All the time to meet, are long separation reunion — the Grandmaster


I haven’t written a blog for half a month. I’ve been thinking about writing a backend blog lately

The java-related backend frameworks that have a strong presence are Jfinal and SpringBoot. Since Jfinal is a domestic framework, there was also an attachment in my heart at that time, so I roughly went through the source code. In the subsequent projects, AS long as there was no technical stack limit, I generally used Jfinal, but gradually found that there was still a gap between ecology and SpringBoot, in order to shorten the project development cycle, And then changed strategy to look at SpringBoot. Ecology is really important! It’s not really a matter of skill.

When you don’t touch SpringBoot, Spring actually plays ok, but still wants to mess around. Understand, skilled, proficient, do not look at the source code how can be considered proficient 😆😆😆

How does a request get forwarded from Tomcat to SpringBoot, and how does a request get processed in SpringBoot? Look through the source code, it is not difficult, but you want to understand the extension and development of great use. Prefer to use SpringBoot’s own utility classes.

Source code only about the logic, after all, not write framework, there is no need to see word for word

How does a request get from Tomcat to SpringBoot

Tomcat finds the corresponding Servlet according to the Request, generates the corresponding FilterChain based on the Servlet and Request, and then executes Filter and Servlet in responsibility chain mode to process the Request logic.

StandardWrapperValve.invoke(Request request, Response response)

// Assign a servlet instance to handle the request
if(! unavailable) { servlet = wrapper.allocate(); }Copy the code
  • Code instructions
@WebServlet(name = "MyServletJson", urlPatterns = "/servlet/json", description = "Servlet Specification")
public class MyServletJson extends HttpServlet {}Copy the code

When the request URL is /servlet/json, servlet = wrapper.allocate(); The assigned instance is MyServletJson

Url does not exactly match the registered Servlet, Servlet = wrapper.allocate(); The DispatcherServlet instance is assigned

Create a FilterChain

// Create a filter chain for the current request
ApplicationFilterChain filterChain =
    ApplicationFilterFactory.createFilterChain(request, wrapper, servlet);
Copy the code

ApplicationFilterChain doFilter filter chain execution

Executing this method executes the filter and the corresponding Servlet in chain mode

 filterChain.doFilter(request.getRequest(), response.getResponse());
Copy the code

The servlet.service method is executed when the last filter chain is executed

ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response){ internalDoFilter(request,response){ servlet.service(request, response); }}Copy the code

The above code flow shows how requests go from Tomcat to the SpringBoot framework. Take a quick look at the code to understand the flow. Our focus should be on SpringBoot.

How does SpringBoot handle requests

In the Tomcat servlet service (request, response); The request is forwarded to a Servlet (DispatcherServlet)

Idea in the view hierarchy, our main concern is the HttpServlet, FrameworkServlet, DispatcherServlet.

To debug to see code, the final processing logic focused on the DispatcherServlet. DoDispatch


protected void doDispatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    // Determine the handler execution chain of the current request (determine which interceptors the current request executes)
    HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler=getHandler(processedRequest);
    // Determine the processor adapter for the current request based on handler.
    HandlerAdapter ha = getHandlerAdapter(mappedHandler.getHandler());
    // Execute the preHandle method in the interceptor, the chain of responsibility executes, one of which returns false, and the corresponding afterHandle chain executes
	if(! mappedHandler.applyPreHandle(processedRequest, response)) {return;

    // Implement AOP and controller,service, DAO,
    // In this logic, Jackson writes data to response and returns mv=null;
    mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler());

    // Set the default View in ModelAndView
    applyDefaultViewName(processedRequest, mv);
    // Chain execution interceptor postHandle
    mappedHandler.applyPostHandle(processedRequest, response, mv);
    // view. render writes data to Response
    processDispatchResult(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, mv, dispatchException);
    // afterHandle in chain execution interceptor
    mappedHandler.applyAfterConcurrentHandlingStarted(processedRequest, response);
Copy the code

Graph also can’t draw, direct online to find a 😂😂😂

We can also wrap our own View in view. render. For common file downloads, we can encapsulate our own View, just need to pass in the corresponding file stream and file name to achieve the purpose of download

Get the HandlerExecutionChain from HandlerMapping

HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler=getHandler(processedRequest);

Commonly used HandlerMapping is:

  • RequestMappingHandlerMapping

Handle restful interfaces. The corresponding handler is HandlerMethod

We can use the RequestMappingHandlerMapping url corresponding HandlerMethod, HandlerMethod methods and classes can be obtained on the annotation based interface to access data initialization, from manual data

  • SimpleUrlHandlerMapping

Forward or redirect links, in this configuration WebMvcConfigurer. AddViewControllers (); A handler for the ParameterizableViewController

  • SimpleUrlHandlerMapping is used to process static resources

Processing page or static resource handler for ResourceHttpRequestHandler

Get processor adapters by processor

HandlerAdapter ha = getHandlerAdapter(mappedHandler.getHandler());

Common HandlerAdapters are:

  • RequestMappingHandlerAdapter

Handle restful interfaces. Handler is HandlerMethod

  • SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter

Processing simple url forwarding or redirect, WebMvcConfigurer. AddViewControllers (); A handler for the ParameterizableViewController

  • HttpRequestHandlerAdapter

Deal with static resources, ResourceHttpRequestHandler handler