
1. Open Git bash

This bash is not an English word, but an abbreviation of the GNU Bourne-Again Shell, a Shell that provides an interface for human-computer interaction. After you install GitHub and type git in the Start menu bar, you’ll naturally see Git bash.

Git config --global http.sslVerify falseCopy the code

In (/c/Users/.ssh/id_rsa), follow the directory to find the file and add the SSH key in it.

2. Configure the SSH key

Go to User Settings on the GitLab page and you can see the SSH Keys

Add SSH Key from pub file:

Clone the project using Git command

git clone git@**********************/featurehub.git
Copy the code
  • If the command results are successful, you can edit the project file locally
  • If no, rectify the fault

Note: You can create a new folder to store your project documents, right-click it and open Git bash. By default, your clone files will be placed in that folder.

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