SpringMVC responds to requests

  • Model: Access data
  • View Displays data
  • Controller Controller: Interacts with users

  • DispatcherServlet Front-end controller: Receives user requests
  • HandlerAdapter: Selects the appropriate processor and invokes the corresponding function handling method
  • ViewResolver ViewResolver

The process by which a user sends a request and returns a response

  • 1. Send requests to DispatcherServlet
  • 2. Mapping processor Obtains the processor mapping to DispatcherServet
  • 3.HandlerAdapter ADAPTS processors
  • 4. Invoke the corresponding function processing method of the processor
  • 5. The ViewResolver receives the View and parses the View
  • 6. Add Model to View for View rendering
  • 7. Return to ring DispatcherServlet