Annotation @SpringBootApplication explains


@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Inherited @SpringBootConfiguration @enableAutoConfiguration // The annotation under spring-context is used to scan the specified class @ComponentScan(excludeFilters = {@filter (type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class), @Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = AutoConfigurationExcludeFilter.class) }) public @interface SpringBootApplication { }Copy the code

The official explanation is that the class provides the Spring Boot application @Configuration. Can be used as an alternative to the Spring standard @Configuration annotation so that configurations can be found automatically. Applications should contain only one @SpringBootConfiguration, which most conventional SpringBoot applications will inherit from @SpringBootApplication.


public @interface EnableAutoConfiguration {	
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The official explanation enables automatic configuration of the Spring Application Context, trying to guess and configure the beans needed. Auto-configuration classes are typically based on the classpath and the beans defined. The package of a class annotated with @enableAutoConfiguration (usually via @SpringBootApplication) has a specific meaning and is often used as the “default.” For example, it is used when scanning the @Entity class. It is generally recommended that you place @EnableAutoConfiguration in the root package so that all subpackages and classes can be searched. Auto-configuration classes are regular Spring configuration beans. They use the SpringFactoriesLoader mechanism to locate (type this class). In general, auto-configuration beans are @conditional beans (most often annotated with @conditionalonClass and @conditionalonmissingBean).


public @interface AutoConfigurationPackage {
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The official explanation Instructions include an annotated class package AutoConfigurationPackages registration should be used.


public class AutoConfigurationImportSelector
	implements DeferredImportSelector, BeanClassLoaderAware, ResourceLoaderAware,
	BeanFactoryAware, EnvironmentAware, Ordered
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Where interface DeferredImportSelector is an annotation definition in a spring-context. Public Interface DeferredImportSelector extends ImportSelector Where @import indicates one or more @Configuration classes to be imported. Said import processing in @ EnableAutoConfiguration class AutoConfigurationImportSelector is handled by @ EnableAutoConfiguration modified class.


Mainly used to identify the use of @SpringBootApplication