Hello everyone, I am XCbeyond, XCbeyond is me, you can also call me “super brother”!

Now that the year 2021 is half over, do you remember how those flags that were set out at the beginning of 2021 worked out?

Yes, at the beginning of 2021, I also set up four flags for myself, just like everyone else, as shown in the screenshot:

People, sometimes is not can not insist on a good thing, but because of the lack of a good reason. Just as the above four flags, if there is no original “commitment”, there may be no motivation to adhere to the next. If one day you want to do something that you think is right, but you are worried about sticking to it, you might as well make a Flag for yourself and use it as a reason to stick to it.

Today, with these four flags, I would like to review how the first half of 2021 is going, and whether we are implementing them one by one?

Complete a PDF book

He is a love will usually learn, think of things, through the continuous accumulation of articles down, convenient for later access. But over time, many pieces have been written, but they are less systematic and complete. Therefore, in the spirit of summarizing and sorting out the content of previous articles, think of sorting out at least one complete content in 2021 and filing it into A PDF for your convenience and others’.

In the first half of 2021, articles in the following categories are also reorganized based on previous articles:

  • MySQL performance optimization: The first half of the year is mainly to the previous content is revised, complete, the second half of the year will continue to update several articles, the final summary into the PDF form. A PDF edition is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
  • Kubernetes From Beginner to Master: Since the first half of the year was devoted to cloud native and Service Mesh, this content update basically stopped. In the second half of the year, we will continue to complete the follow-up chapter update, and will be able to output a PDF version of Kubernetes in 2022.
  • Service Mesh from Beginner to Master: This is a new technique for this year, but it is also based on existing work, and is a personal focus for in-depth research this year. At present, more than 60 pages of content have been output, and in the second half of the year, the output will continue to improve, which will be presented in a series of articles.

Keep writing and produce higher quality articles

I don’t remember how I started to write articles long ago. Maybe I started to write articles in college. Roughly speaking, it has been at least 10 years.

But I have to say, this is the year I really started to make writing a habit. In order to write, I have added a “more text” alarm to my phone alarm, reminding myself every day, don’t forget to more text oh.

Through their own continuous persistence, has formed such a habit, writing has become a habit. The Flag of 2021 is achieved, and a lot is gained from it. For example:

  • Get monthly list author, Excellent author, etc.
  • The day of the month is more challenging.
  • Xx platform contract author.
  • Many articles get high quality content and other kinds of honors.

(Of course, the event also harvest a lot of prizes, has been stored slowly a big cabinet!)

Insist on writing, output higher quality of the article, I will persevere, make persistent efforts, has been sticking to it.

Gradually develop an early morning and early night routine

Get up early and go to bed early, it is really difficult to break through ah, for the sake of writing, always forgotten, vuvuu……

The body is the capital of revolution, gradually develop an early morning and early to bed life, continue to refuel! (PS: It is also preparing for the second child)

However, compared with before, it is also changing gradually now. For writing schedule, I have made some adjustment at present:

  • Go to bed before 12 o ‘clock at night, do not finish the work, the next morning again. Before, often is one or two hours to sleep.
  • If you have unfinished projects or your energy level is high, get up at 5:30 a.m. and study for an hour or more, such as writing.

After the first half of the trial, found that such a good state. If you’ve always been a late sleeper, give it a try.

PS: because of the child’s sake, more time to see when he went to sleep, you have a child, must be deeply touched, haha. Every day is accompany him to fall asleep together, I get up again, open the computer, continue…

Make a breakthrough at work

As an architect, as the person in charge of the technology platform XX, a new direction and new field will be opened in 2021. The first half of the year is more of the pre-research and road discovery stage of technology, and everything goes smoothly. In the second half of the year, the formal start of construction began, one by one, landing, everything in the second half of the year.


Stay true to your original aspiration. Come on, young man!

The nuggets years | 2021 theme activities I grow half of the campaign is under way on the road…