
Development environment:

  • win10
  • jdk1.8
  • idea2019
  • Maven 3.2.5
  • Spring Boot v2.1.5.RELEASE

1. Syntax overview of YML files:

  lastNAME: carson
  age: 18
  boss: true
  birth: 1234/ 12/12
  {k: v,k2: v2}
  maps: {k1: v1,k2: v2}
  # array: - value
    - lisi
    - zhangsan
    - wangwu
    - zhaoliu
    name: The dog
    age: 3

       prefix: /WEB-INF/views/
       suffix: .jsp
     url: jdbc:mysql:///ssm
     username: root
     password: root
     driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
       ddl-auto: update

  port: 9090
Copy the code

2. Compare the @Value Value to the @configurationProperties Value

@ConfigurationProperties @Value
Batch injection of properties in the configuration file function Designate one by one
support Loosely bound (loosely syntactically) case Does not support
Does not support SpEL expression support
support JSR303 data verification Does not support
support Complex type encapsulation Does not support

The value can be obtained either way:

  • If we just need to get a Value from a configuration file for some business logic, use @value
  • If we write a javaBean specifically to map to the configuration file; @ConfigurationProperties



//@ConfigurationProperties (prefix = "person")
@Validated // To verify the data, if the data is abnormal, the unified exception will be thrown, convenient exception center unified processing.
public class Person {

    // @Email
    private String lastNAME;
    @Value("# {3 * 3}")
    private Integer age;
    private Boolean boss;
    private Date birth;
    private Map<String,Object> maps;
    private List<Object> lists;

    private Dog dog;
Copy the code

3. @PropertySource&@ImportResource

Because @ConfigurationProperties is a global annotation, if you want to specify it

  • @propertysource: can specify a file @propertysource (“classpath:

ImportResource: Import the Spring configuration file to make the contents of the configuration file take effect

  • Create a HelloService class
    • If there are no annotations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="helloService" class="com.carson.springboot.service.impl.HelloService"></bean>
Copy the code
    ApplicationContext ioc;

    public void testHelloService(a){
        // Whether to include the bean
        boolean b = ioc.containsBean("helloService");
Copy the code

False Indicates that there is no Spring configuration file in Spring Boot, and the configuration file written by ourselves cannot be automatically identified

If you want Spring configuration files to work, load them in. Just annotate @importResource on a configuration class

  • The main class
@ImportResource(locations = {"classpath:beans.xml"})
public class SpringbootApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args); }}Copy the code
    ApplicationContext ioc;

    public void testHelloService(a){
        // Whether to include the bean
        boolean b = ioc.containsBean("helloService");
Copy the code

SpringBoot recommends adding components to containers:

Using the @ Bean

  • 1. Configuration class ======Spring configuration file
    • Create a config package for the configuration class MyAppConfig

/ * * *@Configuration: indicates that the current class is a configuration class; This is to replace the previous Spring configuration file * * that used the <bean></bean> tag to add components */
public class MyAppConfig {

    // Add the return value of the method to the container. The default ids of the components in the container are the method names
    public HelloService helloService(a){
        return newHelloService(); }}Copy the code

Remember to remove the @importResource annotation from the main class!

The following output is displayed:. ____ ____ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \ / _ ` | \ \ \ \ \ \ / ___) | | _) | | | | | | | (_ | |))))' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.5. RELEASE) the 2019-06-29 16:53:48. 11084-081 the INFO [main] C.C.S.S pringbootApplicationTests: Starting SpringbootApplicationTests on DESKTOP-JBSD6AK with PID 11084 (started by My in F:\code\springboot) 2019-06-29 16:53:48. 11084-083 the INFO [main] C.C.S.S pringbootApplicationTests: No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: Default 16:53:52 2019-06-29. 11084-689 the INFO [main] O.S.S.C oncurrent. ThreadPoolTaskExecutor: Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'11084-2019-06-29 16:53:53. 988 INFO [main] C.C.S.S pringbootApplicationTests: Started SpringbootApplicationTests in 7.259 seconds (JVM running for 10.759) true 16:53:54 2019-06-29. 11084-433 the INFO  [ Thread-3] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Shutting down ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
Copy the code

Is also true

4. ${} in configuration files

The random number

The ${random. Int [1024655] 36}
Copy the code

${} gets the previously configured value

  lastNAME: bob${random.uuid}
  age: ${}
  boss: true
  birth: 1234/ 12/12
  maps: {k1: v1,k2: v2}
    - lisi
    - zhangsan
    - wangwu
    - zhaoliu
    name: ${person.lastNAME}_dog
    age: 3
Copy the code


name: ${person.lastNAME}_dog
Copy the code

If lastNAME doesn’t exist, then

name: ${person.lastNAME:hello}_dog
Copy the code

5. Profile

5.1 Multiple Profile Files

Profile is Spring’s support for providing different configuration functions for different environments. You can quickly switch environments by specifying parameters

For example, I configured 3 ports, one default, dev(development) and prod(test).

Master configuration file names can be application. Yml/application properties

The application. Yml configuration is used by default;

5.2 YML multi-document blocks

Separate documents with — fast

    active: dev 

  port: 9090

  port: 9091
  profiles: dev 

  port: 9092
  profiles: prod
Copy the code
  • Active: specifies which document is fast
  • Profiles: Specifies a name that is identified by active

5.3 Activating a Profile

1, specify in the configuration file

2, command line:

Add run > Edit > Program arguments to idea function bar



3. Jar the project in CMD

Java-jar (jar package name) –spring.profiles. Active =prod

4. Vm parameters:

Run > Edit >VM Options in the IDEA function bar

6. Load the Spring Boot configuration file

The Spring Boot startup scans the application.yml or file at the following location as the default configuration file

  • file: ./config/
  • file: ./
  • classpath: ./config/
  • classpath: /

In order of priority, all configuration files are loaded, and the high-priority configuration overrides the low-priority configuration

File: indicates a directory at the same level as SRC

Classpath: resources directory

We can also change the default configuration file location by configuring spring.config.location:

1. Package your project

2. Format of the command line: Java – jar package name — spring. Config. Location = F: / app/application. The properties (the absolute path to the configuration file)

After the project is packaged, some configurations may need to be changed later, so you can use this approach, and the old configuration will still exist and the new configuration will be applied

7. Load sequence of external configuration

SpringBoot can also load configurations from the following locations, from high priority to low priority, high priority overrides low priority, and if there are different configurations, they complement each other

  1. Command line arguments

    java -jar xxx.jar –server.port=8081 –xxx

    Multiple configurations are separated by Spaces: — XXX — XXX

  2. NDI attributes from Java :comp/env

  3. Java System Properties(system.getProperties ())

  4. Operating system environment variables

  5. RandomValuePropertySource configuration of the random. * attribute values

Find inside jar from outside jar:

Those with profiles are loaded preferentially

  1. Application -{profile}. Properties or application.yml(with spring.profile) configuration file in the “outside” part of the JAR package
  2. Application -{profile}. Properties or application.yml(with spring.profile) configuration file in the “inside” part of the JAR package

Then load the profile without it

  1. Application. Properties or Application. Yml (without Spring.profile) configuration file for the “outside” part of the JAR package
  2. Application. Properties or application. Yml (without spring.profile) configuration file for the “inside” part of the JAR package

There are others:

  1. @Configuration Annotation @propertysource on the class
  2. Through SrpingApplication. SetDefaultProperties specify a default properties

See chapter 24 of the official documentation for details

8. Principle of automatic configuration (key)

What exactly can autoconfiguration do? How to write? Automatic configuration principle:

The document address

See x. Appendices in the last chapter of the directory

It tells you what the configuration items are

In fact:

  • 1.SpringBoot launches load a large number of auto-configuration classes
  • 2. Let’s see if the functionality we need is automatically configured by default in SpringBoot
  • 3. Let’s take a look at what components are configured in this auto-configuration class. (As long as the components we want to use have, we don’t need to configure them.)
  • 4. When adding a component to the auto-configuration class in the container, we get some properties from the Properties class. We can specify the values of these properties in the configuration file

XxxxAutoConfigurartion: automatic configuration class;

Add components to the container

XxxxProperties: Encapsulates the related properties in the configuration file;


Idea Double-click Shift to search *AutoConfiguration

Click on automatic configuration related to cache

We will see the following source code:

@AutoConfigureAfter({CouchbaseAutoConfiguration.class, HazelcastAutoConfiguration.class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class, RedisAutoConfiguration.class})
public class CacheAutoConfiguration {
    public CacheAutoConfiguration(a) {}Copy the code

CTRL + left mouse click:

/ / click CacheProperties
Copy the code

We’ll see on the CacheProperties class:

    prefix = "spring.cache"
public class CacheProperties {
Copy the code

Prefix = “spring.cache” : is the syntactic prefix in the yML /properties configuration file

What specific things can be configured?

It is these

Or you can use the idea code to prompt in the configuration file, such as I call the first getType

So that’s the source code way to see what we can configure in a configuration file, right

Let’s say I want to connect to a database, so LET me search

I see the fields we need, and many of the methods below (no screenshots here).

The next step is to configure the configuration file:

Details of 9.

@conditional derives annotations

It is essentially using the @Conditional annotation underlying Spring

Action: Only if @Conditional conditions are true can a component be added to the container, the contents of the configuration class take effect; if false is returned, the configuration will not take effect

SpringBoot extends @Conditional annotations such as:

How do we know which classes are working and which are not? Simply add:

debug: true	
Copy the code

Then run our vermilion class:

We’ll see:

There are: