Query the database file downloads used
SQL provides a nested subquery mechanism: a subquery is a select-from-WHERE expression nested within another query. Subqueries are nested in where clauses and are usually used to check the membership, comparison, and cardinality of collections. Subqueries can also be nested in the FROM clause; In addition, there is another kind of subquery is the standard quantum query.
1. Collection membership
SQL allows testing the membership of a meta-ancestor in a relationship:
- The connecter in tests whether a meta-ancestor is a member of a set;
- The connecter not in tests whether a meta-ancestor is not a member of a set;
Find all the courses that started at the same time in fall 2009 and spring 2010.
select distinct course_id from section where semester='Fall' and year=2009 and course_id in (select course_id from section where semeter='Spring' and year=2010); Copy the code
Find all classes that start in fall 2009 but not in spring 2010 (difference arithmetic)
select distinct course_id from section where semester='Fall' and year=2009 and course_id not in (select course_id from section where semeter='Spring' and year=2010) Copy the code
Find the total number of students who took the segment taught by the teacher with ID 10101:
select count(distinct ID) from takes where (course_id,sec_id,semester,year) in (select course_id,sec_id,semester,year from teaches where teaches.ID = 10101) ` ` `![Insert picture description here](HTTPS://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20210409222802793.png? x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3FxXzQ0OTkyNTU5,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70 )Copy the code
In and not in can also be used with enumerated sets:
Find out the names of the teachers named neither “Mozart” nor “Einstein”;
select distinct name from instructor where name not in ('Mozart'.'Einstein') Copy the code
2. Comparison of sets
>some, <some, <=some, >=some, =some(equivalent to in), <>(! = some(not equivalent to not in)
>all, <all, <=all, >=all, =all(not equivalent to in), <>(! =)all(= not in)
Find the names of all teachers who earn at least more than a teacher in the Biology department (renaming is also acceptable)
select name from instructor where salary>some(select salary from instructor where dept_name = 'Biology'); Copy the code
Find the names of all the teachers who earn more than any other teacher in the Biology department
select name from instructor where salary>all(select salary from instructor where dept_name = 'Biology'); Copy the code
Find the departments with the highest average salaries
select dept_name from instructor group by dept_name having avg(salary)> =all(select avg(salary) from instructor group by dept_name); Copy the code
3. Exist, not exist
Exists returns true if the subquery that is an argument is non-null:
Example: Find all the courses offered in the fall 2009 and spring 2010 semesters
select course_id from section as S where semester = "Fall" and year=2009 and exists( select * from section as T where semester = 'Spring' and year=2010 and S.course_id = T.course_id ) Copy the code
- A correlated name from an outer query can be used in a SUB-query of a WHERE clause. Sub-queries that use correlated names from outer queries are called correlated Sub_queries. The query conditions of correlated subqueries depend on the parent query.
- The process of understanding related subqueries:
- Select the first meta-parent from the outer query table and process the inner query according to its attribute value related to the inner query. Suppose that the first meta-parent’s course ID is CS-111, we will query whether the cS-111 course will be opened in the spring of 2010. According to the first two conditions, that is, whether the course will be taught in the fall of 2009 to decide whether to add the final query results.
- The process of understanding related subqueries:
The not exists structure tests whether a meta-ancestor does not exist in the subquery result set, and returns true if it does not exist:
If A contains B, not exists (B except A)
Example: Identify students who have taken all the courses offered in the Biology department
selectS.I D, S.n amefrom student as S where not exists((select course_id from course where dept_name = 'Biology') except (select course_id from takes as T where S.ID=T.ID ) ) Copy the code
select course_id from course where dept_name = 'Biology'
All courses offered in the Biology department (B)select course_id from takes as T where S.ID=T.ID
Select * from Biology where (A) select * from Biology where (b) select * from Biology where (c) select * from Biology Otherwise, where is put back false.- Mysql has no except operands.
select S.ID,S.name from student as S where not exists( select course_id from course where dept_name = 'Biology' and course_id not in (select course_id from takes as T where S.ID=T.ID ) ); Copy the code
4. Repeat the meta-ancestor existence test
Unique (computes the truth value on the empty set)\not unique tests whether the result of a subquery has a duplicate meta-ancestor
Example: Find all classes that were offered at most once in 2009
select T.course_id from course as T where unique ( select R.course_id from section as R where T.course_id = R.course_id and R.year = 2009 ); Copy the code
Mysql (5&8) does not have a unique subquery.
select T.course_id from course as T where 1> =( select count(R.course_id) from section as R where T.course_id = R.course_id and R.year = 2009 ); Copy the code
Example: Find all courses offered at least twice in 2009
select T.course_id from course as T where not unique (select R.course_id from section as R where T.course_id = R.course_id and R.year = 2009));Copy the code
Mysql still does not work.
select T.course_id from course as T where 2< =( select count(R.course_id) from section as R where T.course_id = R.course_id and R.year = 2009 ); Copy the code
5. Subquery in the from clause
Because any select-from-WHERE expression returns a relationship, it can be inserted into another select-from-WHERE expression where any relationship can occur;
Example 1: Find the average salary of the faculty in the department whose average salary exceeds $42,000
select dept_name,avg_salary from((select dept_name,avg(salary) as avg_salary from instructor group by dept_name) as dept_avg ) where avg_salary>42000; Copy the code
- The query above uses the AS clause to name the result relationship of the subquery
Example 2: Find the total salary of the department with the largest total salary of all departments
select max(tot_salary) from ( select dept_name,sum(salary) tot_salary from instructor group by dept_name ) as dept_total; Copy the code
6. With clause: Mysql 8 previously did not support it
The with clause provides a way to define temporary relationships that are valid only for queries that contain the with clause
- Find the department with the largest budget :(the following query defines the temporary relationship max_budget)
with max_budget as (select max(budget) as value from department) select budget from department,max_budget where department.budget=max_budget.value; Copy the code
- mysql 5
drop table if exists max_budget; create temporary table max_budget(value double) select max(budget) as value from department; select budget from department,max_budget where department.budget=max_budget.value; Copy the code
Find departments with a gross salary greater than the average for all departments:
with dept_total as(select dept_name,sum(salary) as value from instructor group by dept_name ), dept_total_avg as( select avg(value) as value from dept_total ) select dept_name from dept_total,dept_total_avg where dept_total.value> =dept_total_avg.value; Copy the code
- mysql 5
drop table if exists dept_total; create temporary table dept_total(dept_name varchar(12), value double) select dept_name,sum(salary) as value from instructor group by dept_name; drop table if exists dept_total_avg; create temporary table dept_total_avg(value double) select avg(value) as value from dept_total; select dept_name from dept_total,dept_total_avg where dept_total.value> =dept_total_avg.value; -- select * from dept_total; -- select * from dept_total_avg; Copy the code
- mysql 5
7. Scalar quantum query
SQL allows sub-queries that return only a single meta-ancestor containing a single attribute to appear anywhere an expression returning a single value can appear. Such sub-queries are called scalar sub_query.
Example: List all the departments and the number of teachers they have
select dept_name, (select count(*) from instructor where department.dept_name = instructor.dept_name) as num_instructors from department; Copy the code
References: [1] Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth, S Sudarshan. Database System Concepts. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010 Database System Concepts