DemoQuickStart Quickly starts Demo

Generate a ball, click the Button Explods Sphere, and the little ball explodes.


Click on any gameobject and the gameobject will explode

DemoShooter a first-person shooter scene

Its basic idea is: (1) add explosion presets to the scene. (2) Set up your weapon and camera), shoot with the mouse (3) run the light cast from the direction of the camera at the same time. (4) Get a clicked gameobject (such as a vase). (5) Move the Exploder prefab to the position of the gameobject you clicked on (for example, now the ExploderObiect is in the same position as the vase) (6) Set the explosion scope of the preform by calling ExplodeRadius() to explode the scope; If you want to shoot an object you can use ExplodeObject() (7)


Main Settings

The name of the instructions
Radius Blast radius, the blast radius that can be destroyed
Force Force is the amount of physical force added to the explosive fragments. More force means more speed.
Target Fragments The amount of debris that will be created by cutting through an explosive object. More fragmentation means more computation and
Use Force Vector This option is valid only when UseForceVector is true. The thruster represents the three-dimensional vector direction in which the explosive particle will move.
Ingnore Tag Ignore mark exploitable object. Setting this to true will allow objects to explode without having to tag them
Explode self Indicates whether to preserve the Exploder object after an explosion, if checked, the explosion will be destroyed
Hide self Mark after the explosion whether to hide the object of the explosion, cleavage check, the explosion will be hidden
Delete original object Delete original game object after explosion.
Uniform distrubution By enabling this Exploder, the same number of shards are created for each object, regardless of the object’s distance from the center. By default, objects near the center (the center of the explosion) will be shattered into more pieces than objects farther away. An even distribution will ensure that all objects will be shattered into the same number of pieces
Split mesh islands Select separate unconnected parts of the same grid. If this option is enabled, all explosive fragments are searched by connecting parts of the same grid and these parts are separated into new fragments
Disable triangulation By enabling this explosive, each object produces a certain amount of debris, regardless of its distance from the center. By default, closer to the explosion) breaks into more pieces than farther away.
Use 2D physics Enable 2D objects.
Use Cube Raius Using Cube radius
Multi-threading The Exploder supports multithreading, and you can choose up to three additional threads to compute. Threads are initialized at startup, but in hibernation are used only when needed
Cutting plane angle Angle of section

Fragments options set

The name of the instructions
Pool Size Object pool size, which represents the maximum number of all available shards, which should be higher than the target shard.
Explodable fragments The shard that can destroy the shard, if checked, can destroy the object, then all its shards. You can keep breaking pieces until they are small enough
Layer Name of the shard layer
Mesh colliders Turn on grid collider
MaxVelocity Maximum speed
MaxAngularVelocity Maximum angular velocity
Inherit parent physics By enabling this fragment, the same physical properties as its parent rigidbody are used. It will inherit mass, velocity, angular velocity, and use gravity. If there is no valid parent rigidbody, the default Settings are used instead.
Mass Mass of fragments
Use gravity Enable gravity
Angular velocity If Inherit parent Physics is enabled, the final angular velocity will be calculated as the sum of the parent physics and this value.
Random angular vector Random angular velocity
Freeze Position The location of the frozen debris.
Freeze Rotation The rotation of frozen debris.
Material Optional material fragment, if default material is not selected

Six, the summary

Remember to use one button three times oh