/** * replicate the table *@param$sourceTable string sourceTable, such as Mc_member *@param$newTable string newTable name, such as Mc_member_copy *@paramString $WHERE conditional on replication *@paramBool $isForce Indicates whether the command is enforced. If true, it is deleted before being copied *@return array
    public function cp_db($sourceTable.$newTable.$where = ' '.$isForce = false)
        $stime = microtime(true);
        // In order for you to use index copy, the WHERE condition must match exactly
        if (!empty($where) && (stripos($where.'where') = = =false||stripos($where.'WHERE') = = =false)) {
            return ['code'= >400.'message'= >'Where condition is illegal, must bring where keyword'];

        if (pdo_tableexists($newTable)) {
            if ($isForce) {// Delete it before copying it
                pdo_run(" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".tablename($newTable).";");
                if (pdo_tableexists($newTable)) {return ['code'= >400.'message'= >$newTable . 'Forcible deletion failed! ']; }}else{
                return ['code'= >400.'message'= >$newTable . 'pre-existing']; }}// First copy the structure, then copy the data
        pdo_run('create table ' . tablename($newTable).' like ' . tablename($sourceTable).'; ');

        if(! pdo_tableexists($newTable)) {
            return ['code'= >400.'message'= >$newTable . 'Failed to create :'.pdo_tableexists($newTable)];
        // Start copying
        pdo_run('insert into ' . tablename($newTable).' select * from ' . tablename($sourceTable). $where);
        $has = pdo_tableexists($newTable);

        return ['status'= >$newTable.'time'=>microtime(true) -$stime];

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