Front – and back-end separation is a development approach that is becoming more and more popular, and more and more enterprises are moving in this direction. So why do we choose front and rear end separation? What are the real development benefits of front-end and back-end separation?

The separation of the front and back end can make the special person do the special work, and the responsibility is clearer. The front end team does the page, and the back end team is responsible for the interface development, which does not affect each other. The interface is used as the docking, and the development can be carried out at the same time.

Of course, if at the beginning, there will be a lot of problems, such as how to interact with the front end? How to set the unified format of the interface? How to transfer user login information to the background? Can data be encrypted?

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the development method of front and back end separation, as well as a series of problems and solutions encountered during the development process.

Course outline

  • Course is an introduction to
  • Vue simple introduction
  • Background framework construction
  • Realize the function of add, delete, change and check
  • Login interface development
  • The front and back end are logged in
  • How does the background get login user information
  • How do I limit interfaces that can only be invoked when LOGGED in
  • The interface returns data encryption
  • Front-end unified decryption
  • Front-end POST request unified encryption
  • The backend requests unified decryption
  • GET Indicates that the interface parameter signature prevents tampering
