Today is the first day of work after the New Year, because of a few more minutes of sleep and missed the start of the red envelope, think about it inevitably some regret. I wanted to write a blog project in Angular years ago. At first, I planned to write it in Angular. Later, considering that Angular has been used in the company’s projects, I always wanted to separate work and study, so I decided to use another front-end framework I am familiar with, React. During the Chinese New Year holiday, I had a simple idea. Today, this article is used as a simple project specification of this project. Set a flag, in the future, important progress made in the project and step on the pit, will be recorded in the blog. This article will be updated on CSDN, Nuggets, and SegmentFault. The user name chimyking
Technology selection
- react@16.0.0 Front-end framework selection
- react-router@4.2.0 react Route mapping
- redux@3.7.0 Status Management
- webpack@3.11.0 Compile and package
- Sass front-end style
- antd@3.2.1 front-end UI
- The node (express @ 4) backend
- Nginx is a proxy server deployed on Tencent cloud
- Es6 / Babel uses new ES6 features
The function point
Home page
- Basic Personal Information
- Common Url navigation
- Resume Entry
- Technical Blog Entry
Personal resume
- The basic information
- Description of project
- Personal Achievements Presentation
Technology blog
- The content list
- Details of the content
- Content show
- Comment, post/reply
- give a like
- exceptional
- Text editor
Tomato clock function
- The tomato clock tells the time
- task
- priority
Chat room function