In this paper, the source code making address: laughed told the code

One, packaging introduction

Springboot can be packaged in a number of ways. Can play war package, can play JAR package, can use Jekins package deployment. War packages are not recommended. SpringBoot can be separated from the front and back ends to facilitate deployment by using JARS.

Customize the startup page

        No BUG
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This replaces the original SpringBoot boot style.

Three, package configuration

1. Package poM configuration

<! -- Project Build -->
        <! -- SpringBoot plugin: JDK compiler plugin -->
        <! -- SpringBoot plugin: package -->
        <! Skip unit tests -->
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2. Multi-environment configuration

1) Application.yml configuration

  port: 8017
    name: node17-boot-package
    active: dev
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2) application-dev.yml configuration

  sign: develop
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3) Application-pro.yML configuration

  sign: product
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3. Environment test interface

package com.boot.pack.controller;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class PackController {
    private String sign ;
    public String getSign (a){
        returnsign ; }}Copy the code

Four, package execution

1. Specify module packaging

mvn clean install -pl node17-boot-package -am -Dmaven.test.skip=trueGenerate Jar package: node17-boot-package. JarCopy the code

2. Run the Jar package

Run java-jar node17-boot-package.jar –spring.profiles. Active =dev Run pro java-jar node17-boot-package.jar –

http://localhost:8017/getSign dev environment print: develop pro environmental printing: the productCopy the code

Five, source code address

Making address: given a smile cloud address: code laughed told the code