The Predicate is used to implement the blacklist, but you need to restart the project every time you change the blacklist rules. Therefore, you need to store the routing information in the external data source. Periodically refresh the routing information in the SCG memory.
Train of thought
- So we can do that
Used to hold the RouteDefinition retrieved from RedisRedisRouteDefinitionRepository
Because ofRouteDefinitionRepository
And therefore will beCompositeRouteDefinitionLocator
Put it in, and beCachingRouteLocator
Take the corresponding RouteDefinition in Redis and replace it with Route. - With a place to store the RouteDefinition defined in Redis, isn’t there a role that takes the data in Redis and assembles it into a RouteDefinition stored in
, so you need to defineRedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator
Used to fetch the database from Redis to generate a RouteDefinition. Perhaps our routing information will be stored in MySQL, MongoDB, etc., so we can abstract out an interface that takes data from Repository and converts it to RouteDefinitionRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator
. - Based on the above, we can convert data from Redis to RouteDefinition when SCG starts and save it to
However, it is not enough to realize the synchronization of SCG update after the routing information in Redis is modified. A heartbeat mechanism similar to Nacos is needed to periodically notify SCG to obtain data in Redis again. So you can imitateNacos heartbeat mechanism implementationRedisRouteDefinitionWatch
Sends a heartbeat eventCachingRouteLocator
Re-fetch the RouteDefinition to regenerate the Route.
/** * Define an abstraction to get RouteDefinition from different data sources * @author li.hongjian * @email
lhj502819@163.com * @date 2021/4/1 */
public interface RouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator {
Flux<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions();
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/ * * * the Description: Used to retrieve the RouteDefinition Redis and save to {@ link RedisRouteDefinitionRepository} * * @ author li. Hongjian * @ email lhj502819@163.com * @Date 2021/4/1 */
public class RedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator implements RouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator {
private final String REDIS_ROUTE_ID_PREFIX = "route-*";
private StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate;
public RedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator(StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate) {
this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;
public Flux<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions() {
// Get RedisKey for the specified prefix. Redis uses Hash as its data structure and predicates and filters as its value structure.
// Predicates data structure JsonArray
// Since the PredicateDefinition constructor supports passing arguments in formats like Path=/ API /hello and automatically encapsulates them as name and args, we can store the following structures in Redis
/ / such as: [" Path = / API/hello ", "BlackRemoteAddr = 31.1/18"]. Said PathRoutePredicateFactory and BlackRemoteAddrRoutePredicateFactory
//filters are the same as predicates
return Flux.fromStream(redisTemplate.keys(REDIS_ROUTE_ID_PREFIX).parallelStream().map(routeId -> {
RouteDefinition routeDefinition = new RouteDefinition();
// Use RedisKey as the RouteID
Map<Object, Object> entries = redisTemplate.opsForHash().entries(routeId);
String uri = (String) entries.get("uri");
try {
routeDefinition.setUri(new URI(uri));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// Initialize the PredicateDefinition and add it to RouteDefinition
initPredicate(routeDefinition, entries);
// Initialize FilterDefinition and add it to RouteDefinition
initFilter(routeDefinition, entries);
return routeDefinition;
private void initPredicate(RouteDefinition routeDefinition, Map<Object, Object> entries) {
Object predicates = entries.get("predicates");
if (predicates == null) {
JSONArray predicateArry = JSONArray.parseArray((String) predicates);
predicateArry.parallelStream().forEach(predicate -> {
// Iterate through the predicates, create the RouteDefinition, and add it to the RouteDefinition
PredicateDefinition predicateDefinition = new PredicateDefinition((String) predicate);
private void initFilter(RouteDefinition routeDefinition, Map<Object, Object> entries) {
Object filters = entries.get("filters");
if (filters == null) {
JSONArray predicateArry = JSONArray.parseArray((String) filters);
predicateArry.parallelStream().forEach(filter -> {
// Iterate through the predicates, create the RouteDefinition, and add it to the RouteDefinitionFilterDefinition filterDefinition = new FilterDefinition((String) filter); routeDefinition.getFilters().add(filterDefinition); }); }}Copy the code
/ * * * the Description: Redis as a RouteDefinition Repository * * @author Li. hongjian * @email
lhj502819@163.com * @date 2021/4/1 */
public class RedisRouteDefinitionRepository implements RouteDefinitionRepository{
private final Map<String, RouteDefinition> routes = synchronizedMap(
new LinkedHashMap<String, RouteDefinition>());
private RedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator redidRouteDefinitionOperator;
/ RedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator is assembled in a * * * * @ param redidRouteDefinitionOperator * /
public RedisRouteDefinitionRepository(RedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator redidRouteDefinitionOperator) {
this.redidRouteDefinitionOperator = redidRouteDefinitionOperator;
/ * * * in {@ link CompositeRouteDefinitionLocator# getRouteDefinitions ()} call call redidRouteDefinitionOperator fetches data * to Redis @return */
public Flux<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions() {
redidRouteDefinitionOperator.getRouteDefinitions().flatMap(r -> save(Mono.just(r))).subscribe();
return Flux.fromIterable(routes.values());
public Mono<Void> save(Mono<RouteDefinition> route) {
return route.flatMap(r -> {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(r.getId())) {
return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("id may not be empty"));
routes.put(r.getId(), r);
return Mono.empty();
public Mono<Void> delete(Mono<String> routeId) {
return routeId.flatMap(id -> {
if (routes.containsKey(id)) {
return Mono.empty();
return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.error(
new NotFoundException("RouteDefinition not found: "+ routeId))); }); }}Copy the code
/** * @author li.hongjian * @email lhj502819@163.com * @Date 2021/4/1 */public class RedisRouteDefinitionWatch implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware, SmartLifecycle { private final TaskScheduler taskScheduler = getTaskScheduler(); private final AtomicLong redisWatchIndex = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false); private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher; private ScheduledFuture<? > watchFuture; private static ThreadPoolTaskScheduler getTaskScheduler() { ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler(); taskScheduler.setBeanName("Redis-Watch-Task-Scheduler");
return taskScheduler;
public void setApplicationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher) {
this.publisher = publisher;
public void start() {
if (this.running.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
this.watchFuture = this.taskScheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
this::redisServicesWatch, 30000); // Start a timer for 30 seconds}}/** * It is better to define a custom event, because if you use Nacos, it will conflict. In this case, you need to modify the SCG source code to listen for custom events */
private void redisServicesWatch() {
// nacos doesn't support watch now , publish an event every 30 seconds.
this.publisher.publishEvent( //30s Issue an event notifying SCG to repull
new HeartbeatEvent(this, redisWatchIndex.getAndIncrement()));
public void stop() {
if (this.running.compareAndSet(true, false) && this.watchFuture != null) {
public boolean isRunning() {
return false;
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This is done, based on Redis configuration of routing information and dynamic refresh function.
1. Data in Redis:
2, will RedisRouteDefinitionWatch, RedisRouteDefinitionRepository, RedisRouteDefinitionRepositoryOperator into the Spring container, such as @ Bean injection
Through the above two steps, can be completed. The code is poorly written.
You can verify by yourself, the test is effective.Code store address