One, foreword

Mysql usually has multiple databases (data sources). For some special services, we need to operate on different data sources simultaneously.

Second, the analysis AbstractRoutingDataSource abstract class source code

Focus on the import org. Springframework.. JDBC datasource. Lookup. AbstractRoutingDataSource the following variables

private Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources; // Target data source
private Object defaultTargetDataSource; // Default target data source
private Map<Object, DataSource> resolvedDataSources; // Parse the data source
private DataSource resolvedDefaultDataSource; // The default data source for parsing
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These two groups of variables are corresponding to each other. If you are familiar with the multi-instance data source switching code, you can easily find that when there are multiple data sources, you must specify one as the default data source.

Here also in the same way, when initializing multiple data sources at the same time, need to explicitly specify a call setDefaultTargetDataSource method as the default data source;


targetDataSources and Map

TargetDataSources are exposed to external programs for assignment, while resolvedDataSources are used for internal execution, so there is an assignment operation.

(resolvedDataSources); (resolvedDataSources); (resolvedDataSources); In this way, if we add a new data source in the external program, it will be added to the internal use, so as to realize the dynamic loading of the data source.

To inherit this abstract class, you must implement an abstract method:protected abstract Object determineCurrentLookupKey()This method is used to specify which data source to use.

Implement multi-data source switching and dynamic data source loading

A – Configuration file information

Application. Yml file

  port: 18080
      # primary data source
        driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
        url: JDBC: mysql: / / / test_master_db? characterEncoding=utf-8
        username: josen
        password: josen
      # from data source
        driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
        url: JDBC: mysql: / / / test_slave_db? characterEncoding=utf-8
        username: josen
        password: josen
  mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
  path: ./logs/mydemo20201105.log
    com.josen.mydemo20201105: debug
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Maven rely on

    <! -- AOP -->
    <! -- druid -->
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B – encoding implementation

1, create a DynamicDataSource class, inheritance AbstractRoutingDataSource abstract class, realize determineCurrentLookupKey method, the method specifies which data source currently used;

The DynamicDataSource class uses ThreadLocal to maintain a global data source name, which can be dynamically switched by changing the name.

import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup.AbstractRoutingDataSource;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.util.Map;

/ * * *@ClassName DynamicDataSource
 * @DescriptionSet up dynamic data source *@Author Josen
 * @Date2020/11/5 "* * /
public class DynamicDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
    ThreadLocal maintains a globally unique map to dynamically switch data sources
    private static final ThreadLocal<String> contextHolder = new ThreadLocal<>();

    public DynamicDataSource(DataSource defaultTargetDataSource, Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources) {

    /** * specifies which data source */ to use
    protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey(a) {
        return getDataSource();

    public static void setDataSource(String dataSource) {

    public static String getDataSource(a) {
        return contextHolder.get();

    public static void clearDataSource(a) { contextHolder.remove(); }}Copy the code

3. Create DynamicDataSourceConfig class, introduce multiple data source information of application.yaml configuration, and build multiple data sources;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

/ * * *@ClassName DynamicDataSourceConfig
 * @DescriptionIntroduce dynamic data sources, build data sources *@Author Josen
 * @Date2020/11/5 in * * /
public class DynamicDataSourceConfig {
    /** * Build master-db data source */
    public DataSource myMasterDataSource(a){
        return DruidDataSourceBuilder.create().build();

    /** * Read the application configuration and build the slave-db data source */
    public DataSource  mySlaveDataSource(a){
        return DruidDataSourceBuilder.create().build();
    /** * Create dynamic data source */
    public DynamicDataSource dataSource(DataSource myMasterDataSource, DataSource mySlaveDataSource) {
        Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources = new HashMap<>();
        targetDataSources.put("slave-db", mySlaveDataSource);
        // myMasterDataSource= default datasource
        // targetDataSources= target data source (multiple)
        return newDynamicDataSource(myMasterDataSource, targetDataSources); }}Copy the code

4. Create a MyDataSource custom annotation. AOP will use the annotation as a pointcut to dynamically switch the specified data source by retrieving different values stored in the annotation.

import java.lang.annotation.*;
/** * Custom data source annotations * Add this annotation to the Service layer method that needs to switch data sources, specifying the data source name */
public @interface MyDataSource {
    String name(a) default "";
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Create DataSourceAspectAOP class, extend MyDataSource annotation. When executing a method annotated by @mydatasource, get the name passed by the annotation and switch to the specified data source. After execution, switch back to the default data source.

import com.josen.mydemo20201105.annotation.MyDataSource;
import com.josen.mydemo20201105.datasource.DynamicDataSource;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

/ * * *@ClassName DataSourceAspect
 * @DescriptionAop facet class configuration *@Author Josen
 * @Date2020/11/5 * * / desire
public class DataSourceAspect {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataSourceAspect.class);

    /** * Sets pointcut * to call only@MyDataSourceIt is the annotated method that triggers around */
    public void dataSourcePointCut(a) {}/** * Intercepts the method using MyDataSource annotations that toggle the specified data source * around section: is a combination of (pre & post & return & exception) notifications, more like the whole dynamic proxy process *@param point
    public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint point) throws Throwable {
        MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) point.getSignature();
        Method method = signature.getMethod();"execute DataSourceAspect around=========>"+method.getName());
        // 1. Obtain the custom annotation MyDataSource and check whether the specified data source name is configured
        MyDataSource dataSource = method.getAnnotation(MyDataSource.class);
        if(dataSource == null) {1.1 Use the default data source
        }else {
            // 1.2 Use the named data source
  "Use the specified name data source =========>";
        try {
            return point.proceed();
        } finally {
            // Post-processing - restore the default data sourceDynamicDataSource.clearDataSource(); }}}Copy the code

6. Configure the startup class

import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration;

@SpringBootApplication(exclude= {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class}) // Do not load the default data source configuration
@MapperScan(basePackages = "com.josen.mydemo.mapper")
public class MydemoApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args); }}Copy the code

7. This is basically done, all that remains is to test whether the data source is switched correctly;

The Mapper layer

public interface PermissionMapper {
    List<Permission> findAll(a);
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<! DOCTYPEmapper
        PUBLIC "- / / Mapper / 3.0 / EN"
<mapper namespace="com.josen.mydemo.mapper.PermissionMapper">
    <select id="findAll" resultType="com.josen.mydemo20201105.pojo.Permission">
        select * from t_permission;
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The Service layer

public class PermissionService {
    private PermissionMapper permissionMapper;
	// Switch the slave data source
    @MyDataSource(name = "slave-db")
    public List<Permission> findSlaveAll(a){
        return permissionMapper.findAll();
	// Default data source
    public List<Permission> findAll(a){
        returnpermissionMapper.findAll(); }}Copy the code

The Controller layer

public class PermissionController {
    private PermissionService permissionService;

    // Test to get default master-db data
    public List<Permission> handlerFindAll(a) {
        List<Permission> list = permissionService.findAll();
        return list;

    // Test to obtain specified slave-db data
    public List<Permission> handlerFindAll2(a) {
        List<Permission> list = permissionService.findSlaveAll();
        returnlist; }}Copy the code

C – Test data source switching

Mysql data

Interface return data

Demo source code…