Recently I downloaded SQLol and tested it. I feel very fun. Take notes.


SQLol is a configurable SQL injection test platform. It contains a series of challenging tasks that allow you to test and learn SQL injection statements. SQLol is also a creative project.

SQLol is now part of the Magical Code Injection Rainbow Framework at… and the standalone version will no longer be maintained.

Download and install


Installation process:

1. Decompress the compressed package to the root path of the website (for example, I create a SQL directory to store the contents of the compressed package);

2, open/includes/database. Config. Modify the PHP $username / $password information such as;

$dbtype = 'mysql';
$server = 'localhost';
$port = '3306';
$username = 'root';
$password = 'root';
$database = 'sqlol';
$persist = '';
Copy the code

3, open http://localhost/sql/, you can see the following interface, click RESET to complete the database installation.


Now that the installation is complete, let’s start the SQL injection test to complete the challenge.

The last

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