Column series: SpringCloud column series

Series of articles:

SpringCloud source series (1) – registry initialization for Eureka

SpringCloud source code series (2) – Registry Eureka service registration, renewal

SpringCloud source code series (3) – Registry Eureka crawl registry

SpringCloud source code series (4) – Registry Eureka service offline, failure, self-protection mechanism

SpringCloud source series (5) – Registry EurekaServer cluster for Eureka

SpringCloud source Code Series (6) – Summary of the Registry Eureka

SpringCloud source series (7) – load balancing Ribbon RestTemplate

SpringCloud source series (8) – load balancing Ribbon core principles

SpringCloud source series (9) – load balancing Ribbon core components and configuration

SpringCloud source Series (10) – HTTP client component of load balancing Ribbon

SpringCloud Source Series (11) – Retries and summaries of the Load Balancing Ribbon

SpringCloud source Code Series (12) – Basic usage of Service invocation Feign

SpringCloud source Code Series (13) – Service invocation of Feign’s scanning @FeignClient annotation interface

SpringCloud source code series (14) – Service calls to Feign build @FeignClient interface dynamic proxy

SpringCloud source Series (15) – Service calls Feign with the Ribbon for load balancing requests

SpringCloud source code series (16) – Fuse Hystrix basic introduction

SpringCloud source series (17) – fuse Hystrix fetch execution subscription object Observable

SpringCloud source code series (18) – Fuse Hystrix implementation core principles

Hystrix integrated with Feign

FeignClient generates proxy objects

@FeignClient interface dynamic proxy has been detailed analysis of @FeignClient interface to generate dynamic proxy and remote call principle, the following article is posted in the principle of the article. Easy to review and understand.

Hystrix is related to HystrixTargeter, which is used to create FeignClient dynamic proxy objects. In this step, if Feign has Hystrix enabled, HystrixTargeter is used to create the dynamic proxy object, otherwise DefaultTargeter is used to create the proxy object. The Hystrix and Feign integration can be analyzed from the HystrixTargeter portal.

Feign integration Hystrix

Feign open Hystrix

In the configuration class FeignAutoConfiguration, you can see the following configuration to configure the concrete implementation class of the Targeter. The introduction of feign. Hystrix. HystrixFeign, Targeter implementation classes for HystrixTargeter, or is the default DefaultTargeter.

Feign. Hystrix. HystrixFeign this class belongs to feign – hystrix depend on package, that is to say, it will open hystrix feign function, need to join first feign – hystrix component package. However, spring-cloud-starter-OpenFeign has already helped us introduce feign-Hystrix dependencies, so we don’t need to introduce them separately.

@ConditionalOnClass(name = "feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign")
protected static class HystrixFeignTargeterConfiguration {
    public Targeter feignTargeter(a) {
        return newHystrixTargeter(); }}@ConditionalOnMissingClass("feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign")
protected static class DefaultFeignTargeterConfiguration {
    public Targeter feignTargeter(a) {
        return newDefaultTargeter(); }}Copy the code

In FeignClientsConfiguration configuration class, as you can see there are the following configuration decided to Feign. Builder, specific types of Feign. The Builder is Targeter used to construct Feign the constructor of the object. As you can see, feign.Builder is feign.Builder by default. If Hystrix is introduced and feign.hystrix.enabled=true, the actual type of feign. Builder is hystrixfeign. Builder, which will be examined later.

In other words, to enable Hystrix, Feign not only needs to add feign-hystrix dependency, but also needs to set feign.hystrix.enabled=true.

public Feign.Builder feignBuilder(Retryer retryer) {
    return Feign.builder().retryer(retryer);

@ConditionalOnClass({ HystrixCommand.class, HystrixFeign.class })
protected static class HystrixFeignConfiguration {

    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "feign.hystrix.enabled")
    public Feign.Builder feignHystrixBuilder(a) {
        returnHystrixFeign.builder(); }}Copy the code

Reflection agent handler HystrixInvocationHandler

If hystrix is enabled, feign. Builder is hystrixfeign. Builder, so it follows the logic after if.

  • Got the name of FeignClient, the default is the service name, which will be used as HystrixCommand’sgroupName.
  • Then get the callback class or callback factory and build Feign.
public <T> T target(FeignClientFactoryBean factory, Feign.Builder feign, FeignContext context, Target.HardCodedTarget
    if(! (feigninstanceof feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign.Builder)) {
    feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign.Builder builder = (feign.hystrix.HystrixFeign.Builder) feign;
    // HystrixCommand is the name of the service defined by Feign
    String name = StringUtils.isEmpty(factory.getContextId()) ? factory.getName()
            : factory.getContextId();
    SetterFactory setterFactory = getOptional(name, context, SetterFactory.class);
    if(setterFactory ! =null) {
    / / callback classClass<? > fallback = factory.getFallback();if(fallback ! =void.class) {
        return targetWithFallback(name, context, target, builder, fallback);
    // Call back the factoryClass<? > fallbackFactory = factory.getFallbackFactory();if(fallbackFactory ! =void.class) {
        return targetWithFallbackFactory(name, context, target, builder, fallbackFactory);
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Either a callback class or a callback factory leads to build(fallbackFactory).

public <T> T target(Target<T> target, T fallback) {
  returnbuild(fallback ! =null ? new FallbackFactory.Default<T>(fallback) : null)

public <T> T target(Target<T> target, FallbackFactory<? extends T> fallbackFactory) {
  return build(fallbackFactory).newInstance(target);
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Moving on to the build() method of Hystrixfeign.Builder, you can see that the biggest difference is the InvocationHandler created when Hystrix is not enabled. When Hystrix is enabled, the InvocationHandler created by the anonymous InvocationHandlerFactory set is the HystrixInvocationHandler.

At the same time, to deal with component interface annotated interface agreement Contract is set to HystrixDelegatingContract, defaults to SpringMvcContract, SpringMvcContract HystrixDelegatingContract is actually the agent.

Feign build(finalFallbackFactory<? > nullableFallbackFactory) {
  super.invocationHandlerFactory(new InvocationHandlerFactory() {
    public InvocationHandler create(Target target, Map
       ,> {
      return newHystrixInvocationHandler(target, dispatch, setterFactory, nullableFallbackFactory); }});super.contract(new HystrixDelegatingContract(contract));
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Is not enabled hystrix, create the default InvocationHandler is ReflectiveFeign FeignInvocationHandler.

public interface InvocationHandlerFactory {
  / /...
  static final class Default implements InvocationHandlerFactory {
    public InvocationHandler create(Target target, Map<Method, MethodHandler> dispatch) {
      return newReflectiveFeign.FeignInvocationHandler(target, dispatch); }}}Copy the code

HystrixDelegatingContract is actually a decorator, you can see, If FeignClient returns HystrixCommand, Observable, Single, Completable, CompletableFuture, it sets the return type of MethodMetadata to the actual type.

public final class HystrixDelegatingContract implements Contract {
  private final Contract delegate;
  public HystrixDelegatingContract(Contract delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;

  public List<MethodMetadata> parseAndValidateMetadata(Class
        targetType) {
    List<MethodMetadata> metadatas = this.delegate.parseAndValidateMetadata(targetType);

    for (MethodMetadata metadata : metadatas) {
      Type type = metadata.returnType();

      if (type instanceof ParameterizedType  && ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType().equals(HystrixCommand.class)) {
        Type actualType = resolveLastTypeParameter(type, HystrixCommand.class);
      } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType && ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType().equals(Observable.class)) {
        Type actualType = resolveLastTypeParameter(type, Observable.class);
      } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType && ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType().equals(Single.class)) {
        Type actualType = resolveLastTypeParameter(type, Single.class);
      } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType && ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType().equals(Completable.class)) {
      } else if (type instanceofParameterizedType && ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType().equals(CompletableFuture.class)) { metadata.returnType(resolveLastTypeParameter(type, CompletableFuture.class)); }}returnmetadatas; }}Copy the code

Construct HystrxiCommand and execute it

Looking at the Invoke method of HystrixInvocationHandler, when the FeignClient interface is called, the invoke method enters the proxy object and is called to execute.

Hystrix is a proxy object that encapsulates the reflection call of the original method into HystrixCommand’s run() method, and then invokes different methods based on the return type. The default is to call the execute() method of HystrixCommand.

public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable {
  / /...
  / / HystrixCommand construction
  HystrixCommand<Object> hystrixCommand =
      new HystrixCommand<Object>(setterMethodMap.get(method)) {
        protected Object run(a) throws Exception {
          try {
          // Reflection calls the original method in the run() method
            return HystrixInvocationHandler.this.dispatch.get(method).invoke(args);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw(Error) t; }}// Overrides the method that gets the callback
        protected Object getFallback(a) {
          // Perform the callback}};if (Util.isDefault(method)) {
    return hystrixCommand.execute();
  } else if (isReturnsHystrixCommand(method)) {
    return hystrixCommand;
  } else if (isReturnsObservable(method)) {
    // Create a cold Observable
    return hystrixCommand.toObservable();
  } else if (isReturnsSingle(method)) {
    // Create a cold Observable as a Single
    return hystrixCommand.toObservable().toSingle();
  } else if (isReturnsCompletable(method)) {
    return hystrixCommand.toObservable().toCompletable();
  } else if (isReturnsCompletableFuture(method)) {
    return new ObservableCompletableFuture<>(hystrixCommand);
  return hystrixCommand.execute();
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RestTemplate integration Hystrix

Use the @hystrixCommand annotation

Remote calls to RestTemplate also need to take into account fuses, degradations, etc., to avoid cascading failures. How does RestTemplate integrate with Hystrix?

We can encapsulate the remote call of RestTemplate into a method, annotate it with @hystrixCommand, and configure grouopKey, callback method and other parameters. Generally, groupKey can configure the service name of the remote call or the third party that provides the interface.

Hystrix must have added a section to intercept the execution of a method annotated with @HystrixCommand, and then, like Feign, integrated Hystrix to encapsulate the method call into HystrixCommand and execute the command.

public class ProducerWithHystrixService {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    @HystrixCommand( groupKey = "demo-producer", fallbackMethod = "queryId_fallback" )
    public String queryId(a) {
        ResponseEntity<String> result = restTemplate.postForEntity("http://demo-producer/v1/uuid".new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>(), String.class);
        return result.getBody();

    public String queryId_fallback(a) {
        return "error"; }}Copy the code

Hystrix thread passing

Hystrix has two resource isolation modes: thread pool isolation and semaphore isolation. In the case of thread pool isolation, one issue to consider is that if a business uses ThreadLocal to store thread-local variables and HystrixCommand is executed in child threads. Local variables in ThreadLocal are not passed to child threads, so business logic executing in child threads cannot fetch local variables in ThreadLocal. Wouldn’t this affect the execution of the original business logic? How to deal with it?

The simplest solution is to change the isolation policy and use semaphore isolation mode, but Hystrix defaults to thread pool isolation mode and in real world scenarios uses thread pool isolation, which is not an option.

Second was the official recommended use HystrixConcurrencyStrategy Hystrix, realize wrapCallable method, copy the state of the thread in it.

Copy Hystrix thread context state

In the previous analysis HystrixContextSchedulerWorker scheduling, something is not analysis, see the schedule method code, The worker. The schedule of scheduling Action0 scheduling the Action is, in fact, context HystrixContexSchedulerAction. It is the original Action0 encapsulation, again create HystrixContexSchedulerAction when introduced into HystrixConcurrencyStrategy Action0 object and the original.

public Subscription schedule(Action0 action, long delayTime, TimeUnit unit) {
    if(threadPool ! =null) {
        if(! threadPool.isQueueSpaceAvailable()) {throw new RejectedExecutionException("..."); }}return worker.schedule(new HystrixContexSchedulerAction(concurrencyStrategy, action), delayTime, unit);
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Then see HystrixContexSchedulerAction, in the constructor, the original Action0 is encapsulated into a Callable, HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext

Importantly, the rewrapped Callable is passed into the wrapCallable method of concurrencyStrategy, so this is also an extensible port that Hystrix gives us. This allows us to inject some custom actions, such as copying the thread state, before the Hystrix request is executed.

public class HystrixContexSchedulerAction implements Action0 {
    private final Action0 actual;
    private final HystrixRequestContext parentThreadState;
    private final Callable<Void> c;

    public HystrixContexSchedulerAction(Action0 action) {
        this(HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getConcurrencyStrategy(), action);

    public HystrixContexSchedulerAction(final HystrixConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy, Action0 action) {
        this.actual = action;
        // Main thread status
        this.parentThreadState = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();

        this.c = concurrencyStrategy.wrapCallable(new Callable<Void>() {
            public Void call(a) throws Exception {
            	// State of the child thread
                HystrixRequestContext existingState = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
                try {
                    // The main thread state is set to the child thread
                    // Execute the original Action0 in main thread state
                    return null;
                } finally {
                    // Reset the state of the child threadHystrixRequestContext.setContextOnCurrentThread(existingState); }}}); }@Override
    public void call(a) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed executing wrapped Action0", e); }}}Copy the code

Custom replication thread status

In Spring Security, the Security context SecurityContext is stored in ThreadLocal. In order for the SecurityContext to be passed to child threads, Spring – the cloud – netflix – the core module is custom SecurityContextConcurrencyStrategy security context concurrency strategy class. Below we will look at how to customize by SecurityContextConcurrencyStrategy HystrixConcurrencyStrategy to achieve the purpose of copying the thread state.

Define Callable to encapsulate raw Callable

The development steps are as follows:

  • First, we define an implementation class for Callable. In the constructor, we need to store the original proxy object and the state in the main thread.
  • In the implementation of thecall()Method, first the state in the child thread is temporarily stored, and then the state in the main thread is set to the child thread. This step completes the purpose of copying the state of the main thread.
  • You can then call the proxy’s Callable.
  • After the execution, it is usually infinally, resets the state of the child thread to its previous state.
public final class DelegatingSecurityContextCallable<V> implements Callable<V> {
    // The Callable to delegate
    private final Callable<V> delegate;
    // SecurityContext in the main thread
    private final SecurityContext delegateSecurityContext;
    // SecurityContext in the child thread
    private SecurityContext originalSecurityContext;

    // The constructor passes in the Callable and SecurityContext in the main thread to broker
    public DelegatingSecurityContextCallable(Callable<V> delegate, SecurityContext securityContext) {
        this.delegate = delegate;
        this.delegateSecurityContext = securityContext;

    // The constructor passes in the Callable and SecurityContext in the main thread to broker
    public DelegatingSecurityContextCallable(Callable<V> delegate) {
        // Save the SecurityContext for the main thread
        this(delegate, SecurityContextHolder.getContext());

    public V call(a) throws Exception {
        // Hold the SecurityContext of the child thread
        this.originalSecurityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
        try {
            // Set the SecurityContext of the main thread to the child thread
            // Call the original Callable
        } finally {
            // Reset to SecurityContext for the atomic threadSecurityContextHolder.setContext(originalSecurityContext); }}}Copy the code

Custom Hystrix concurrency policy class

Then develop a custom Hystrix concurrency strategy class inherits from HystrixConcurrencyStrategy, have the following points:

  • An existing concurrent policy class needs to be injected into the constructor, because Hystrix’s method to register a concurrent policy object can only be called once, and without injecting an existing concurrent policy class, it cannot be used with other policy classes. We’ll talk about that later.
  • It then overloads all the methods of the parent class and returns information about other concurrency policies, such as request variables, thread pools, blocking queues, etc., when the method is called, without affecting the previous concurrency policy.
  • Finally, inwrapCallableMethod, create a custom DelegatingSecurityContextCallable, the packing is our custom action.
public class SecurityContextConcurrencyStrategy extends HystrixConcurrencyStrategy {
    private HystrixConcurrencyStrategy existingConcurrencyStrategy;

    public SecurityContextConcurrencyStrategy(HystrixConcurrencyStrategy existingConcurrencyStrategy) {
        this.existingConcurrencyStrategy = existingConcurrencyStrategy;

    public BlockingQueue<Runnable> getBlockingQueue(int maxQueueSize) {
        returnexistingConcurrencyStrategy ! =null
                ? existingConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(maxQueueSize)
                : super.getBlockingQueue(maxQueueSize);

    public <T> HystrixRequestVariable<T> getRequestVariable(HystrixRequestVariableLifecycle<T> rv) {
        returnexistingConcurrencyStrategy ! =null
                ? existingConcurrencyStrategy.getRequestVariable(rv)
                : super.getRequestVariable(rv);

    public ThreadPoolExecutor getThreadPool(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixProperty
         corePoolSize, HystrixProperty
          maximumPoolSize, HystrixProperty
           keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue
        returnexistingConcurrencyStrategy ! =null
                ? existingConcurrencyStrategy.getThreadPool(threadPoolKey, corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue)
                : super.getThreadPool(threadPoolKey, corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue);

    public ThreadPoolExecutor getThreadPool(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties threadPoolProperties) {
        returnexistingConcurrencyStrategy ! =null
                ? existingConcurrencyStrategy.getThreadPool(threadPoolKey, threadPoolProperties)
                : super.getThreadPool(threadPoolKey, threadPoolProperties);

    public <T> Callable<T> wrapCallable(Callable<T> callable) {
        returnexistingConcurrencyStrategy ! =null
                ? existingConcurrencyStrategy.wrapCallable(new DelegatingSecurityContextCallable<T>(callable))
                : super.wrapCallable(newDelegatingSecurityContextCallable<T>(callable)); }}Copy the code

Register a user-defined concurrency policy

Custom class concurrency strategy development is completed, you need to register to the Hystrix, can look at how to register in HystrixSecurityAutoConfiguration:

  • First save the reference to the original Hystrix plug-in, and then reset the Hystrix plug-in (primarily to reset the concurrency policy object).
  • Then a custom concurrent policy object is created. To create a concurrent policy object, you need to pass in an existing one.
  • Then register the Hystrix plug-in again.
@ConditionalOnClass({Hystrix.class, SecurityContext.class})
public class HystrixSecurityAutoConfiguration {
    // Inject an existing concurrency policy class
    @Autowired(required = false)
    private HystrixConcurrencyStrategy existingConcurrencyStrategy;

    public void init(a) {
        // Save the original reference to the Hystrix plug-in
        HystrixEventNotifier eventNotifier = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getEventNotifier();
        HystrixMetricsPublisher metricsPublisher = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getMetricsPublisher();
        HystrixPropertiesStrategy propertiesStrategy = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getPropertiesStrategy();
        HystrixCommandExecutionHook commandExecutionHook = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getCommandExecutionHook();
        / / reset

        // Register a new concurrency policy
        HystrixPlugins.getInstance().registerConcurrencyStrategy(new SecurityContextConcurrencyStrategy(existingConcurrencyStrategy));
        // Register other plug-ins

    static class HystrixSecurityCondition extends AllNestedConditions {
        public HystrixSecurityCondition(a) {
        // Enable conditions
        @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "hystrix.shareSecurityContext")
        static class ShareSecurityContext {}}}Copy the code

Why reset and then re-register? Looking at these registration methods, you can see that these registration methods can only be called once, otherwise an exception will be thrown. So in order to avoid already registered, you need to reset and then re-register.

public void registerConcurrencyStrategy(HystrixConcurrencyStrategy impl) {
    if(! concurrencyStrategy.compareAndSet(null, impl)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Another strategy was already registered."); }}public void registerEventNotifier(HystrixEventNotifier impl) {
    if(! notifier.compareAndSet(null, impl)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Another strategy was already registered."); }}Copy the code

Hystrix enables SecurityContext replication

Can also be seen in the above code, HystrixSecurityAutoConfiguration effective configuration class is the premise of hystrix. ShareSecurityContext = true, therefore, If you want to in the environment of the spring security + hystrix, can in hystrix get SecurityContext child thread, need to configure the hystrix. ShareSecurityContext = true.

Hystrix summary

Hystrix configuration

Hystrix has a number of configurations, and you can find out which configurations and default configuration values in their Properties configuration class.

Fuse configuration

Fuse configurations and default values can be found in HystrixCommandProperties.

Configure isolation policies

Isolation policy configurations and default values can be found in HystrixCommandProperties.

Hystrix thread pool configuration

Hystrix thread pool configuration and related default values can be found in the HystrixThreadPoolProperties.

Yml configuration

In micro service, typically by yml file to configure, don’t use HystrixCommandProperties Setter () withCircuitBreakerEnabled (true) in this form, So how do you configure Hystrix global defaults and different groups?

The default global configuration uses default as the key:

    # default 作为 key
      coreSize: 10
      maximumSize: 20
      maxQueueSize: 10
    # default 作为 key
          strategy: THREAD
            timeoutInMilliseconds: 5000
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Use the name of the command as the key for a specific client:

    # default
      coreSize: 10
      maximumSize: 10
      maxQueueSize: - 1
    # demo-consumer  
      coreSize: 5
      maximumSize: 5
      maxQueueSize: 10
    ## default
          strategy: THREAD
            timeoutInMilliseconds: 5000
    # demo-producer        
          strategy: SEMAPHORE
            timeoutInMilliseconds: 2000
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For a method on a particular client, use # to separate the client name from the method name:

    # demo-consumer  
      coreSize: 5
      maximumSize: 5
      maxQueueSize: 10
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Overall Hystrix schematic diagram

Finally, use a diagram to summarize the previous Hystrix source code analysis principles.