A complete takeout system, including mobile terminal, background management, API
Delivery system based on Spring Boot and VUE
Contains complete mobile terminal, background management functions
This project is mainly for exchange study, not recommended for commercial use.
Technology selection
Core framework: Spring Boot
Database layer: Spring Data JPA /Spring Data mongodb
Database connection pool: Druid
Cache: Ehcache
Front end: Vue. Js
Database: mysql5.5 +,Mongodb4.0(don’t use latest version 4.2)
The module
Flash-waimai-mobile mobile terminal site
Flash-waimai-manage Background management system
Flash-waimai-api Java interface service
Flash-waimai-core Underlying core module
Flash-waimai-generate code generation module
Quick start
Data stores use mysql and mongodb. Basic management configuration data is stored in mysql and service data is stored in mongodb.
Create mysql database
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS waimai DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE USER 'waimai'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'waimai123'; GRANT ALL privileges ON waimai.* TO 'waimai'@'%'; flush privileges; Copy the code
After the mysql database is created, the flash-Waimai-API service will automatically initialize the data, without the need for developers to manually initialize the data themselves
Install mongodb and create database :flash-waimai use mongorestore command to import mongodb data. Due to large amount of test data, package it in Baidu cloud disk. https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mfO7yckFL7lMb_O0BPsviw extracted code: apgd download the file after decompression to d: \ elm, the following commands import data:
mongorestore.exe -d flash-waimai d:\elm
Download the project the picture of the test data (merchants and food pictures) : link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rvZDspoapWa6rEq2D_5kzw to extract the code: Urzw, save the image in t_sys_cfg table system.file.upload.path in the specified directory
Start the management platform:
Enter the flash-Waimai-manage directory:
Run NPM install — registry.npm.taobao.org
Run NPM run dev
After the startup is successful, visit http://localhost:9528 and log in. The user name and password are admin and admin
Start the mobile phone:
Enter the Flash-Waimai-Mobile directory:
Run NPM install — registry.npm.taobao.org
Run NPM run local
After the startup is successful, visit http://localhost:8000
Running effect drawing
Background management
Mobile terminal
SpringBoot+Vue complete takeout system source download address gitee.com/microapp/fl…