Configuration of dev, SIT, UAT, proD multi-environment switch

Recently my partner and Yang Yang I talked about the problem of multi-environment configuration, most of the online tutorials are copy, many articles can not be used at all, the partner is very distressed, so heart (Yu) to (SHU) good (Lin) good (Feng) Yang Yang went back to write a demo to the guy, then this article, Just to explain the multi-environment configuration of SpringBoot

Popular Science Time:

What are dev, sit, UAT, and PROd?

First, explain the meaning to the new friends

  • Dev — local development environment;
  • Sit — Test environment;
  • Uat — Quasi-production environment;
  • Prod — Production environment;

What is multi-environment configuration switching, and why?

  • If you build a springboot project quickly, there is only one environment — development environment (DEV). If you write the code and push it to SVN or GIT, the mysql library in your project team’s production environment (UAT) is definitely not the same as the SIT library. It is not possible to modify the configuration file directly.
  • So, now you are wondering, how should I realize the automatic switch between local development configuration and quasi production configuration?

Prepare multiple environment configuration files

First, you need to have an application.yml file

Four of the

Note: Please note that the configuration of your common parts should be placed in application.yml. If the configuration is different (for example, different mysql configuration), For example, your sit mysql user has the permission to add, delete and view, while your UAT user only has the permission to view

So how do you switch?

Here, we need to modify pom. XML to switch configuration files, introducing the following:

1. Configure the Profiles node

<! -- Multi-environment configuration scheme --> <profiles> <profile> <! Dev </id> <properties> <profileActive>dev</profileActive> </properties> <! -- This configuration is enabled by default --> <activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> </activation> </profile> <profile> <id>sit</ ID > <properties> <profileActive>sit</profileActive> </properties> </profile> <profile> <id>uat</id> <properties> <profileActive>uat</profileActive> </properties> </profile> <profile> <id>prod</id> <properties> <profileActive>prod</profileActive> </properties> </profile> </profiles>Copy the code

2. Add a parsing plug-in

Copy the code

3. Modify the application.yml file

Note: the data in @profileActive@ corresponds to the data in your properties

    active: @profileActive@
Copy the code

4. You need to add yamL dependency, otherwise idea cannot be started (another way is to download the plugin supported by IDEA, which is not recommended)

Copy the code

Verify the multi-environment configuration switch

1. Idea Starts verification

  • Add a custom parameter to each yML file, and the corresponding port number is different, as follows:

  • A method for validation

/ * * -@author yanglei
 - @desc
 - @date2020/6/28 * /
public class DemoController {

    private String envName;

    public String getEnv(a){
        return "Current environment is:"+envName; }}Copy the code
  • figure

    • Dev test
    • Prod test

2. Create a JAR package for verification

  • Use the clean package -p prod command to package
  • Pack up and check



  • Next token found character ‘@’ that cannot start any token
  • If idea cannot be run, your YAML dependency is not added

That this time to share here, if you still have what is not clear, please leave a message below, ok, fellow friends, Yang Yang slipped ~