Static properties and methods of type Number

1. Static attributes

MAX_VALUE: indicates the maximum value.

MIN_VALUE: indicates the minimum value.

NAN: non-numeric,

NEGATIVE_INFINITY: negative infinity, overflow returns this value,

POSITIVE_INFINITY: infinity, overflow returns this value,

Protoype: prototype used to add new properties and methods

2. ToString (): converts a numeric value to a string, which can be converted to base,

ToLocaleString (): converts to a string according to the local number format,

ToFixed (): saves a number to a specified number of digits after the decimal point and converts it to a string,

ToExponential (): Exponential representation of numbers, with the number specified after the decimal point and converted to a string,

ToExponential (): Represents numbers in exponential or point form, preserving the number of digits specified after the decimal point and converting it to a string