Hello, everyone, I am “chasing dream snail”, you can reply “Java information” in the background of the public account to obtain the information of skill improvement, it is absolutely dry goods.

Welfare is here. Bring us a welfare.

Recently, I want to know about the open source projects related to Spring Boot. I have seen many open source frameworks, most of which are some demos or unfinished projects, with incomplete basic functions, especially in terms of user rights and menus.

When I think of the framework I made before, there are universal modules: user module, permission module, menu module, and functional module, and each function is complete.

In view of the above situation, I intend to share this framework for everyone to use and learn.

Why frame?

The framework can learn the whole process pattern, can use the complete user rights module, can help beginners better initial learning.

Features of the framework:

1. Lightweight: Spring is lightweight, with a base version of about 2MB. 2. Inversion of control: Spring implements loose coupling through inversion of control, where objects give out their dependencies rather than creating or finding dependent objects. Faceted Programming (AOP) : Spring supports faceted programming and separates application business logic from system services. 4. Containers: Spring contains and manages the life cycle and configuration of objects in your application. MVC Framework: Spring’s WEB framework is a well-designed framework and a good alternative to WEB frameworks. Transaction Management: Spring provides a continuous transaction management interface that can be extended up to local and down to global transactions (JTA). Exception handling: Spring provides convenient apis for turning technology-specific exceptions (such as those thrown by JDBC, Hibernate, or JDO) into consistent, unchecked exceptions.

The open source framework is described as follows:

A little knowledge college background management system concerned about the public number, into the group, together to discuss

A little Knowledge Institute is an online course information management system (it is the support of app mobile terminal), the project uses SpringBoot +JPA+ Easyui development.

Project Address: Github: github.com/ProceduralZ…

You can download the source code directly through Gitbhub to start the project. Do not understand can view the function introduction, or pay attention to the public number “program workplace” plus group communication

Had planned the project went up on the Internet for friends to see the preview, but the server has several other programs running, can’t pause, memory space is not enough to starting up the project, so friends can have a look at the screenshots below, in this paper, the ending will be deployed tutorial, deployed to the local can also see the full effect. (If necessary: add group in the public number to contact me)


The whole project has many functions and is complicated, so it is developed in several phases. At present, all the basic functions have been completed, some functions need to be optimized, and other modules are still being planned. Considering that the function can be used now, and the permission management, menu management and user management can be used in any project with requirements, the permission management is a pain point for many students, so I open source this project in advance for the research of friends.

Providing the App side interface has been completed, the development of the App side is in progress…

Note that since the user permission template is a very independent template, it is separated and used as a project library, so there are two project packages, of which system-core-college is introduced as a library file to be used in onepoint_college.

If you need it, you can learn and use it directly. If you have any questions, you can check the instructions.

So suitable for what groups of people to use and learn?

  1. Java beginners, this is a great learning framework for you to learn the overall flow

  2. Java has some experience (except Daniel), but the previous work has been a helper, this framework is more suitable, you can let yourself have a deeper understanding of the framework, but also can always upgrade and optimize

  3. College students, before graduation, want to know about Java and understand the magic of Java more deeply through a project, running the project, must be very successful.

  4. Other languages to Java language, direct use of good

In addition, this project is also constantly updated, partners can pay attention to the public account ** program workplace ** to understand the latest update record to view the latest completed functions.

The invitation

There are still some functions to be improved in this project, and new requirements are also in the planning. Welcome your good suggestions. As an upgrade of the framework, I will display your good suggestions in README!

The overall effect

** system menu

(1) First of all, different users will see different system menus when they configure different menu items according to their roles after successful login. The complete menu is as follows:

After different users log in, they see different menu items.

2**, ** user management

(1) Display the background administrator information, you can add, delete, edit the administrator information, do not need users can: disable, also can do: enable, reset the password operation

A new background administrator can select different permissions: super administrator, Primary administrator, and secondary administrator

Editing Administrator Information

3**, ** data editing

(1) Display and edit fixed data in the maintenance project through the head menu: Add, edit, delete

4 Upgrade versions of ** and **

(1) Update of android version developed for app side can be added, edited and deleted

5** and ** permission management

(1) Configure user level permissions. You can configure different menus for users with different levels of permissions. At present, there are super administrator, Primary administrator, and secondary administrator

6**, ** menu management

(1) Project menu data management of products, which can be added, deleted and edited according to the needs of different projects

7. Knowledge types of ** and **

(1) Classification of course resources on app terminal. Currently, there are four main categories: knowledge courseware, knowledge path, excellent series of knowledge and popular knowledge. You can add, delete, edit

8**, ** knowledge courseware

(1) The knowledge courseware classification of course knowledge can be added, edited and deleted, and sub-class can be added at the same time

9**, ** knowledge path

(1) The knowledge path classification of course knowledge can be added, edited and deleted, and sub-classes can be added at the same time

10. Knowledge of the best products

(1) Excellent series of knowledge classification of course knowledge, can be added, edited, deleted classification, and can add sub-class

11**, ** hot knowledge

(1) The popular knowledge classification of course knowledge can be added, edited and deleted

12**, ** selected courses

(1) Selected courses are the most professional and representative course resources, which can add sub-classes with functions including adding, deleting and editing.

13** and ** message trends

(1) Display some system messages released by the system, or information about resource additions and changes, etc. on the user app side, with functions including adding, deleting and modifying.

14**, ** Home page dynamics

(1) Display some system news released by the system, or recommended videos, the best video resources, etc., on the user app side, with functions including adding, deleting and modifying.

15**, ** feedback

(1) It is used to collect optimization suggestions and feedback help suggestions from customers in the use of the APP.

Technology stack

Back-end technology stack




Front-end technology stack


There are some other trivial techniques are not listed, will be in the form of knowledge points explained in detail.

Project deployment

1. Download the project to local Github github.com/ProceduralZ…

2. The database script is stored in the SRC/main/webapp/file directory of the onepoint_college project. You can execute the database script in MySQL or import it directly

3. The database configuration is in the application.properties file under the Resources directory of the onepoint_college project

4. Run the onepoint_college project in Eclipse

OK, here, the server is started successfully, at this time we directly input http://localhost:8080/onepoint_college/manager/home/login.html in your browser’s address bar

At this point you can access the project, and if you want to do secondary development,Make adjustment directly on the foundation go, do not suffer any influence.

Note, note, note that the corresponding front-end (app side) is still being updated. There will be open source source for APPS, applets, flutter and other mobile terminals in the future. (Keep an eye on me)

The document

The document is a detailed record of some problems encountered during the project development process, mainly to help those who have no foundation to quickly understand the project.

Spring Boot (2) Basic Configuration of Spring Boot (3) Principle of Automatic configuration of Spring Boot (4) Spring Boot Spring Boot (4) Spring Boot Web development project 5.Spring Boot (5) Spring Boot Web development project (2) Configuration 6.Spring Boot (6) Spring Boot Web development SSL configuration 7 Spring Boot (7) Spring Boot Websocket 8.Spring Boot (8) Spring Boot Websocket to implement the chat function 9 Bootstrap and AngularJS using JPA in Spring Boot

Although the project framework has been basically completed, but, but, but, some problems in the development of the arrangement is not enough, can’t wait to share with you, open source for you to use in advance, if there is a question to add the public number Workplace program In the group.

Other information

Pay attention to the public account application workplace, focus on the front-end framework (flutter app mobile terminal, small programs, Spring Boot+ micro services, share articles regularly, update videos regularly afterwards, reply to Java materials after attention, receive dry goods carefully prepared for you!

A dedicated workplace programmer

Ok, the project framework is basically finished, if you still have questions, you can pay attention to the public account ** program workplace ** group, we progress together

Project Download address:
