1 IoCwithDI

The IoC is an Inversion of Control. Typically, objects are created manually by the caller, in the form of new XXX(). When the Spring framework comes along, instances of objects are no longer created by the caller, but by the Spring container, so control is transferred from the caller to the Spring container, and control is reversed. This is the inversion of control of Spring. From the perspective of the Spring container, the Spring container is responsible for assigning the dependent object to the caller’s member variable, which is equivalent to injecting the caller’s dependent instance. This is Spring’s Dependency Injection (DI).

In a word:

  • IoC: Control is given to the callerSpringContainer, the control has been reversed
  • DIBy:SpringThe container injects the required value into the object

2 Spring IoCThe container

The Spring IoC container implements IoC in Spring, based on the following two interfaces:

  • BeanFactory
  • ApplicationContext

2.1 BeanFactory

Is located in the org. Springframework. Beans. Under the factory, provides a complete IoC service support, is a management Bean factory, mainly responsible for the initialization of all kinds of beans. You can use XmlBeanFactory to get beans from an XML file and assemble them, as shown in the following example:

BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new FileSystemResource("/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/applicationContext.xml"));
TestInterface test = (TestInterface)factory.getBean("test");
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Absolute paths are needed, and the method is outdated:

Therefore, it is not recommended.

2.2 ApplicationContext

ApplicationContext is a subinterface of the BeanFactory, also known as the ApplicationContext. In addition to the functions of the BeanFactory, it also adds support for internationalization, resource access, event propagation, and so on.

  • ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
  • FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
  • WebServer instantiation

2.2.1 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext

This class finds the specified XML file from resources:

ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
TestInterface test = (TestInterface)context.getBean("test");
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2.2.2 FileSystemXmlApplicationContext

This class reads configuration files with a prefix:

  • classpath:: The prefix means read from the classpath, forMavenFor the projectresources
  • file:: The prefix is obtained from an absolute path


ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("classpath:applicationContext.xml");
//ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("file:/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxxx/xxx/applicationContext.xml");
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2.2.3 WebServer instantiation

Using ContextLoaderListener based implementation, modify web.xml and add the following code:

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3 DIThere are two ways

DI is typically implemented in two ways:

  • Constructor injection
  • setterinjection

Let’s take a look at each of them.

3.1 Constructor injection

Spring can use reflection to do this via constructors, such as the following three classes:

public interface TestInterface {
    void hello(a);

public class TestA implements TestInterface {
    public void hello(a) {
        System.out.println("Test A"); }}public class TestB {
    private TestInterface test;

    public TestB(TestInterface test)
        this.test = test;

    public void method(a)
    { test.hello(); }}Copy the code

TestB needs an object of type TestInterface, so we can inject a TestA into the constructor of TestB:

<bean id="testA" class="TestA"/> <! Insert a TestA object -->
<bean id="testB" class="TestB">
	<constructor-arg index="0" ref="testA" /> <! Pass the above injected TestA as an argument to the constructor and pass it to the private member of TestB.
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Constructor-arg is used to define the tag that will be injected by way of a constructor, index defines the position, starting at 0, and ref is a reference to a Bean with a value of the Bean ID.

3.2 throughsetterinjection

In the above example, modify TestB as follows:

public class TestB {
    private TestInterface test;

    public void setTest(TestInterface test) {
        this.test = test;

    public void method(a)
    { test.hello(); }}Copy the code

Add a setter and modify the configuration file:

<bean id="testA" class="TestA"/>
<bean id="testB" class="TestB">
    <property name="test" ref="testA" />
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indicates that through setter injection, name is the name of the private member and ref is the ID value of the Bean passed into the setter.