1. Introduction
Spring Cloud 2020.0.0 has been announced on the Spring blog. 2020.0.0 is the first Spring Cloud release to use the new version number naming scheme. Before this, Spring Cloud named a large version (Train Version) using the naming method of London underground station. If it is not named according to the new version number, the version number this time should be Ilford.
2. The reason why Netflix OSS was removed
This update is no surprise, but it officially begins the end of the Spring Cloud Netflix system. Netflix is the most successful microservices startup so far. It open-source microservices suite known to developers as Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul, Feign, Ribbon, and more, collectively known as Netflix OSS. Netflix OSS became the de facto standard on microservice components at the time. However, in 2018, Netflix announced that its core components, such as Hystrix, Ribbon, Zuul and Eureka, were in the maintenance state. Instead of developing new features, they only fixed bugs.
This directly affected the development path of The Spring Cloud project, and Spring officials had to take countermeasures. In the 2019 SpringOne Conference, Spring Cloud announced that the Spring Cloud Netflix project was in maintenance mode. And remove the associated Netflix OSS component in 2020.
3. Which Netflix components have been removed
Now Netflix OSS has officially come to an end in the era of Spring Cloud system. In this update the following components have been removed from Spring Cloud Netflix:
Only Eureka remains in the latest Spring Cloud 2020.0.0, but time is running out for Eureka.
Although Feign is an open source product of Netflix, it has been transferred to OpenFeign since version 9.x. It does not belong to Netflix OSS and will continue to exist in Spring Cloud until the end of its life.
4. What are the alternatives
The sudden change of Netflix OSS has made Spring officials feel that they “can’t afford to hang on to one tree”. Newly developed components to maintain Spring Cloud, such as Spring Cloud Loadbalancer layer and Spring Cloud Gateway layer, have introduced some Cloud vendors to spread risks. Currently, there are:
- Microsoft’s Spring Cloud Azure
- Alibaba’s Spring Cloud Alibaba
- Amazon Spring Cloud for Amazon Web Services
- Spring Cloud GCP for Google Cloud Platform.
Huawei is also rumored to be working on a Spring Cloud-related suite.
So the majority of micro service developers do not have to worry about Netflix OSS removed will leave a blank. Do not know the majority of netizens have what views welcome message discussion. I am: code farmers xiao Pangge, pay more attention to share the latest programming knowledge and information.
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