Spring Cloud has released a new version in the last days of 2020, called 2020.0.0, that does away with naming the UK underground. After the H version, the brand new one is named 2020.x.x. It’s almost 2021, why not call it 2021, lol.

From the Maven repository, the current version is 2020.0.2,

Version of the relationship

Release Train Boot Version spring cloud alibaba version
2020.0.x aka Ilford X 2.4. 2021.1
Hoxton 2.2.x, 2.3.x (Starting with SR5) X 2.2.
Greenwich X 2.1. X 2.1.
Finchley X 2.0. X 2.0.
Edgware X 1.5. X 1.5.
Dalston X 1.5. X 1.5.

Product change

The biggest change in Spring Cloud is the removal of the Spring Cloud Netflix module and the inclusion of only the Eureka module.

As announced, the following modules have been removed from spring-cloud-netflix:

  • spring-cloud-netflix-archaius
  • spring-cloud-netflix-concurrency-limits
  • spring-cloud-netflix-core
  • spring-cloud-netflix-dependencies
  • spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix
  • spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-contract
  • spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-dashboard
  • spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-stream
  • spring-cloud-netflix-ribbon
  • spring-cloud-netflix-sidecar
  • spring-cloud-netflix-turbine
  • spring-cloud-netflix-turbine-stream
  • spring-cloud-netflix-zuul
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-archaius
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-hystrix
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-hystrix-dashboard
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-turbine
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-turbine-stream
  • spring-cloud-starter-netflix-zuul

Now that the Netflix component has been removed, there needs to be an alternative, and the Spring Cloud team recommends a product for that alternative:

Recommended alternatives | to | Netflix | | | — – | — – | — – | — – | | Hystrix | Resilience4j, sentinel | suggest using sentinel | | Hystrix Dashboard/Turbine | Micrometer + Monitoring System \ sentinel dashboard | | | Ribbon | Spring Cloud Loadbalancer | recommended sentienl dashboard Spring Their products | | 1 | Zuul Spring Cloud Gateway | Spring their products | | 1 | Archaius Spring Boot externalized configuration + Spring Cloud configuration | than Netflix to realize better and more powerful |

Other changes

Bootstrap provided by Spring-Cloud-Commons is no longer enabled by default. If your project needs it, you can re-enable it through properties or a new launcher.

Through property restart, please set the spring. The cloud, the bootstrap, enabled = true or spring. Config. Use legacy – processing = true.

Another option is to include the new Spring-Cloud-starter-bootstrap. New Spring Boot spring.config.import syntax support has been added for Config Server, Consul, Zookeeper, and Vault. You can still configure existing properties for different services, but you need to place them in application.properties or application.yml.

  • spring.config.import=configserver:
  • spring.config.import=consul:
  • spring.config.import=zookeeper:
  • spring.config.import=vault:

If you want to disable the Spring before the Cloud Config on the Client side health instructions with health. Config. Enabled = false, now changed to management. Health. Config. Enabled = false. Endpoint IDS with invalid characters (dashes) have been changed to standard compliant in keeping with Spring Boot control endpoint style, so there are no more annoying warnings at startup, save the cleanliness freaks.

  • bus-env -> busenv
  • bus-refresh -> busrefresh
  • service-registry -> serviceregistry


The biggest change in the 2020 version of Spring Cloud is the removal of the Netflix component and the retention of only the Eureka component. Many netizens joke that they have just learned spring Cloud and Netflix has not yet produced it, but now they want to upgrade it. It’s true that technology iterations are fast, but the technologies are all the same, so it takes some time to sort them out. This time I’m going to show you a tutorial for the new Springcloud 2020 release. Let’s start with the overall architecture of the tutorial.

The resources



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