1. Introduce dependencies

<! -- mybatis -->






<! Mapper -->






<! -- mysql -->






<! -- druid connection pool -->






<! -- Paging plugin -->






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2. Modify the configuration file


port: 8080



type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource

driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/admin? useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false

username: root

password: root


Load the mapper file

mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml

Set the entity category name

#type-aliases-package: demo.springboot.mybatismapperpagehelper.domain

Load mybatis global configuration file

#config-location: classpath:mybatis/SqlMapConfig.xml


# Generic mapper class, can be multiple, do not put together with the business DAO

mappers: demo.springboot.mybatismapperpagehelper.basedao.BaseMapper

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// Inherit the interface from tkmapper

// add, delete, change, query, etc

//MySqlMapper is a set of operations on mysql

public interface BaseMapper<T> extends Mapper<T>, MySqlMapper<T> {


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4. The entity class


public class SysUser {

// Query by primary key must have @id annotation, otherwise an error will be reported


private Long id;

private String username;

private String password;

private String nickname;

private Integer age;


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// Inheriting BaseMapper from step 3, generics are entity classes

public interface SysUserDAO extends BaseMapper<SysUser> {


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6. Scan the dao


// The scan annotations used here are not mybatis annotations, but general mapper annotations


public class MybatisMapperPagehelperApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {

SpringApplication.run(MybatisMapperPagehelperApplication.class, args);



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7. Test



public class MybatisMapperPagehelperApplicationTests {


private SysUserDAO userDAO;


public void testSelectByPrimaryKey(a) {

// Query by primary key

SysUser sysUser = userDAO.selectByPrimaryKey(1L);




public void testSelectAll(a) {

// Query all data

List<SysUser> sysUsers = userDAO.selectAll();




public void testPageHelper(a){

// The first argument is the number of pages, and the second argument is the number of pages. For the first SQL after this method,

// Single table paging, one-to-one paging is correct. One-to-many, many-to-many paging causes an error

//PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);

Sort by id in reverse order

PageHelper.startPage(1.2."id desc");

List<SysUser> sysUsers = userDAO.selectAll();

// Get paging data

PageInfo<SysUser> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(sysUsers);

// Get the total number of entries


// Get the number of paging pages


// Get the number of paging bars


// Get the paging data, which is the sysUsers queried above




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  • Test according to the primary key query console logs: = = > Preparing: SELECT id, username, password and nickname, age FROM sys_user WHERE id =? ==> Parameters: 1(Long) <== Total: 1

  • Test all console log data query: = = > Preparing: SELECT id, username, password and nickname, age FROM sys_user = = > Parameters: < = = Total: 3

  • Preparing: SELECT ID, username, password, nickname, age FROM sys_user order by ID desc LIMIT? ==> Parameters: 2(Integer) <== Total: 2

Note: General mapper can only do some simple operations, business complex also need to be manually implemented. The paging plug-in does not need to format the number of pages ((pagenum-1)*pageSize) that you need to format when writing your own SQL

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