1. A brief introduction to Spring:


The Spring Framework is a lightweight Framework for JavaEE (JavaEnterprise Edition), whose Spring platform provides comprehensive infrastructure support for Java developers. While the code for Spring’s base components is lightweight, the configuration is still heavyweight.


1.1.1 What was it created to solve?


SpringBoot was born to solve the heavyweight configuration problems of the Spring framework. Spring Boot provides a new programming mode that makes developing Spring applications easier and more convenient. Application out of the box, just through a command, you can start the application! SpringBoot makes development more efficient and easy by emphasizing that it requires very few configuration files. With such an efficient and concise framework, why not?


1.1.2 Spring Boot2.x features


What are the features of SpringBoot2.x?


A faster start for all Spring developers;

Out of the box, provide a variety of default configurations to simplify project configuration;

Embedded containers simplify Web projects;

There is no requirement for redundant code generation and XML configuration.


1.2 System Requirements


Java1.8 or later Spring Framework 4.1.5 or later

Teaching using Java 1.8.0_131, Spring Boot 2.0.


1.3 Differences between SpringBoot and SpringMVC


SpringBoot is a framework for rapid development, which can quickly integrate third-party frameworks, simplify XML configuration, all in the form of annotations, built-in Tomcat container, to help developers to achieve rapid development, SpringBoot Web components default integration is the SpringMVC framework. SpringMVC is the control layer.


The basic tutorial of Springboot was recorded as follows:


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