Introduction to a,
1. Write a basic SpringBoot project
1. Create maven project
2. Import dependencies
3. Write the main program
@springBootApplication public class MainApplication {public static void main(String[] Run (mainApplication.class, args); }}Copy the code
2. HelloWorld inquiry
1. POM files
1. Parent project
<parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>1.5.9.RELEASE</version> </parent> Its parent project is spring-boot-dependecies: To really manage all the dependent versions of a Springboot application there is a <propertes> that defines the version of each dependencyCopy the code
SpringBoot version arbitration center
By default, you do not need to write versions for future import dependencies; Versions not introduced in dependecies need to be declared
2. Scenario initiator
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Spring – the boot – stater:
An initiator in the SpringBoot scenario, which declares dependency imports to import components required by the normal running of web templates
SpringBoot pulls all the functional scenarios together as “starters”, only importing dependencies on those scenarios into the project. Versions are automatically controlled by the parent POM. Each function corresponds to a scenario initiator
2. Main program class
@springBootApplication public class MainApplication {public static void main(String[] args), args); }}Copy the code
The class annotated by @SpringBootApplication is the main configuration class for SpringBoot, which runs the main method to start the application
excludeFilters = {@Filter(
type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
classes = {TypeExcludeFilter.class}
), @Filter(
type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
classes = {AutoConfigurationExcludeFilter.class}
public @interface SpringBootApplication {
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1. @SpringBootConfiguration: indicates the SpringBootConfiguration class. The underlying @Configuration Configuration class = Configuration file
2. @enableAutoConfiguration: Enable the automatic configuration function. Is a composite annotation
public @interface EnableAutoConfiguration {
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1. @autoConfigurationPackage
Scan the package of the main configuration class and all the components in all the subpackages below into the Spring container
2, @ Import ({AutoConfigurationImportSelector. Class}) : to Import a component container; The imported components by AutoConfigurationImportSelector. Class (import component selector) specified.
AutoConfigurationImportSelector. Class under the class of String [] selectImports () method, all you need to import the component class name to return, these components can be added to the container. Will import a lot of autoconfiguration classes into the container (xxxAutoConfiguration)
Todo Screenshot automatic configuration
AutoConfigurationImportSelector. GetCandidateConfigurations () method - > SpringFactoriesLoader. LoadFactoryNames () : From the "meta-INF /spring.factories" path, Spring - the boot - autoconfiguration package under the meta-inf/spring. Factories defined inside the file org. Springframework. Boot. Autoconfigure. EnableAutoConfigu Automatic configuration takes effect when a configuration class defined in a ration field is imported to a containerCopy the code
3. Use Spring Initializer to quickly create projects
Select the module you need, the network automatically download dependencies
The default generated content:
The main program is already generated, so there is no need to write the Application class manually
Resources folder.
- Static: Save all static resources: imags…
- Templates: Store all template pages, default JAR package, embedded Tomcat, JSP pages are not supported by default, you can use a template engine (freemarker, Thymeleaf)
- Application. properties: configuration file of the Spring Boot application. Ex: server.port=XXX
Configuration file
1. Configuration files
SpringBoot uses a global configuration file
- application.yml
Effect: Changes the default value of automatic configuration
YAML(YAML Ain’t Markup Language) : Data-centric configuration
- A: It’s a markup language
- Isn’t: Isn’t a markup language
Markup language:
Yml configuration example
port: 8090
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2. YAML syntax
1. Basic grammar
K: [space]V indicates a key-value pair
The hierarchy is controlled by indented Spaces. The left – aligned column is the same hierarchy
Properties and values are also case-sensitive
2, value writing
Literals: ordinary values (numbers, strings, booleans)
- K: v: the literal value is written directly, and the string is not quoted by default
- “” : does not escape special characters in the string
- “: will escape special characters
Object: attribute + value, key-value pair
- K: v: The next line writes the properties and values of the object
Friends: lastName: zhangsan age: 20Copy the code
Inline writing
friends: {lastName:zhangsan, age: 18} Copy the code
Represents an element in an array with a – value
- cat
- dog
- pig
pets: [cat,dog,pig]
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3. Obtain the configuration file value
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = “XXX “) : Bind all properties in this class to values in the configuration file
2. Import the configuration file processor
Unit testing
@SpringBoottest: Unit tests using SpringBoot
@runwith (springrunner.class) : drive
3. Properties configuration file
1, grammar,
2. Obtain the configuration file value
@configurationProperties (prefix = “XXX “); Encoding problem: FileEncodings: Set conversion to ASCII
2. @value: Spring’s underlying annotation that assigns values to fields. @value (${xxx.yyy}/ expression/literal)
Get the map value:
@ConfigurationProperties | @Value | |
function | Import the property definition of a class | Import of a single field |
Loosely bound | last-name=lastName | Does not support |
spEl | Does not support | support |
Complex type encapsulation | support | Does not support |
When mapping javabeans to configuration files ->@ConfigurationProperties
Get the configuration Value for a single field -> @value
Third, the Profile
Used to support multiple environment configurations
1. Multiple Profile files
1. Properties file
The name of the main profile can be application-{profile}.properties/yaml
2. Yaml files
— : Separate documents in the same file
2. Activate the specified profile
- = XXX: indicates the activation of the specified profile in the profile
- Command line: idea runtime specified. – spring. Profiles. The active = dev. Higher priority
- Jar the project into a jar package (the finished package is in the target directory) with Java -jar xxx.jar –spring.profiles. Active = dev
- Vm parameters. The VM options: – Dspring – profiles. The active = dev
Four, logs,
1. Logging framework
JUL, JCL, jboss-Logging, logback, log4j, log4j2, slf4J….
Log facade (Abstraction layer) | The logging implementation |
Log4j, |
Choose a facade on the left and an implementation on the right
Log store: slf4J; Implementation: log4j2
Spring is the Spring framework. Spring is JCL by default, and SlF4J and LogBack are used for SpringBoot
2. Use SLF4J
Import slF4jJAR and logback implementation jars
import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld.class);"Hello World"); }}Copy the code
Each logging implementation framework has its own configuration file. With SLF4J, the configuration file is still made into the logging implementation framework configuration file.
How do I unify all logs on my system to SLF4J: there is A transformation JAR (A-over-B.jar) package to import
1. Exclude the log framework of the system
2. Replace the old logging framework with a tundish
3. Import the actual slF4J implementation package
3. SpringBoot log relationship
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In SpringBoot, a variety of XX-over-SLF4J packages are imported at the bottom layer of Spring-boot-start-logging, and the log abstraction layer SLF4J is imported at the bottom layer. Other logs are converted to SLF4J and logged using logback
If you introduce another framework, be sure to remove that framework’s default logging dependency
SpringBoot automatically ADAPTS all logs, and slF4J-logback is used to record logsWhen introducing other frameworks, log dependencies need to be removed. Logging is configured by default and can be used directly.
/** * Generates a logger. Logger = loggerFactory.getLogger (getClass()); LoggerFactory = loggerFactory.getLogger ()); Logger.trace (); Logger.debug (); // Debug information, debug key output logger.debug(); // SpringBoot defaults to the info level and above // Common information output; / / warning logger. Warn (); // Error logger. Error ();Copy the code
Logging.file =XXX // Do not specify a path to generate logging.path=YYY under the current projectCopy the code
Spring. log is the default log file name when file is not specified
Log Output format
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %t %-5level %logger{30}.%method - %msg%n" />
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