Skywallking architecture design drawing

1. Component functions

  • Skywalking Agent: Uses Javaagent for bytecode embedding, non-invasive collection, and sending data to Skywalking Collector via HTTP or gRPC.
  • Skywalking Collector: Link data Collector, which integrates, analyzes and processes the data sent by the agent and puts it into the relevant data storage.
  • Storage: Skywalking Storage, time changing, ElasticSearch, Mysql, TiDB, H2 as Storage media for data Storage.
  • UI: Web visualization platform for displaying landing data.

2. Agent configuration

# The agent namespace # agent.namespace=${SW_AGENT_NAMESPACE:default-namespace} # The service name in UI agent.service_name=${SW_AGENT_NAME:Your_ApplicationName} # The number of sampled traces per 3 seconds # Negative number means sample traces as many as possible, most likely 100% # agent.sample_n_per_3_secs=${SW_AGENT_SAMPLE:-1} # Authentication active is based on backend setting, see application.yml for more details. # agent.authentication = ${SW_AGENT_AUTHENTICATION:xxxx} # The max amount of spans  in a single segment. # Through this config item, SkyWalking keep your application memory cost estimated. # agent.span_limit_per_segment=${SW_AGENT_SPAN_LIMIT:300} # Ignore the segments if their operation names end with these suffix. # agent.ignore_suffix=${SW_AGENT_IGNORE_SUFFIX:.jpg,.jpeg,.js,.css,.png,.bmp,.gif,.ico,.mp3,.mp4,.html,.svg} # If true, SkyWalking agent will save all instrumented classes files in `/debugging` folder. # SkyWalking team may ask for these files in order to resolve compatible problem. # agent.is_open_debugging_class = ${SW_AGENT_OPEN_DEBUG:true} # The operationName max length # agent.operation_name_threshold=${SW_AGENT_OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD:500} # Backend service Backend_service =${SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES:} # Logging file_name logging.file_name=${SW_LOGGING_FILE_NAME:skywalking-api.log} # Logging level logging.level=${SW_LOGGING_LEVEL:DEBUG}Copy the code
  • Namespace: Header in a cross-process link. Different namespaces may cause cross-process link interruption
  • Agent.service_name: the unique identifier of a service (item). This field determines the display name of the service on the SW UI. Agent.sample_n_per_3_secs: Client sampling rate, default is -1 for full sampling
  • Agent. Authentication: Security authentication used to communicate with the collector. This configuration must be the same as that configured in the collector
  • Ignore_suffix: trace collecttor.backend_service: IP address and port logging.level: Agent Log level Skywalking Agent Enable
  • Javaagent is used to track the distributed system and transmit the relevant data in the context by cooperating with collector without invasion.

3, Collector configuration

core: default: # Mixed: Receive agent data, Level 1 aggregate, Level 2 aggregate # Receiver: Receive agent data, Level 1 aggregate # Aggregator: Level 2 aggregate role: ${SW_CORE_ROLE: Mixed} # Mixed/Receiver/Aggregator restHost: ${SW_CORE_REST_HOST:} restPort: ${SW_CORE_REST_PORT:12800} restContextPath: ${SW_CORE_REST_CONTEXT_PATH:/} gRPCHost: The ${SW_CORE_GRPC_HOST:} gRPCPort: ${11800} SW_CORE_GRPC_PORT: downsampling. - Hour - Day - Month # Set a timeout on metrics data. After the timeout has expired, the metrics data will automatically be deleted. enableDataKeeperExecutor: ${SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTOR:true} # Turn it off then automatically metrics data delete will be close. dataKeeperExecutePeriod: ${SW_CORE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTE_PERIOD:5} # How often the data keeper executor runs periodically, unit is minute recordDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_RECORD_DATA_TTL:90} # Unit is minute minuteMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_MINUTE_METRIC_DATA_TTL:90} # Unit is minute hourMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_HOUR_METRIC_DATA_TTL:36} # Unit is hour dayMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_DAY_METRIC_DATA_TTL:45} # Unit is day monthMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_MONTH_METRIC_DATA_TTL:18} # Unit is month # Cache metric data for 1 minute to reduce database queries, and if the OAP cluster changes within that minute, # the metrics may not be accurate within that minute. enableDatabaseSession: ${SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATABASE_SESSION:true} topNReportPeriod: ${SW_CORE_TOPN_REPORT_PERIOD:10} # top_n record worker report cycle, unit is minute storage:Copy the code
  • Downsampling: Summary statistical dimension. Indicator data will be counted by minute, [hour, day and month] (optional). You can set TTL configuration items to automatically clear data.
  • The Collector provides gRPC and HTTP communication modes.
  • The UI uses REST HTTP for communication. The Agent uses GRPC for communication in most scenarios, and uses HTTP for communication when languages are not supported. Note that by binding IP addresses, the Agent and collector can communicate with each other only after corresponding IP addresses are configured.

4, Collector Storage configuration

storage: # elasticsearch: # nameSpace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""} # clusterNodes: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODES:localhost:9200} # protocol: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_HTTP_PROTOCOL:"http"} # trustStorePath: ${SW_SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH:".. /es_keystore.jks"} # trustStorePass: ${SW_SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS:""} # user: ${SW_ES_USER:""} # password: ${SW_ES_PASSWORD:""} # indexShardsNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER:2} # indexReplicasNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER:0} # # Those data TTL settings will override the same settings in core module. # recordDataTTL: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_RECORD_DATA_TTL:7} # Unit is day # otherMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_OTHER_METRIC_DATA_TTL:45} # Unit is day # monthMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_MONTH_METRIC_DATA_TTL:18} # Unit is month # # Batch process setting, Refer to # bulkActions: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS:1000} # Execute the bulk every 1000 requests # flushInterval: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL:10} # flush the bulk every 10 seconds whatever the number of requests # concurrentRequests: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS:2} # the number of concurrent requests # resultWindowMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE:10000} # metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000} # segmentQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE:200} # elasticsearch7: # nameSpace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""} # clusterNodes: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODES:localhost:9200} # protocol: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_HTTP_PROTOCOL:"http"} # trustStorePath: ${SW_SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH:".. /es_keystore.jks"} # trustStorePass: ${SW_SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS:""} # user: ${SW_ES_USER:""} # password: ${SW_ES_PASSWORD:""} # indexShardsNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER:2} # indexReplicasNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER:0} # # Those data TTL settings will override the same settings in core module. # recordDataTTL: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_RECORD_DATA_TTL:7} # Unit is day # otherMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_OTHER_METRIC_DATA_TTL:45} # Unit is day # monthMetricsDataTTL: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_MONTH_METRIC_DATA_TTL:18} # Unit is month # # Batch process setting, Refer to # bulkActions: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS:1000} # Execute the bulk every 1000 requests # flushInterval: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL:10} # flush the bulk every 10 seconds whatever the number of requests # concurrentRequests: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS:2} # the number of concurrent requests # resultWindowMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE:10000} # metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000} # segmentQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE:200} h2: driver: ${SW_STORAGE_H2_DRIVER:org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource} url: ${SW_STORAGE_H2_URL:jdbc:h2:mem:skywalking-oap-db} user: ${SW_STORAGE_H2_USER:sa} metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_H2_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000} # mysql: # properties: # jdbcUrl: ${SW_JDBC_URL:"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/swtest"} # dataSource.user: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USER:root} # dataSource.password: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD:root@1234} # dataSource.cachePrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_CACHE_PREP_STMTS:true} # dataSource.prepStmtCacheSize: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_SIZE:250} # dataSource.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_LIMIT:2048} # dataSource.useServerPrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USE_SERVER_PREP_STMTS:true} # metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000}Copy the code

5. Collector Receiving indicators

receiver-register: default: receiver-trace: default: bufferPath: ${SW_RECEIVER_BUFFER_PATH:.. /trace-buffer/} # Path to trace buffer files, suggest to use absolute path bufferOffsetMaxFileSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_BUFFER_OFFSET_MAX_FILE_SIZE:100} # Unit is MB bufferDataMaxFileSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_BUFFER_DATA_MAX_FILE_SIZE:500} # Unit is MB bufferFileCleanWhenRestart: ${SW_RECEIVER_BUFFER_FILE_CLEAN_WHEN_RESTART:false} sampleRate: ${SW_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE:10000} # The sample rate precision is 1/10000. 10000 means 100% sample in default. slowDBAccessThreshold: ${SW_SLOW_DB_THRESHOLD:default:200,mongodb:100} # The slow database access thresholds. Unit ms. receiver-jvm: default:Copy the code

6. Track the presentation