The introduction
Among the ORM frameworks supported by spring Framework, Mybatis provides relatively little support compared with Hibernate, which will undoubtedly produce a lot of difficulties for programmers using MyBatis in the development process.
To this end, the open source has also produced a lot of third-party mybatis enhancement tools, such as Ourbatis, MyBatis – Generator and so on. In this article, we mainly talk about the rich function, which is still in the iteration of a Chinese developed enhancement tool mybatis- Plus. Just like the official document says
Our vision is to become the best partner of MyBatis, just like 1P and 2P in Contra, the efficiency of gay friends is doubled.
As you can see, Mybatis – Plus is designed to improve efficiency and simplify configuration. How to integrate Mybatis – Plus with Springboot
The preparatory work
The first step is to create a Springboot project
Introducing dependencies (SpringBoot dependencies, Mybaits, Mybatis – Plus, etc.)
<! -- SpringBoot auto-configuration dependency on mybaits -->
<! -- Mybatis - Plus dependencies -->
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The code is generated using mybaits-Plus’s code generator mapping, and the database we use here is mysql. This is explained in another article, which is not covered here.
Here, Mybaits-Plus provides base classes such as BaseMapper and BaseService to support operations such as
save(T t)
saveOrUpdate(T t)
update(T t, Wrapper<T> wrapper)
page(IPage<T> page, Wrapper<T> queryWrapper)
And so on.
How to use Mybaits-Plus in SpringBoot
The first is configuration. By default, yML files are used to configure Mybaits-Plus.
#MyBatis Mapper XML file location
mapper-locations: classpath*:mapper/*.xml
# MyBaits alias package scan path, using this property to register alias package classes,
Mapper can use the class name directly in the Mapper XML file.
typeAliasesPackage: com.luwei.models
# Used with typeAliasesPackage, scans only classes that have that class as their parent
# type-aliases-super-type: java.lang.Object
Set this property to inject enum classes
typeEnumsPackage: com.luwei.demo.mybatisplusdemo.envm
Classes under this package are registered as custom type conversion processing classes for attribute type conversion
# type-handlers-package: com.luwei.demo.mybatisplusdemo.handler
# specify mybatis processor
# executorType: simple
This resultType can be mapped using the hump mapping attribute
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
For example, the table is named tb_manager, which corresponds to entity Manager
table-prefix: tb_
The value is logically deleted
logic-delete-value: 1
# Logical undeleted value
logic-not-delete-value: 0
# Whether to enable the "like" query, that is, whether to use "like" for the stirng field. This function is disabled by default
# column-like: false
# log level, display operation SQL
com.luwei.demo.mybatisplusdemo.mapper: debug
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Almost all of these configurations are sufficient for general applications.
CRUD interface
As mentioned above, BaseMapper and BaseService have implemented some basic operations. The following is a brief description of the usage of these interfaces
The query
In the query, Mybatis- Plus provides a variety of encapsulated methods, including primary key query, specified condition query, paging query, etc.
Manager manager1 = managerService.getById(1);
LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager> wrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager>().like(Manager::getName, "na");
List<Manager> managerList = managerService.list(wrapper);
// Configure the page plug-in configuration first
Page page = new Page<>(1.2);
IPage<Manager> managerPage =, wrapper);
// Get the map object
Map<String, Object> map = managerService.getMap(wrapper);
Object obj = managerService.getObj(wrapper);
try {
// If there are multiple results, throw an exception
managerService.getOne(wrapper, true);
}catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("Exception catching");
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The save(T T) method, which actually persists the object to the database, generates an INSERT statement and executes it.
public void add(a) {
Manager manager = new Manager();
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Log output:
==> Preparing: INSERT INTO tb_manager ( account, name, password, role ) VALUES ( ? ,? ,? ,?) ==> Parameters: account(String), name(String), password(String), 0(Integer) <== Updates: 1Copy the code
To change the
Update, updateOrSave, and upateById can update data. The difference between them is
: Filters and updates the specified fields based on the criteriaupdateOrSave
: Updates objects and inserts objects that have not been storedupdateById
: Updates objects by ID
public void updateManager(a) {
Manager manager = getById(1);
//update(new Manager(), new UpdateWrapper<Manager>().lambda().set(Manager::getName, "test").eq(Manager::getManagerId, 1));
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In addition to the general physical deletion, Mybaits-Plus also provides support for logical deletion.
If logical deletion is required, in addition to the above configuration, you need to add a configuration bean to assemble the plug-in.
public ISqlInjector sqlInjector(a) {
return new LogicSqlInjector();
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In this way, the fields in the record marked as delete are changed when deletion is used, and only the records marked as undeleted are deleted when querying and updating.
public void deleteManager(a) {
LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager> wrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager>().eq(Manager::getManagerId, 4);
deleteMap = new HashMap<>(); DeleteMap. Put ("manager_id", 4); baseMapper.deleteByMap(deleteMap); * /
/*baseMapper.deleteById(4); * /
// a method that belongs to a service
wrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper
().eq(Manager::getManagerId, 4); remove(wrapper); * /
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Conditional constructor
In the query, update, delete operations, we often need to define conditions or set attributes, that is, where clause and set statement, if not directly through SQL to deal with, in Mybatis – Plus, also provides a wrapper to achieve.
AbstractWrapper encapsulates almost everyday conditional operations. Like the JPA Specification, it supports dynamic generation of conditions as well as the use of lambda expressions to assemble conditions. It is the parent of QueryWrapper and UpdateWrapper
Some common wrapper methods
Map<String, Object> conditionMap = new HashMap<>();
// Use the table field name
//allEq(BiPredicate<R, V> filter, Map<R, V> params, boolean null2IsNull)
//filter: ignore the field
//null2IsNull: If the value of map is true, isNull is invoked. If the value of map is false, null is ignored
QueryWrapper<Manager> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<Manager>().allEq((r, v) -> r.indexOf("name") > 0, conditionMap, true);
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//like(R column, Object val) -> column like '%na%'
//likeLeft -> column like '%na'
//likeRight -> column like 'na%'
//and(Function<This, This> func) -> and (column = val)
LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager> lambdaWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager>().like(Manager::getName, "na").and((r) -> r.eq(Manager::getDisabled, false));
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//orderBy(boolean condition, boolean isAsc, R... columns) -> order by columns isAsc
LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager> lambdaWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager>().orderBy(true.false, Manager::getManagerId);
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//select is used to select attributes
LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager> lambdaWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<Manager>().select(Manager::getName, Manager::getDisabled);
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//set(R column, Object val) -> update T set colunm = val
managerService.update(new Manager(), new UpdateWrapper<Manager>().lambda().set(Manager::getName, "newName").eq(Manager::getManagerId, 4));
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There are other qualified methods such as EQ, LTE, isNull, orderBy, OR, EXISTS, which are not described here.
Paging plug-in
The introduction of paging requires the addition of plug-in beans in addition to configuration
public PaginationInterceptor paginationInterceptor(a) {
return new PaginationInterceptor();
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When used, a custom query adds a Page object to the argument and requires it to be first in the argument
IPage<ManagerPageVO> selectManagerPage(Page page, @Param("roleEnum")RoleEnum roleEnum, @Param("managerId") Integer managerId, @Param("name") String name);
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<select id="selectManagerPage" resultType="com.luwei.pojos.manager.ManagerPageVO"><! [CDATA[ select manager_id, account, name, role, disabled, create_time, last_login_time from tb_manager where role = #{roleEnum} and deleted = false ]]><if test="name ! = null"><! [CDATA[ and (name like CONCAT('%',#{name},'%') or account like CONCAT('%',#{name},'%')) ]]></if>
<if test="managerId ! = null"><! [CDATA[ and manager_id = #{managerId} ]]></if>
<select id="selectForSpecialCondition" resultType="com.luwei.entity.Manager">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from tb_manager
where name like '%admin%'
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The primary key configuration
In Mybaits-Plus, there are several primary key generation strategies, respectively
- Idtype. AUTO: indicates that the DATABASE ID is automatically increased
- Idtype. INPUT: indicates the user INPUT
- Idtype. ID_WORKER: unique ID, automatically populated (default)
- Idtype. UUID: indicates the unique ID, which is automatically filled
Since our company uses mysql’s own increment strategy, we choose
@ApiModelProperty(value = "Administrator ID")
@TableId(value = "manager_id", type = IdType.AUTO)
private Integer managerId;
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The difference between ID_WORKER and UUID lies in their unique key generation strategies. According to the official introduction, ID_WORKER uses Sequence as the basis to generate unique keys.
Enumerated attribute
To make better use of enumerations for MyBaits, MyBatis – Plus provides enumeration scan injection
The first step is to configure scan paths
Set this property to inject enum classes
typeEnumsPackage: com.luwei.demo.mybatisplusdemo.envm
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Implement interfaces in enumeration classes to get concrete values
// Implement this interface to get values
public interface BaseEnum<E extends Enum<? >,T> {
T getValue(a);
String getDisplayName(a);
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At this point, you are basically ready to use enumerated types on MyBatis.
The basic usage of MyBitis-Plus is described above, but it also provides many convenient plug-ins and applications, including XML hot loading, optimistic locking, and performance analysis plug-ins, which I won’t cover here due to space and subject matter. Hopefully this article will help you quickly get your hands on this popular myBaits enhancement tool and improve your development efficiency.
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