Interview summary:

Java basic knowledge, mainly around the collection class and multithreading, etc. : ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashpMap data results, and how to expand, and ConcurrentHashMap related multithreading security, etc.

JVM memory allocation, several common garbage collection algorithms and principles, and the corresponding JVM optimization parameters to keep in mind.

Network: TCP three-way handshake and other networks must be asked, focusing on the grasp of network protocols.

Redis: as the main force of distributed cache, it is also required by BAT every time. It focuses on Redis data structure, memory, algorithm, persistence, and the advantages and disadvantages of other cache memcached.

Multithreading: state flow, implementation of multithreading, and the difference from high concurrency, etc.

The Spring framework asks the most questions, and BAT loves to ask questions.

Finally, distributed architecture design

Common distributed architecture design solutions: single sign-on (SSO), distributed caching, storage, message selection, and database side optimization (need to know in advance).

It’s a good idea to know about a project like Seckill in advance. If the interviewer asks you about a project like seckill, you can explain the design idea, which is a big plus in your interview results.

The latest BAT advanced Java interview questions and answers

BAT Advanced Java interview questions and answers