The use of the 2.X edition is different from that of the 1.X edition, which has the following rules:
- To expose endpoints via SpringBoot2.0, both enabled and exposed must be enabled.
- In addition to all
Are not exposed by default. - In addition to all
Are enabled by default. - Default access path
Endpoint configuration
endpoint.shutdown.enabled: true # open shutdown
endpoints.web.exposure.include: "*" Expose all endpoints always # health Displays detailed information about the health check
# endpoint.web.base-path: /monitor # monitor endpoint.web.base-path: /monitor
Port: 30101 # monitor endpoint configured separately (default is service port)
Copy the code
Common endpoints can be referred to the SpringBoot1.x version.
Refer to the link
- Spring Boot 2.0 starts the method for monitoring endpoints
- Springboot 2.0 operating status monitoring uses the OPERATING Actuator
The code address
Personal website
- Gitee Pages
- Github Pages