• Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

SSM programming, namely SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis integration, is the most popular JavaEE development technology architecture at present. In fact, the essence of Ssm integration is just to integrate MyBatis into Spring.

Because SpringMVC is originally part of Spring, it doesn’t have to be integrated.

SSM integration can be implemented in two ways: XML – based configuration and annotation – based.

Set up the SSM development environment

maven pom.xml


Configure web. XML

(1) Register ContextLoaderListener

Register the ServletContext listener implementation class, ContextLoaderListener, to create the Spring container and place the created Spring container objects into the scope of the ServletContext.

(2) Register character set filters

Registered character set filter, used to solve the problem of garbled characters when the request parameters contain Chinese characters.

(3) Configure the central scheduler

When configuring the central scheduler, note that the SpringMVC configuration file name is not the same as the other Spring configuration file names. The purpose of this is for the Spring container to create beans that manage the Spring configuration file, and the SpringMVC container is responsible for initiating the view-layer beans.

SSM integrated annotation development

Project: SSM

Requirements: Complete student registration and information browsing.

Build table Student

Use the Student table

Creating a Web Project

Project name SSM

Maven rely on


Define packages and organize the program structure.

The JSP file:

Writing configuration files

Jdbc property configuration file jdbc.properties

The Spring configuration file applicationContext.xml

Springmvc configuration file:



Define the web. The XML

1) Register ContextLoaderListener

2) Register DisatcherServlet

3) Register character set filters

4) Create both the Spring configuration file and the SpringMVC configuration file

The entity class Student

Dao interface and SQL mapping files

Service interface and implementation classes

The Service interface

The Service implementation class

Processor definition


Define view – home page file – index.jsp

Specify path:

Specify the base tag

Register student page – addstudent.jsp

Browse the student page – liststudent.jsp

The page table


The introduction of the JQuery

Js ajax launched

Registration success page — success.jsp

Registration failure page – fail.jsp