This is the 31st day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

Springsecurity is a security framework for Spring projects and the default technology selection for Springboot security modules. It can achieve powerful WEB security control. We only need to introduce the main classes of the Spring-starter-Security module

@ WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter: custom security strategy @ AuthenticationManagerBuider: custom authentication strategy @ WebSecurity EnableWebSecurity open mode, The two main goals of Springsecurity are “authentication” and “authorization” (access control). This concept is interchangeable and not unique to Springsecurity. To prepare, import dependencies

   <! -- Introduce thymeleaf dependency -->
        <! -- Security dependency -->
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A few simple page directory structures

Page effect Write your own config class Springboot help we integrate more, only need to write a class, inheritance WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter add annotations @ EnableWebSecurity

package com.jj.config;


public class Securityconfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
/ / rewrite

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Make the home page accessible to all
// If login is enabled, you cannot return to the login pagehttp.formLogin(); }}Copy the code

Effect when we click Will return to the login page because there is no permissionThe aop equivalent of Spring is faceted.Set the login account and password permission

// Rewrite the login account password
// Can be a database, I do not connect to the database, I use memory

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
// Set FJJ to vip2,vip3
// Set Silly to only watch VIp1
               .and() .withUser("Han han").password("285").roles("vip1");
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The version problem should report an error saying that the password is not secure. Probably also for the sake of everyone’s password

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id "null"at$UnmappedIdPasswordEncoder.matches(DelegatingPassw ~[spring-security-core-5.42..jar:5.42.]
	at ~[spring-security-core-5.42..jar:5.42.]
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** Solution 1: if you do not want to set the password encryption encoding, you can reduce the version to 2.1.X ** ** solution 2: add password encryption **

// Rewrite the login account password
// Can be a database, I do not connect to the database, I use memory

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        auth.inMemoryAuthentication().passwordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder())
// Set FJJ to vip2,vip3
                .withUser("fengjiaojaio").password(new BCryptPasswordEncoder().encode("123456")).roles("vip2"."vip3")
// Set Silly to only watch VIp1
               .and() .withUser("Han han").password(new BCryptPasswordEncoder().encode("285")).roles("vip1");
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The effect Will say no permission!!If the connection to the database, the official document to inject the data source can be!! There will be cookies after login so you need to enable the elimination of login, add this sentence Put the logout button on the front pageThis mapper is the one that Spring Security wroteDownload his source code and see the comments

The effect There are friendly hintsIf you do not want to jump to the login screen, you can also jump to the specified URL 支那Function!!!!!