In order to better help and serve more people for Java knowledge related learning, Java Climbing network launched SSM blog courses, tutorials are our original tutorials. Provide after-sales service.


Using Spring4+Springmvc+Mybatis3 architecture,

Mysql database;

Manage projects with Maven3, Shiro as the project security framework, Lucene as full-text search, restful style support;

The front page uses the mainstream Bootstrap3 UI framework; Background management using mainstream EasyUI lightweight framework;

Database connection pool using Alibaba Druid;

The online editor uses Baidu UEditor, which supports single graph, multi-graph uploading, screenshot uploading and code highlighting.

The contents of the blog system are as follows:

Section 00 makes a detailed analysis of the design outline and requirements

Section 01 introduces the database and table design of SSM blog system in detail

Section 02 describes the initialization environment for the SSM blogging system, using the Development tool Eclipse

Section 03 covers the initialization project of the SSM blogging system and introduces static pages in detail

Section 04 describes the configuration of the SSM blog system in detail

Section 05 covers the configuration of the SSM blogging system, ApplicationContext.xml – header and data source

Section 06 covers the configuration of the SSM blogging system, ApplicationContext.xmL-DAO, and transaction sources

The configuration of the SSM blogging system applicationContext.xml-shiro is described in detail in 07

The configuration of the SSM blogging system, ApplicationContext.xml – transactions, is described in detail in # 08

Chapter 09 introduces the configuration of SSM blog system spring- MVC. XML in detail

The 10th of the SSM blog system troubleshooting and start add configuration file after the project is introduced in detail

Log4j log information is added to the SSM blog system in detail

The 12th to write SSM blog system using MD5 encryption to generate password tool class for detailed introduction

The 13th SSM blog system of the blogger background login – JSP page marching detailed introduction

The 14th chapter introduces the blogger background log-in Controller and Bean of SSM blog system in detail

The 15th chapter introduces the Shrio permission verification of SSM blog system

The 16th chapter introduces the blog category management -Bean of SSM blog system in detail

The 17th blog category management -Dao of SSM blog system is introduced in detail

The 18th blog category management -Mapper of SSM blog system is introduced in detail

The 19th section introduces the blog category management -Service of SSM blog system in detail

The 20th of SSM blog system on the SSM blog system page-turning function of the PageBean in detail

The 21st blog type of SSM blog system – query -Controller is introduced in detail

The 22nd blog type of SSM blog system – query -JSP is introduced in detail

The SSM blog system of the 23rd blog type – add a detailed introduction

The 24th introduces the blog type – delete of SSM blog system in detail

The 25th blog type of SSM blog system – modification is introduced in detail

The 26th section introduces the blog management -Bean of SSM blog system in detail

The 27th introduces the blog management -Dao of SSM blog system in detail

The 28th introduces the SSM blog management -Mapper in detail

The 29th introduces the blog management -Service of SSM blog system in detail

The 30th SSM blog system blog management – write blog -JSP for detailed introduction

The 31st part introduces the blog management-writing-controller of SSM blog system in detail

The 32nd blog management – blog list -Controller of SSM blog system is introduced in detail

The SSM blog system blog management – blog list -JSP detailed introduction

The SSM blog system puts blog categories into ServletContext

The 35th blog management – modification of SSM blog system is introduced in detail

The 36th SSM blog system blog management – delete -JSP for detailed introduction

The 37 th blog management – delete -Controller of SSM blog system is introduced in detail

Section 38 on the SSM blog system refresh system cache – refresh blog type cache for detailed introduction

The SSM blog system blog category delete add blog used check in detail

Number 40 is a detailed introduction to SSM blog system’s comment management -Bean

The 41 of SSM blog system comment management -Dao for detailed introduction

The SSM blog system comment management -Mapper detailed introduction

The article 43 introduces the comment management -Service of SSM blog system in detail

The 44th comment management – query -JSP of SSM blog system is introduced in detail

The SSM blog system comment management – query -Controller is introduced in detail

The SSM blog system comment management – delete is introduced in detail

The article 47 introduces the comment audit of SSM blog system in detail

The article 48 introduces the comment corresponding to the blog deletion of SSM blog system in detail

The 49 th SSM blog system to modify personal information -JSP detailed introduction

The 50th of the SSM blog system modified personal information -Controller detailed introduction

The 51 th SSM blog system modified personal information – background access data detailed introduction

No. 52 of the SSM blog system to modify personal information – to solve the UE rich text display problems are introduced in detail

The article 53 introduces the friendship link -Bean-Dao-Service of SSM blog system in detail

The 54 of SSM blog system’s friendship link – controller-JSP for detailed introduction

The SSM 55 blog system to modify the password -JSP detailed introduction

The article 56 introduces the SSM blog system’s password -Controller in detail

The SSM blog system is described in detail in section 57

The article 58 introduces the menu of the SSM blog system in detail

The first page of SSM blog system – build a framework for a detailed introduction

Article 60 introduces the latest blog list on the front page of SSM blog system

The first page of the SSM blog system – accessing the blog from ServletContext is introduced in detail

The SSM blog system homepage – blog list – added click by category and date query function for detailed introduction

The page turning function of SSM blog system’s homepage – blog list – is introduced in detail in no.63

The SSM blog system’s home page – blog details -Controller is introduced in detail

The 65th SSM blog system home page – blog details -JSP for detailed introduction

The SSM blog system’s home page – blog details – the next article in detail

The SSM blog system’s home page – Blog Details – displays comments in detail

The SSM blog system’s home page – blog details – comments -JSP for detailed introduction

The first page of SSM blog system – blog details – comments -Controller is introduced in detail

The SSM blog system has a detailed introduction to all titles with links in number 70

The SSM blog system using Lucene search – add, delete, change for a detailed introduction

# 72 provides a detailed introduction to the SSM blog system using Lucene Search – Search

No. 73 of the SSM blog system to add, delete and change the blog information into Lucene for a detailed introduction

The SSM blog system 74 in Lucene according to the keyword query blog for detailed introduction

The SSM blog system 75 query results to add the keyword field for detailed introduction

The SSM blog system 76 remove lucene query results with HTML tags for detailed introduction

Page 77 of SSM blog system to increase the search results of the page turning function is introduced in detail

The 78 of SSM blog system related to the blogger (finale) for a detailed introduction

The screenshot of the system is as follows:


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