To you at the beginning of the year

Have you fulfilled all the wishes you made at the beginning of the year?

The following is the original article

Standing at the end of 2020, looking forward to the brand New Year of 2021, looking back on the past year, the following points are worth summarizing


In the second half of 2020, I changed my company. My former leader and colleagues were all good, but the profits were not enough.

When I applied for a salary increase, the leader also said that I could not apply for it temporarily. The leader above did not agree.

Seeing no hope, I took advantage of the company to make personnel optimization, and offered to leave, but also get a month’s compensation.

When I mentioned leaving, the leader also retained me,

But dreams and favors are not food these days. Of course, fortunately, the new job is basically seamless, and the salary is also a step up.


With the opening of Line 6 at the end of the year, the time of going to work will be fixed and controllable, and the time of getting up can be controlled at a fixed time. In the past, the time of getting up will be adjusted according to whether it rains or not, but now it is unnecessary. I insisted that my mother do dental implants. In the long run, ceramic teeth are definitely not as good as dental implants.


In addition to maintaining the former friendship, two friends who were very good friends in high school came to Chengdu. The party staff +2 would play ball games and have dinner with them from time to time. 10 years of friendship can still be maintained, such a friendship is like an old wine, the more mellow the older. It will lose its initial intensity, but also become tighter and more supple. Ps: It’s great to have friends who are engaged in medical care. In this era of increasing emphasis on physical health, it’s great to have professional, reliable and assured people to consult when you encounter problems related to illness.


Still single, longing for love, but not so eager, and strive to become better and better. Look forward as if tomorrow she will come, live as if she never will. Like a girl, for years, until the mouth was rejected, then step back, but it seems that still did not put down, so keep it, although there is no final results, life is not a TV drama after all.

New Year’s outlook

1. Adjust the learning state, complete the self-examination subjects, and successfully complete the self-examination certificate. 2. Prepare Well for English (II) and get a degree certificate. 3. Stick to the summary of technical articles. 4. Be prepared to jump ship and always be ready to learn. 5. You have to keep running. 6. Pay attention to your body and stay up late less. 7. Reading this little thing, you need to be persistent, insist, at the same time to do every read a book has a harvest.

The words in the back

There is nothing important but life and death. Dog life is important, do not make too much, young night, old are to return. Love yourself and your life.

public  final static Object getObject(String money,String house,String love){}Copy the code

The first half of the year is over, and the biggest change is love.

Met a girl who wanted to be entrusted with her life.

I’m not single anymore.

Review your wishes, some have been fulfilled, some have been missed, and some are on their way.

Self-examination subject is all finished, but did not test English, continue to prepare well, be sure to pass in the exam in October.

Technical articles do not adhere to, suddenly there is no motivation, sure enough to adhere to the few ah, if I have been adhere to, now should not be like this.

I’m going to change my job next month. I have to prepare for the interview.

Running has been one of the best things I’ve done so far, and will continue to do so, with significant results.

Weight has been 135 kind now, bodily form is better than before too much, the line of abdominal muscle came out.

Persistence really does work. If it doesn’t work, then you’re not sticking to it enough.

Not enough time, not enough exercise.

If you persist for a long time and still have no effect, then be sure to persist for a while.

You could be at the tipping point where quantity goes to mass,

Harvest a better version of yourself.

Fitness this matter, it is really to be calculated on a yearly basis.

You know, staying up late is getting better, too. At least rarely go to bed after 1.

Reading has been insist, read a lot of e-books.

But harvest dare not talk about, but it is really useful.

The investment has been well maintained,

At least we didn’t lose money.

Money is not much, first establish their own financial management mechanism.

Look at the major trends, technology (semiconductor), medical treatment, new energy must be the trend, slowly hold,

Avoid chasing the market.

To you at the end of the year

I wish you were still with your sister;

I hope you have worked hard and responsibly in a new company with satisfactory salary.

I hope you have passed the defense of your undergraduate thesis.

I hope you have passed English 2;

Maybe you’ve gone out by now, rented a flat by yourself and enjoyed living alone,

But please do not cold friends, often contact often party;

Hopefully, you have developed a strong technical understanding of distribution, microservices, and multithreading, rather than just sticking to the surface.

Hopefully your six-pack works out, or at least four of them don’t;

I hope your weight is under 65kg,

Make running and fitness an integral part of your life;

I hope you have been exporting text for half a year.

To the present you

Since you feel stressed and confused, you should work hard with firm goals,

Seek solutions, not retreat and drift;

Prevarication is not the solution to this state, change is,

Now that I’m aware of the gap with my friends, now that I’m aware that everyone else is making progress,

Then don’t fall behind yourself. Quantify your goals.

Don’t go to too much consideration of ideas, false empty no what use;

Quantifying your goals is the key, so you can spend your lost time on achieving them instead of getting lost.

You have to believe in the future, you have to believe in love.

Time, all squeezed out, always complaining about life,

What’s the point, complaining and things will change?

Life will be better?

It’s no use.

You don’t want to be one of those people who seems to be trying,

That would be sad.