SQLite basics

Data types commonly used by SQLite

field role
char(n) fixednA string of length
varchar(n) String of variable length,nRepresents the maximum length
nchar(n) Unlike char, it can be used to store Chinese characters
nvarchar(n) Unlike VARCHAR, it can be used to store Chinese
text Store the text
blob Storing binary files
int plastic
integer plastic
bigint plastic
float Single precision type
double Double precision floating point

Here int, integer, the concrete difference between bigint, also didn’t understand. If any of you are aware of this, please direct us in the comments section πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Create and drop tables

The syntax for creating a table is

create table database_name.table_name(
   column1 datatype  primary key(one or more columns),
   column2 datatype,
   column3 datatype,
   columnN datatype,
Copy the code

The syntax for deleting a table is

drop table database_name.table_name;
Copy the code

Insert data

The syntax for inserting a table is:

insert into table_name [(column1, column2, column3,...columnN)]  
values(value1, value2, value3,... valueN); Or // Note: This ensures that the order of the values is the same as that in the tableinsert into table_name values(value1,value2,value3,... valueN);Copy the code

Delete the data

The syntax for deleting data is:

delete fromTable_name [condition];Copy the code

If there is no condition for deleting data, all data is deleted by default. If a condition is specified, the data that meets the condition is deleted

Update the data


update table_name
setcolumn1 = value1, column2 = value2.... , columnN = valueN [condition];Copy the code

Query data


// Query the value of the specified field (column)SELECT column1, column2, columnN FROMtable_name; Or // query the values of all fieldsSELECT * FROM table_name;
Copy the code

SQLite logical operator

The operator describe
AND The AND operator allows the existence of multiple conditions in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement
BETWEEN The BETWEEN operator is used to search for values in a range of values within a given minimum and maximum range
EXISTS The EXISTS operator is used to search for the existence of a row in a specified table that satisfies certain conditions
IN The IN operator is used to compare a value to a specified list of values
NOT IN The opposite of the IN operator, used to compare a value to values that are not IN a specified list
LIKE The LIKE operator is used to compare a value with a similar value using the wildcard operator
GLOB The GLOB operator is used to compare a value with a similar value using the wildcard operator. GLOB differs from LIKE in that it is case sensitive
NOT The NOT operator is the opposite of the logical operator used. NOT EXISTS, NOT BETWEEN, NOT IN, etc. It is the negation operator
OR The OR operator is used to combine multiple conditions in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement
IS NULL The NULL operator compares a value to a NULL value
IS The IS operator IS similar to =
IS NOT IS NOTThe operator and! = similar
|| Concatenate two different strings to get a new string
UNIQUE The UNIQUE operator searches each row in the specified table to ensure uniqueness (no duplicates)


Select * from employee where salary >= 65000; Select * from salary where salary >= 65000; To filter the data


And is equivalent to logic and operation. The result is true only if all conditions are true. Or is equivalent to logic or operations in which the result is true if one of the conditions is true.


The LIKE operator is the text value used to match the wildcard specified pattern. If the search expression matches the pattern expression, the LIKE operator returns true, which is 1. There are two wildcards used with the LIKE operator:

  • Percent sign (%)
  • Underscore (_)

A percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or more digits or characters. The underscore (_) represents a single number or character. These symbols can be used in combination.

Here are some examples of how a LIKE clause with the β€˜%’ and β€˜_’ operators differs:

statements describe
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜200%’ Find any value starting with 200
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜%200%’ Find any value that contains 200 at any location
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜_00%’ Find any value where the second and third bits are 00
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜2_%_%’ Finds any value that starts with 2 and is at least 3 characters long
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜%2’ Find any value ending in 2
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜_2%3’ Find any value whose second digit is 2 and ends in 3
WHERE SALARY LIKE β€˜2___3’ Find any value that is 5 digits long and starts with 2 and ends with 3


The GLOB operator is the text value used to match the wildcard specified pattern. If the search expression matches the pattern expression, the GLOB operator returns true, which is 1. Unlike the LIKE operator, GLOB is case sensitive and follows UNIX syntax for the following wildcards.

  • Asterisk (*)
  • Question mark

The asterisk (*) represents zero, one, or more digits or characters. Question mark Represents a single number or character. These symbols can be used in combination.

statements describe
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜200*’ Find any value starting with 200
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜200β€˜ Find any value that contains 200 at any location
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜? 00 * β€˜ Find any value where the second and third bits are 00
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜2?? β€˜ Finds any value that starts with 2 and is at least 3 characters long
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜*2’ Find any value ending in 2
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜? 2 * 3 β€˜ Find any value whose second digit is 2 and ends in 3
WHERE SALARY GLOB β€˜2??? 3 β€˜ Find any value that is 5 digits long and starts with 2 and ends with 3


Clause is used to limit the amount of data returned by the SELECT statement


Clauses are used to sort data in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns.

The basic syntax of the ORDER BY clause is as follows:

SELECT column-list 
FROM table_name 
[WHERE condition] 
[ORDER BY column1, column2, .. columnN] [ASC | DESC]; //ASC ascending sort,DESC descending sortCopy the code


Clauses are used with SELECT statements to group the same data. In SELECT statements, the GROUP BY clause is placed after the WHERE clause and before the ORDER BY clause


The clause allows you to specify conditions to filter grouped results that will appear in the final result. The WHERE clause sets conditions on selected columns, while the HAVING clause sets conditions on groups created BY the GROUP BY clause.


The keyword is used with the SELECT statement to eliminate all duplicate records and get only one record. It is possible to have a situation where there are multiple duplicate records in a table. The DISTINCT keyword is particularly meaningful when extracting such records, as it only retrieves a single record, not a duplicate record.

select distinct name from company;
Copy the code

Creating a database

To operate on the database, use SQLiteOpenHelper. Since SQLiteOpenHelper is an abstract class, use the onCreate(), onUpgrade() methods to implement it

public class MyDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    / / create a table
    public static final String CreateTable_my="create Table user(" +
            "id primary key, name text, sex text , age integer, password text)";

    Context myContext;
    / * * * *@param context
     * @paramName Name of the database *@paramFactory is used to return a custom Cursor, usually null *@paramVersion Indicates the version number of the current database, which can be used to upgrade the database */
    public Mydatabase(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) {
          sqLiteDatabase.execSQL(CreateTable_my);/ / create a table
          Toast.makeText(myContext, "Table created successfully", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase, int i, int i1) {}}Copy the code

Create an object for MyDatabase

Private Mydatabase Base =new Mydatabase(DatabaseActivity. This,"first.db",null,1);
Copy the code

/data/data/ /databases/

base.getWritableDatabase(); / / or base. GetReadableDatabase ()Copy the code

The differences between the two methods are as follows: getWritableDatabase() returns an object that can read and write to the database and raises an exception. GetReadableDatabase () returns a database opened in read-only mode and does not raise an exception

Add a table

public class Mydatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
/ / the user table
public static final String CreateTable_user="create Table user(" +
            "id primary key, name text, sex text , age integer, password text)";

// Create another table, class table
public static final String CreateTable_me="create Table clazz(" +
            "id primary key, className text, teacher text)";

    Context myContext;

    / * * * *@param context
     * @paramName Name of the database *@paramFactory is used to return a custom Cursor, usually null *@paramVersion Indicates the version number of the current database, which can be used to upgrade the database */
    public Mydatabase(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) {
          Toast.makeText(myContext, "Database created successfully", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    // When the value in version changes, this method is called, which deletes the original table and calls onCreate() to generate two tables
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase, int i, int i1) {
           sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("drop table if exists user");
           sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("drop table if exists clazz");
           Toast.makeText(myContext, "Success", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }}Copy the code

The operating table

  • Add data
// Get SQLiteOpenHelper from getWritableDatabase() to manipulate the database
SQLiteDatabase database= base.getWritableDatabase();
                ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
                values.put("name"."Xiao Ming");
                Name of the table 2. Used to automatically assign NULL to some nullable columns without specifying to add data
                / / 3. ContentValues object
Copy the code
  • Update the data
SQLiteDatabase database= base.getWritableDatabase();
                ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
                values.put("name"."Little army");  
                // The last two parameters are the constraints of the operation
                database.update("user",values,"age=?".new String[]{"18"});
Copy the code
  • Delete the data
SQLiteDatabase database= base.getWritableDatabase();
// The last two parameters are operation constraints that restrict which rows to delete, or all rows if not specified
Copy the code
  • Query data
                SQLiteDatabase database=base.getWritableDatabase();
                Cursor cursor= database.query("user".null.null.null.null.null.null);
                if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
                    }while (cursor.moveToNext());
Copy the code

The query parameters are as follows:

  • Use SQL to operate directly on the database
SQLiteDatabase database=base.getWritableDatabase();
database.rawQuery();// This method is called only when data is queried
Copy the code

Modelled on theLitePalTo achieve a simple database frameworkSimpleDatabase

SimpleDatabaseThe use of

  1. In the firstassetCreate in filemy_database.xml

My_database. XML is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ? >
<database name="test.db" version="1">
    <! The class attribute is the full path of the data table Bean.
    <table class="com.example.mylibrary.Employee"/>
Copy the code

The source code for Employee is shown below

public class Employee {
   private int id;

   private String name;

   private char sex;

    public int getId(a) {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName(a) {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public char getSex(a) {
        return sex;

    public void setSex(char sex) {
        this.sex = sex;

    public String toString(a) {
        // Use id as a unique identifier for an employee
        returnInteger.toString(id); }}Copy the code

Note: SimpleDatabase uses toString to distinguish whether two objects are the same object, using id as the identifier for Employee, for example.

  1. inAndroidManifest.xmladdandroid:name="com.example.databaselibrary.MyApplication"
Copy the code
  1. useSimpleDatabase
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        SimpleDatabase.newInstance().create();/ / initialization
         Employee employee =new Employee();

                Employee employee1 =new Employee();

                Employee employee2 =new Employee();

                List<Employee> l=SimpleDatabase.select(Employee.class,null.null.null.null.null.null);
                for (int i = 0; i <l.size() ; i++) {
                    Employee e=l.get(i);
                    Log.d("= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =",e.getName());
                    Log.d("= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =",e.getSex()+"");
                    Log.d("= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =",e.getId()+""); }}}Copy the code

Realize the principle of

First read the configuration information to get the database and table information

/** * parse the XML file */
public class XMLParser {

   private final static String RESOURCES="my_database.xml";// Configure the XML name for the database information

   private final static String TABLE="table";// XML attribute constants

    final static String VERSION="version";// XML attribute constants

    final static String DATABASE="database";// XML attribute constants

    private final static String NAME="name";// XML attribute constants

    private Context context;

    private Map<String,String> map=null;// To store database information

    private List<String> tables=null;// Store table information

   public XMLParser(a){

   private void init(a){
        map=new HashMap<>(2);
        tables=new ArrayList<>();


  // Parse the data
  public void parse(a) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {

        XmlPullParserFactory factory=XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();

        XmlPullParser xmlPullParser=factory.newPullParser();
       // Read my_database.xml from the asset file
        xmlPullParser.setInput(new InputStreamReader(context.getAssets().open(RESOURCES)));
        int type=xmlPullParser.getEventType();
        while(type! =XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT){if (xmlPullParser.getEventType()==XmlResourceParser.START_TAG){// If it is the start tag
                    String name=xmlPullParser.getName();
                    switch (name){
                        case DATABASE:// Tag 
                        case TABLE:// Label 
parseTable(xmlPullParser); break; } } xmlPullParser.next();// Next tagtype=xmlPullParser.getEventType(); }}// Parse database information private void parseDatabase(XmlPullParser xmlPullParser) { String databaseName=null; String version=null; if (xmlPullParser.getAttributeCount()==2){ String value_1=xmlPullParser.getAttributeName(0); if (NAME.equals(value_1)){ databaseName=xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(0); version=xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(1); }else { databaseName=xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(1); version=xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(0); }}else{ throw new MyException("Wrong parameter for database tag"); } map.put(DATABASE,databaseName); map.put(VERSION,version); } // Parse the table information private void parseTable(XmlPullParser xmlPullParser) { String className=null; if (xmlPullParser.getAttributeCount()==1){ className=xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(0); }else throw new MyException("Table parameter error"); tables.add(className); } public Map<String, String> getMap(a) { return map; } public List<String> getTables(a) { returntables; }}Copy the code

Class to create a database

public class MyDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private onDatabaseUpdateListener listener=null;

    private static final String TAG = "MyDatabase";

    public MyDatabase(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version,onDatabaseUpdateListener listener) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        String[] createTables = listener.onCreate();
            for (String s: createTables){
                Log.d("====== build predicative sentences",s);
        Log.d("= = = = = ="."OnCreate execution");

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        String[] deleteTable = listener.update(db);
        Log.d("= = = = = ="."OnUpgrade execution");
           if(deleteTable ! =null) {for (String s: deleteTable){
                   Log.d("===== delete table sentences",s);
    interface onDatabaseUpdateListener{
        String[] update(SQLiteDatabase db);// Called when database version is updated
        String[] onCreate();// called when a new table is created
        void  onCreateLater(SQLiteDatabase db);// called when the table is created}}Copy the code

An implementation class that completes database operations

/** * create a database */
public class SimpleDatabase implements MyDatabase.onDatabaseUpdateListener{

    private final static String NAME="SimpleDatabase.xml";

    private final static String OLD="old";

    private final static String TABLE="table_";

    private final static String NUMBER="number";

    MyDatabaseHelper is a helper class that generates the data needed to create databases and tables
    private static MyDatabaseHelper databaseHelper=null;

   private static SQLiteDatabase db=null;

   private Map<String,Cursor> savedData=null;

    String simpleNames[]=null;

   private static final String TAG = "SimpleDatabase";

   private static SimpleDatabase simpleDatabase=new SimpleDatabase();

   public SimpleDatabase(a){

   private void init(a){
       databaseHelper=new MyDatabaseHelper();

    /** * query the specified data */
    public static<T> List<T> select(Class
         clazz,String columnNames[],String where, String args[],String groupBy, String having, String orderBy)
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Cursor cursor= db.query(clazz.getSimpleName(),columnNames,where,args,groupBy,having,orderBy);
            try {
                T t = clazz.newInstance();
                Field fields[]=clazz.getDeclaredFields();
                for (Field f:fields) {
                        String fieldName = f.getName();
                        String fieldValue = cursor.getColumnName(cursor.getColumnIndex(fieldName));
                        // Since getColumnName () only returns String, getInitialTypeValue() is required
                        // Get the value of the initial type
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        return list;

    private static Object getInitialTypeValue(String type,String value){
        switch (type){
            case "int":
            case "integer":
                return Integer.valueOf(value);
            case "boolean":
                return Boolean.valueOf(value);
            case "float":
                return Float.valueOf(value);
            case "double":
                return Double.valueOf(value);
            case "String":
            case "Character":
            case "char":
               return value;
        return null;

    /** * query the specified data */
    private static Cursor select(Object obj,String columnNames[],String where,String args[]){
       String tableName=obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
       return db.query(tableName,columnNames,where,args,null.null.null);

    /** * create a database if it does not exist, or end it if it already exists
   public void create(a){
       String name=databaseHelper.getName();
       String version=databaseHelper.getVersion();
       if (databaseHelper.check(getOldVersion(),Integer.valueOf(version)))// Update if needed
       Log.d("= = = = = = = = ="."name"+name);
       MyDatabase database = new MyDatabase(MyApplication.getContext(), name, null, Integer.valueOf(version), SimpleDatabase.this);
       db= database.getWritableDatabase();

    public static SimpleDatabase newInstance(a) {
        return simpleDatabase;

    /** * Store batch data *@param list
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
   public static void save(List<Object> list)  {
       for(Object o:list) { save(o); }}/** * Store single data in table *@param o
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
   public static void save(Object o)  {
           Class clazz=o.getClass();
           Field fields[]=clazz.getDeclaredFields();
           ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
           for (Field f:fields) {
               try {
                      if(f.get(o)! =null&&!"serialVersionUID".equals(f.getName())) {
                          values.put(f.getName(), f.get(o).toString());
                          Log.d("========value", f.get(o).toString()); }}catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                   Log.wtf(TAG,"All data in the class should be set to values.");

   public static void saveAndUpdate(Object o){
       Class clazz=o.getClass();
       String id=o.toString();
       Field fields[]=clazz.getDeclaredFields();
       ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
       for (Field f:fields) {
           try {
               if(f.get(o)! =null&&!"serialVersionUID".equals(f.getName())) {
                   values.put(f.getName(), f.get(o).toString());
                   Log.d("========value", f.get(o).toString()); }}catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
               Log.wtf(TAG,"All data in the class should be set to values.");
       Cursor cursor=select(o,null."simple_database_id=?".new String[]{id});
       if (cursor.getCount()==0) {/ / insert
       }else {/ / update
           db.update(clazz.getSimpleName(),values,"simple_database_id=?".newString[]{id}); }}/** * drop all data from table *@param o
   public static void delete(Object o){
       Class clazz=o.getClass();

    /** * drop the specified data * from the table@param name
     * @param where
     * @param arg
   private static void delete(String name,String where,String... arg){

    /** * Stores the latest version * if the version is updated@paramVersion Version */
   private static void saveDataInSharedPreferences(int version){
       // Get the Editor object for SharedPreferences to perform the save operation
       SharedPreferences.Editor editor=MyApplication.getContext().getSharedPreferences(NAME,0).edit();
       editor.apply();// This method must be called to complete the data storage

    /** * Store the past table name *@param names
    private void saveDataInSharedPreferences(String[] names){
        // Get the Editor object for SharedPreferences to perform the save operation
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor=MyApplication.getContext().getSharedPreferences(NAME,0).edit();
        for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++){ editor.putString(TABLE+i,names[i]); } editor.putInt(NUMBER,names.length); editor.apply();// This method must be called to complete the data storage

    /** * Get the last version of the database *@return* /
   private static int getOldVersion(a){
       SharedPreferences get=MyApplication.getContext().getSharedPreferences(NAME,0);
       return get.getInt(OLD,0);

    private String[] getOldTableName(){
        SharedPreferences get=MyApplication.getContext().getSharedPreferences(NAME,0);
        int length=get.getInt(NUMBER,-1);
        if (length==-1)
            Log.wtf(TAG,"Original form does not exist");
        String names[]=new String[length];
        for (int i=0; i<length; i++){ names[i]=get.getString(TABLE+i,"");
        return names;

    public String[] update(SQLiteDatabase db) {// Save the table data before dropping it
        savedData=new HashMap<>(simpleNames.length);
        for (String name:simpleNames) {
            Cursor cursor=db.query(name,null.null.null.null.null.null);
        Cursor cursor=savedData.get(simpleNames[0]);
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
            String sex=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("sex"));
        return databaseHelper.getDeleteTable();

    public String[] onCreate() {
        return databaseHelper.getCreateTable();

    public void onCreateLater(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    /** * Restore all data */
    private void recoverAllData(SQLiteDatabase db){
       List<String> deleteTable=checkWhichTableDisappear(databaseHelper.getTables());
       List<String> nowTable=Arrays.asList(simpleNames);
       for (int i=0; i<nowTable.size(); i++){ Cursor cursor=savedData.get(nowTable.get(i)); ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
           if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
                   String columnNames[]=cursor.getColumnNames();
                   for (int j=0; j<columnNames.length; j++) values.put(columnNames[j],cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(columnNames[j]))); }while (cursor.moveToNext());
               db.insert(nowTable.get(i),null,values); }}for (String n:simpleNames) {// Release all resourcessavedData.get(n).close(); }}/** * check which tables are deleted *@param newTable
     * @return* /
    private List<String> checkWhichTableDisappear(List<String> newTable){
            String deleteTable[]=new String[simpleNames.length];
            for (int i=0,j=0; i<simpleNames.length; i++){if (!newTable.contains(simpleNames[i])){
          returnArrays.asList(deleteTable); }}Copy the code

The main purpose of SimpleDatabase is to update the database automatically when configuration changes in my_database.xml; Insert and update, through saveAndUpdate(Object O) using objects to achieve insert and update operations (when the same data does not exist in the database, insert; Update when the same data exists in the database); When querying, pass



clazz,String columnNames[],String where,String args[],String groupBy, String having, String orderBy) gets a collection of query result objects; When deleting an Object, use delete(Object O) to delete the Object.

Implementation principle:

SimpleDatabase listens to MyDatabase’s onCreate and onUpgrade methods by implementing MyDatabase’s onDatabaseUpdateListener interface. In onCreate is invoked, call onDatabaseUpdateListener. OnCreate to store before the table name (if changed the configuration file), and return to create table SQL statement collection (may create multiple tables), Then create the table in myDatabase.oncreate. When onUpgrade is invoked, call onDatabaseUpdateListener. Update to store the data in the database, and returns the SQL delete table set, delete after the success to create a new table, Called after onDatabaseUpdateListener. OnCreateLater method before storing the data stored in the database again.

The Select, DELETE, and saveAndUpdate methods in SimpleDatabase are implemented by reflection, as you can see in the comments.

Other class implementation is very simple, specific can see the source code:

  • MyApplication class
/** * get the system context */
public class MyApplication extends Application {
    private static Context context;
    public void onCreate(a) {
        context = getApplicationContext();
    public static Context getContext(a){
        returncontext; }}Copy the code
  • MyDatabaseHelper class
/** * Generate the data needed to create the database and tables */
public class MyDatabaseHelper {

    private String name=null;

    private String version=null;

    private List<String> tables=null;// Store the full class name

    private Map<String,Table[]> maps=null;

    private String createTable[]=null;// Store the table builder

    private String deleteTable[]=null;// Store the statement to drop the table

    private boolean ok=false;

    private static final String TAG = "MyDatabaseHelper";

    public MyDatabaseHelper(a){

    /** * Initializes data */
    private void init(a){
        XMLParser xmlParser=null;
        xmlParser=new XMLParser();
        try {
        } catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException  e) {
        maps=new HashMap<>(tables.size());

    /** * Check if you need to update *@paramPrevious versions of old *@paramNow The current version */
    public boolean check(int old,int now){
        if (now>old) {
            try {
                return true;
            } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return false;

    /** * Parses the class's data, calling * when version changes@throws ClassNotFoundException
    private void parseTable(a) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        for (String name:tables){
            Class table=Class.forName(name);
            Field[] field=table.getDeclaredFields();
            Table info[]=new Table[field.length];
            for (int i=0; i<field.length; i++){ Table t=newTable(); t.setProperty(field[i].getName()); t.setType(field[i].getType().getSimpleName()); info[i]=t; } maps.put(name,info); }}/** * generates a construction clause */
    private void generateTable(a){
        for (int i=0; i<tables.size(); i++){ Table table[]=maps.get(tables.get(i)); StringBuilder stringBuilder=new StringBuilder();
            String simpleName=getSimpleName(tables.get(i));
            stringBuilder.append("create table "+simpleName+"(");
            for (int j=0; j<table.length; j++){ Table t=table[j];if(t! =null)
                if(! Table.OTHER.equals(t.getType())) stringBuilder.append(","+t.getProperty()+""+t.getType());
            String string=stringBuilder.append(")").toString();
            string=string.replaceFirst(",".""); createTable[i]=string; }}/** * generate table drop statement */
    private void deleteTable(a) {
        for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
            deleteTable[i]="drop table if exists "+getSimpleName(tables.get(i)); }}/** * gets the simple class name, excluding package *@paramName Class name with package name *@returnClass name */ that does not contain the package name
    private String getSimpleName(String name){
       int position= name.lastIndexOf('. ');
       return name.substring(position+1);

    public String getName(a) {
        return name;

    public String getVersion(a) {
        return version;

    public String[] getCreateTable() {
        if(! ok) Log.e(TAG,"Check () must be called first");
        createTable=new String[tables.size()];
        return createTable;

    public String[] getDeleteTable() {
        if(! ok) Log.e(TAG,"Check () must be called first");
        deleteTable=new String[tables.size()];
        return deleteTable;

    public List<String> getTables(a) {
        return tables;

    public String[] getSimpleTableName() {

        String simpleTableName[]=new String[tables.size()];

        for (int i=0; i<tables.size(); i++) { String simpleName = getSimpleName(tables.get(i)); simpleTableName[i] = simpleName; }returnsimpleTableName; }}Copy the code
  • MyException
public class MyException extends RuntimeException {
    public MyException(String message) {
        super(message); }}Copy the code
  • The Table class
/** * Stores the attribute and name for each field */
public class Table {
    final static String INTEGER="integer";

    final static String TEXT="text";

    final static String REAL="real";

    final static String BLOB="blob";

    final static String INT="int";

    final static String CHAR="char";

    final static String FLOAT="float";

    final static String DOUBLE="double";

    final static String STRING="String";

    final static String BOOLEAN="boolean";

    final static String OTHER="other";

    private String property;// The corresponding attribute

    private String type;// The type of the corresponding attribute

    public String getProperty(a) {
        return property;

    public void setProperty(String property) {
        this.property = property;

    public String getType(a) {
        return type;
    public void setType(String type) {

    private void checkProperty(String property){
        switch (property){
            case INT:
            case BOOLEAN:
            case FLOAT:
            case DOUBLE:
            case STRING:
            case CHAR:
                 break; }}}Copy the code

Refer to the rookie tutorial