This is the 7th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Steps to use RequireJS

For more information on modularity, please refer to the front-end video feature “Why the Front-end needs Modularity”.

Step one, download RequireJS

The download process is omitted at……

The second step is to write the module


   // Output module A via return
	return {
		f1(){... },f2(){... }}})Copy the code
// Module B references module A

	// ma is the module A, which can be used directly
   return. ;// Output B modules as needed
Copy the code
// Module C references module B and jquery
define(["moduleB"."jquery"].function(mb, $){
	// Parameter MB corresponds to module B
	// The parameter $corresponds to the module jquery
   // The modules declared in the array are automatically injected into the parameters, written in no order
	return. ;// Output module C as required
Copy the code

Third, write the configuration file

	baseUrl : "http://localhost:8000/myproject/".paths : {
		"vali" : "scripts/jquery.validate"."jquery" : "Scripts/jquery - 2.0.3"."swiper" : "scripts/swiper"."moduleA" : "mymodules/inputauto"."jq.cookie" : "scripts/jquery.cookie".// JS that does not conform to AMD specification
		"bootstrap" : "scripts/bootstrap" // JS that does not conform to AMD specification
	shim : { // For modules that do not conform to AMD specifications, shiM configuration is required
		"jq.cookie" : {
			deps : ["jquery"] // Use deps to declare that this module depends on jquery
		"bootstrap" : {
			deps : ["jquery"]}}})Copy the code

Important Note:

AMD specification requirements

A standard module must be defined using the define function

As in the example above.

Code that does not conform to AMD specifications cannot be considered a standard module

One problem with this is that it can’t use a standard way to introduce other modules it needs, such as jquery, etc

Hence the SHIM configuration

It can effectively solve the dependency problem of non-standard modules

For example, jquery.cookie.js

	addCookie: function(){
		console.log("add cookie");
	getCookie: function() {
		console.log("get cookie");
	removeCookie : function(){
		console.log("remove cookie"); }})Copy the code

This file is not written in accordance with the AMD specification

This file actually relies on jquery

However, requireJS cannot manage its dependencies

If you do not use shim for configuration, you will get an error that $cannot be found

Step four, write the business files and use these modules


// Load the configuration file to make it take effect. Note That the configuration file path must be prepared based on the actual situation
	// Load all the modules you need with the same names as in the configuration file
	// The dependency modules declared in the array are automatically loaded and injected into the corresponding parameters
		//$corresponds to jquery module, Swiper corresponds to Swiper module, and MA corresponds to moduleA module
		// There is no output from the jquery.cookie module itself
 		// Is just an extension of jquery, so no arguments need to be written to receive

		// Write normal business code})})Copy the code

Fifth, the page introduces the JS file

At this point, it’s almost ready to use

But in actual combat, this is obviously not perfect

Because our CSS is not modularized yet

Step 6: Download the styling file css.js

This document is provided unofficially and requires baidu

Or talk about me in private. I can’t put that in the article

Step 7, modify the configuration file

	baseUrl : "http://localhost:8000/myproject/".paths : {
		"vali" : "scripts/jquery.validate"."jquery" : "Scripts/jquery - 2.0.3"."swiper" : "scripts/swiper"."moduleA" : "mymodules/inputauto"."jq.cookie" : "scripts/jquery.cookie"."bootstrap" : "scripts/bootstrap"."css" : "scripts/css" // Handle CSS style modules
	shim : {
		"jq.cookie" : {
			deps : ["jquery"]},"swiper" : {
			// CSS files can also be used as modules, declaring dependencies directly and loading automatically
			deps : ["css! styles/swiper.css"]},"bootstrap" : {
			deps : [
				"jquery".// CSS files can also be used as modules, declaring dependencies directly and loading automatically
				"css! styles/bootstrap.css"]}}})Copy the code

With css.js processing, a JS module can automatically depend on the corresponding style file

When loading the module, it will save more effort and worry

	// Except for the js file corresponding to swiper
	// Because the SHIm configuration was made earlier and CSS dependencies were declared
	//swiper.js and swiper. CSS will be loaded together as a whole
	// True modular way of thinking
Copy the code

Step 8, finish.